Two problems - Scamdemic cull/kill protocols - Jacqui Deevoy documentaries; AND GoF chimeric spike bioweapon/toxin.
"Don't throw the baby out with the bath water." Regarding: 'No virus!' 'No GoF!' or 'All fake!' Not natural is not the same as 'not real'. Fraud and fakery may have been used, but something new exists
Two problems are two problems. Focusing on only one or the other problem misses the larger picture of having two problems. And it also fails to see how the two problems combine into a third problem - denial of harm from the CoV injections, and lack of appropriate treatment or research into treatment of the jab injured. (Spoiler - pomegranate and other phenols are protective against chimeric spike issues, and other natural treatments can help too.) My archives have a variety of posts on these topics.
Problem one: The Scamdemic and use of CoV kill protocols in hospitals and nursing homes is very real and horrific - and by design. It wasn’t ‘a mistake’.
The Scamdemic and use of PCR tests to inflate “Covid19” rates and the use of government promoted or mandated COVID19 kill protocols for “treating” the imaginary “Covid19” cases IS VERY REAL. Yes, our governments used taxpayer money and debt in order to kill us at a profit to doctors and hospitals and lots of other billionaires. If the pension funds have been drained by reckless government spending, then killing off the pensioners is just one idea for covering up that issue.
The PCR tests were giving out false positives readily (note papaya example) - 45 cycles over-amplified any background gene sequences into meaninglessness, and the original proteins that were being compared to, may also have been for proteins in the solution of the testing swab vials.
“We Sent Them Samples of a Goat, a Papaya & a Pheasant”, All Tested Positive for Covid-19: Tanzanian President Catches WHO In Epic Lie, May 11, 2020 by mosesman, (
Midazolam is one of the medications commonly used in ‘CoV’ kill protocols in the UK, National Health System (NHS). A freelance investigator in the UK has made a couple documentaries about the elderly and disabled in nursing homes being killed with Midazolam prescriptions using Covid treatment as an excuse.
UNN’s Jacqui Deevoy gives ‘Midazolam murders’ update on today’s UK Column, 1 November, 2023, Jacqui Deevoy, (
Documentary: A Good Death – Watch: ( This is about CoV hospital kill protocols using Midazolam in the UK National Health System, (NHS). Is involuntary euthanasia what anyone desires? for themselves or a loved one who entered the NHS seeking care?
Just released documentary: Playing God - Watch: ( NHS medication deaths related to CoV and historically- there is a pattern of excess medication use and following protocols arbitrarily. Kickbacks from pharmaceutical companies to doctors may be part of the money trail incentivizing excessive medication prescriptions. *Emotionally moving, sad, black and white video of the live interviews sharing the sad stories of loved ones who died at medical hands makes the emotion more dramatic and occasional color photos stand out. This documentary is a history of NHS medical abuses, showing us how we arrived at CoV era abuses. A quote near the end reminds us that “medicine should be available at the point of need, with compassion and care, honesty and truth.” True - but we have been betrayed regarding the definition of ‘medicine’.
Problem two: Chimeric spike and GoF research is real, though not ‘natural’.
Gain of Function research on transmissable agents of illness or death has been ongoing for decades and while it is based on lies and fraud and money-making schemes - man-made horrors have been produced and are polluting our environment and are still being recommended or mandated in many places.
That the Scamdemic is real, and deadly, and tax-funded, does not mean that Gain of Function research into creating potentially deadly or disabling ‘virus’ or mRNA ‘vaccines’ isn’t also possible, and real in the sense that mad scientists really created it by various methods and over decades of preceding work. That it did not immediately kill as well as hoped is certainly possible and plausible in a horror fiction novel. News flash, we are living in a horror fiction novel - except that it is really happening to us IRL.
What the chimeric spike US DoD funded bioweapon is doing well, is long-term effects. People who did bump into the mad scientist creation rather than a standard flu*, are more likely to have cognitive problems now, and possibly other LongCovid symptoms. People who got the CoV injections, and some people who were passively exposed to those people, have been having varied negative effects and some deaths have occurred. This toxin passes through breast milk and makes babies ill or die. Miscarriage rate has greatly increased and maternal complications and deaths too.
The chimeric spike itself is a toxin - it doesn’t need a virus to do harm. The CoV injections cause harm by causing production of the chimeric spike.
The chimeric spike and shorter peptide sections of it can make tadpoles sick in the wilderness.
The chimeric spike itself, or peptide sections of it, make aquatic species sick. 🤔 Note that a human fetus goes through a tadpole like stage in very early development. The increased miscarriage rate is because of the cholinergic blocking effects of the S1 subsection of the chimeric spike.
‘SARS-CoV-2 chimeric spike aquatic effects on species’ AI summary:
The SARS-CoV-2 chimeric spike protein, [and/or peptides] derived from the full-length SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein, has been shown to have adverse effects on aquatic species. Studies have investigated the toxicity of these peptides on tadpoles (Physalaemus cuvieri) from Brazil and South America.
Key Findings:
1. Oxidative Stress and Cholinesterasic Effects: Exposure to SARS-CoV-2 chimeric spike peptides (PSPD2001, PS…
The chimeric spike peptides were found to promote acetylcholinesterase
…chimeric spike peptides - smaller sections of the full protein, were found to promote activity of acetylcholinesterase, which is an enzyme that breaks down acetylcholine. So, cholinergic dysfunction symptoms during CoV or Longcovid or CoV jab injuries, could be from lack of acetylcholine, in addition to the jab version S1 section inhibition of the nACh and mAch receptors. Nicotine and caffeine may be protective rather than bad habits, during CoV era. It is endemic, we are in a new age - the era of man-made chimeric spike.
Read more of the AI summary (SARS-CoV-2 chimeric spike aquatic effects on species)
Sections of the chimeric spike increased activity of acetylcholinesterase in tadpoles. (Charlie-Silva, et al., 2021) That would decrease cholinergic signaling by removing acetylcholine faster than normal. Eating egg yolk provides us more choline, drinking coffee inhibits acetylcholinesterase, using nicotine would provide more cholinergic signaling by nAChR receptors. Related posts: Coffee & nicotine to support cholinergic function: (prior post); Choline deficiency has been linked to Alzheimer’s: (prior post).
“In both concentrations, PSPD2002 and PSPD2003 increased catalase and superoxide dismutase antioxidants enzymes activities, as well as oxidative stress (nitrite levels, hydrogen peroxide and reactive oxygen species). All three peptides also increased acetylcholinesterase activity in the highest concentration. These peptides showed molecular interactions in silico with acetylcholinesterase and antioxidant enzymes. Aquatic particle contamination of SARS-CoV-2 has cholinesterasic effect in P. cuvieri tadpoles. These findings indicate that the COVID-19 can constitute environmental impact or biological damage potential.”
Varied species of wildlife are carrying SARS-CoV-2 - that means it is endemic in humans and the wild.
An examination of 23 species found SARS-CoV-2 in 6 species (positive RT-qPCR from 8 deer mice, 4 Virginia opossums, 4 raccoons, 3 Eastern cottontail rabbits, 3 groundhogs, and one Eastern red bat) and frequency was more associated with human use areas than less human use areas. (Goldberg, et al., 2024) They used a PCR procedure and didn’t check any papaya, so we don’t really know the accuracy of these results… ;-) (Musical interlude: The Twelve Days of Christmas, Burl Ives, Youtube)
“We amplified SARS-CoV-2 RNA extracted from nasopharyngeal/oropharyngeal samples by RT-qPCR from six of the 23 species examined (26.1% of species sampled) and had a total of 23 unique individual animals that were positive (2.9% of samples tested; n = 789; Fig. 1a, b, Supplementary Tables 1–3, Supplementary Data 1). This included eight deer mice (P. maniculatus; 4.7%, N = 172), four Virginia opossums (Didelphis virginiana; 2.9%, N = 140), four raccoons (Procyon lotor; 4.8%, N = 84), three Eastern cottontail rabbits (Sylvilagus floridanus; 2.5%, N = 118), three groundhogs (Marmota monax; 9.7%, N = 31), and one Eastern red bat (Lasiurus borealis; 8.3%, N = 12) (Fig. 1b).” (Goldberg, et al., 2024)
A video platform discussion of SARS-CoV-2 early detection using sewage screening.

Video: Sars-Covid-2 in the Aquatic Environment, Sept. 17, 2020,
This man-made monstrosity is spreading to wildlife, zoo animals, mink farms, and a few pets. It may not be a “pandemic” but it has become endemic - now part of the ecosystem.
Good news - nature provided us with ‘medicine’ that truly can help.
The good news, plant phenols are protective, including the gallic acids in pomegranate peel. Curcumin was also effective in this article.
“Here, we provide experimental evidence that, among 56 tested polyphenols, including plant extracts, brazilin, theaflavin-3,3’-digallate, and curcumin displayed the highest binding with the receptor-binding domain of spike protein, inhibiting viral attachment to the human angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 receptor, and thus cellular entry of pseudo-typed SARS-CoV-2 virions.”
Phenolic compounds disrupt spike-mediated receptor-binding and entry of SARS-CoV-2 pseudo-virions, (Goc, et al., 2021)
Brazilin is an anti-inflammatory compound found in wood from specific species of trees. It has shown anti-cancer benefits. (Najla, et al., 2024)
Curcumin is a medicinal phytonutrient found in Turmeric root, which is made into a powdered spice that is used in curries and was used as a food preservative in older times. There is a large body of research about curcumin. It is a vitamin D receptor agonist. Interestingly, attempts to make curcumin more likely to enter the body from the intestinal tract haven’t shown the expected benefits - it may be providing us health benefits by acting within the intestines and supporting a healthier microbial balance, *me speculating.
Theaflavin-3, 3’-digallate is a major compound found in black tea. Jain, et al., 2022 explore the role theaflavin-3, 3’-digallate might play in inhibiting SARS-CoV-2 at various stages of its ‘life’ cycle. (Jain, et al., 2022) Pomegranate peel has similar catechins as green and black tea.
The chimeric spike is a long-term disability for a profit generator, and its ‘virus’ version didn’t make people as acutely ill as was needed for an obvious “deadly pandemic” - so we got lies and kill protocols and dancing nurse videos (those still don’t make sense, but NHS funded them, suggested by a more recent ad for dancers for avian flu or monkeypox dance videos (I forget the details) call in the mental health department, someone at the top needs help.
*Flu didn’t really go away, the CoV PCR tests just called it CoV - CoV PCR tests called a papaya CoV positive ~ a President of an African nation tested a papaya and announced the results.
Chimeric spike is a man-made monstrosity, which was computer sequencing generated somehow, and attached to a virus to try to make the Scamdemic work. The real deadly spread was from the injections - a Trojan Horse to get gene changes into us. They did have DNA contamination. At least one person has been found that is still producing chimeric spike 3 years later - his mRNA jab wasn’t temporary, it did get taken up into the nucleus of some cells . . . based on the evidence of his still producing it.
When humans are injected with the mRNA version the coronavirus chimeric spike is being produced on the surface of the human cell - which would NEVER happen in the viral version of ‘Covid19’, or during a cold or flu infection with a typical coronavirus. The viral replication process occurs within a cell and then also use some of the human cell membrane as they burst out. With the mRNA injection system, the chimeric spike is made by the human cell and placed on the surface of the human cell like it is a normal human surface protein - then antibodies are supposed to form against it because it isn’t a normal human surface protein (making autoimmune disease against human surface proteins more likely too). That the human cells have chimeric spike on their surface, means that anytime exosomes are formed, those will also have chimeric spike on them, and be spreadable within the person’s body, or be able to be spread to other people in sweat, exhaled breath, or body fluids.
»> The Scamdemic and kill protocols and death in hospitals more than in homeless encampments, is very real. That happened and it is an atrocity of mass murder - at tax payer expense - even the dancing nurse videos (“Gag me with a spoon.” - Moon Unit Zappa)
»> Peter Daszak, Ralph Baric, and Gain of Function Fauci, are all very real, and mainstream media loves them. They have a long patent trail, and previous Scam-virus-demics (HIV/AIDs), on their resumes.
Don’t throw out the monstrous man-made baby with the bathwater.
Denying reality is only a mental escape.
The bathwater -
The Scamdemic is real,
and it is true that virology is full of flaws and fraud,
but it is also true that ‘virology’ and man-made monstrosities are based on ancient nature. Virus are pre-life - very early life, and viral gene sequences are part of the gene sequences of complex species including humans - so a slurry of human cells will seem to have “virus” within it if slurried into a fine enough sludge - and during the sludging process the mixture would possibly recombine into a few gene sections that seem new and unlike ‘human’ - because it had been centrifuged dummies…..
And normal human made exosomes are part of normal function and are basically very similar to ‘virus’ — the passive spread ‘technology’ of mRNA injections capitalizes on the way we naturally form exosomes within the body. Exosomes naturally also spread between people - pheromones are a subtype example of the larger category of exosomes.
We need to shine a light on the dirty bathwater - the Scamdemic and profit trail of death, but we need to not deny, that humans did create a man-made monstrosity in the chimeric spike. The viral version didn’t make people as sick as necessary to support the ‘Emergency Use Approval’ for the Trojan Horse mRNA injections which were even worse for human health and fertility. They also had a delayed cancer and disability effect which we are seeing more and more of now. Prion disease is also more likely, or Alzheimer’s or other neurological conditions.
The monster baby can make tadpoles sick - don’t throw out the bathwater in wetlands.

We have a dirty bathwater problem - corruption throughout government, media, and medical ‘professionals’.
We also have man-made monstrosity problem - the chimeric spike includes pathogenic sequences from many other ‘virus’ including HIV/AIDS, Dengue virus, Rabies, and the body has difficulty breaking down the chimeric spike. It separates into ~ 7 parts, that are prion like/amyloid cluster like.
And a cover-up of the damage problem is combining problem 1 and 2 into problem 3 - lies about the very real epidemic of CoV vaccine injuries. Large rubbery clot formation is being seen by embalmers, commonly now - but only whistle-blowers are talking about it. People don’t want to lose their jobs. This is a corruption at the top problem, covering up a mass culling for profit problem. Various methods are used for the culling - if the chimeric spike isn’t killing enough, just add Midazolam, or Remdesivir, or vent & sedate protocols - and ban any medications or procedures that could be curative.
The bad news is that seeking help from the for-profit death facilities is a bad idea - they provide death management for a profit to someone.
In the US the doctors and hospitals are in on the profit, I don’t know how profit may be working in the NHS system, but the government removing pensioners or sick people from care needs is a possible money trail. The dancing nurse videos - what are the saying? “Come die with us, it is fun!” . . . ?
The AI image generator couldn’t make something as bizarre as the dancing health workers during an ‘epidemic’ videos. Exhausted, over-worked by an emergency, workers, don’t have time or energy to practice a choreographed dance. The world has gone insane? or just the NHS and other unknown medical locations?

One exhausted health professional says to the other, “Let’s hop up and practice the Macarena!”

Click through for dancing nurse compilation video: (
People are dying! Let’s dance!
um, what?
The defenders of the narrative would probably say the dance videos were to boost morale. My morale was not boosted, speaking for myself. It isn't a great way to boost professional respect either. Maybe the health workers needed a morale boost to help them cope with killing patients with Midazolam, morphine, and other drugs or ventilate/sedate.
Why make dancing nurse videos? They are recruiting videos for replacement international workers is a suggestion - as the W.H.O. is promoting international health worker migration … except the guidance manual says that is unethical. But firing workers over the mandated shot and then hiring international replacements has happened in Canada. Replacement workers might have fewer qualms about following a protocol that kills patients maybe, or government subsidies for salary is a financial incentive to hire immigrant workers. (I don’t know.)

But why would international health professionals want to work with line dancers? <puzzled face emoji>

User’s Guide; The WHO Global Code of Practice on the International Recruitment of Health Personnel, (
The number one point in the WHO Global Code of Practice user guide is that it is unethical to recruit health professionals from home nations that need their own health professionals.

I wandered away from the topic of tadpoles and groundhogs, but it is also unethical that a man-made monstrosity is infecting them and their habitat.
We have two problems and a combined third problem:
a dangerous health care system that is killing people with dangerous medications and protocols - and may be replacing locally trained health professionals with international replacements;
and a man-made chimeric spike bioweapon that was delivered via virus or in a pseudouridinylated form in the mRNA CoV injections.
And CoV injection or passive exposure illness is being denied. Adequate treatment and real research into treatment is not really happening because admitting that chimeric spike is a toxin that directly causes harm is not allowed to be said. The injections are still being recommended (now part of the infant regular vaccination schedule) and/or mandated in some circumstances. Kamala Harris mandates that her staff get the CoV injections per word of mouth, I haven’t verified that.
Disclaimer: This information is being shared for educational purposes within the guidelines of Fair Use and is not intended to provide individual health guidance.
Reference List
(Charlie-Silva, et al., 2021) Charlie-Silva I, Araújo APC, Guimarães ATB, Veras FP, Braz HLB, de Pontes LG, et al., Toxicological insights of Spike fragments SARS-CoV-2 by exposure environment: A threat to aquatic health? J Hazard Mater. 2021 Oct 5;419:126463. doi: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2021.126463. Epub 2021 Jun 25. PMID: 34216962; PMCID: PMC8226002.
(Goc, et al., 2021) Goc A, Sumera W, Rath M, Niedzwiecki A (2021) Phenolic compounds disrupt spike-mediated receptor-binding and entry of SARS-CoV-2 pseudo-virions. PLoS ONE 16(6): e0253489.
(Goldberg, et al., 2024) Goldberg, A.R., Langwig, K.E., Brown, K.L. et al. Widespread exposure to SARS-CoV-2 in wildlife communities. Nat Commun 15, 6210 (2024).
(Jain, et al., 2022) Jain M, Anand A, Shah A. Exploring the Potential Role of Theaflavin-3,3′-Digallate in Inhibiting Various Stages of SARS-CoV-2 Life Cycle: An In-Silico Approach. Chemistry Africa. 2022;5(4):883–98. doi: 10.1007/s42250-022-00376-7. Epub 2022 Jun 23. PMCID: PMC9219385.
(Najla, et al., 2024) Najla, R.C., Syifa, Z., Ilmiah, F.A., Riezki, A., Article review: Brazilin as potential anticancer agent, Frontiers in Pharmacology, Vol 15, 2024, DOI=10.3389/fphar.2024.1355533, ISSN=1663-9812
If you want to know what it is......
My friend is in hospital, UK, and it seems 50%+ of nurses are black Africans with their differing accents. UK has recruited from abroad for many years. Where my friend is, twice they stopped visitors for ten days when 2 different newly patients coughed, had elevated temperatures. Neither required any specialised treatment. All other patients required testing too, but not staff! Too many in NHS were positive having time off and causing staff shortages.