Thin male athletes are dying more from jabs because they are thin male athletes - Got it yet?
Very little adipose tissue except around the heart, LNPs go to fats preferentially, & hard work causes inflammatory myokines.
Compilation of news clips about jabs, and sudden deaths in young male athletes: This video was well done, BUT, I have to start making my own documentaries or news snippets. IT ISN'T A MYSTERY TO ME! Thin males are more at risk because of less adipose in the body with the majority being around the heart. Athletes are more at risk because strenuous exercise cause a cytokine like storm from muscle tissue myokines. Polyphenols and stopping strenuous exercise is needed and no more prototype DoD bioweapon jabs. #GotItYet ?
Underground Court Lady, a vak industry employee, shared the thin males theory on Twitter in mid 2021, early in this. I learned of the myokines/exercise link in a webinar in autumn 2021. THE NEWS ARE IDIOTS AND MEDICAL DOCTORS ARE TOO, OR ARE LYING.
One of the athlete teen deaths was an overweight young black man - he probably already had heart disease, low magnesium, and maybe early stage non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. He would have been high risk and add strenuous exercise, boom myokine storm.
Please listen, please share. I have been heavily censored for over a decade because I tried to warn the Democratic Party and Federal government that UScitizens were sick because the food supply is flawed. I thought it mistakes at first - human hubris about being “correct” and profit motive.
I got such an enormous backlash that I was astonished and didn't handle it as well as I thought I was handling it at the time. BUT, I did survive it. I may have been killed socially and politically but I am not actually dead. People willing to ignore cancel culture, please share my work. I am very sorry for being born female, I understand now that females/wives/mothers still are second class citizens, barely thought of as human, more a saint servant or pet.
Hunter Gatherer societies had autonomy. Males were boss in their area, more the hunting, and females in their area, gathering and child protecting. Exploitation of women and children became more apparent along with property ownership. Own the land, own the ability to produce free workers.
I share so much of my writing openly because allegedly the US has been sharing everything I produce digitally on a livestream on the deepnet. The majority of my readers for a long time would get all of my posts no matter what site I posted on because they were getting a keystroke copy livestreamed. I cannot prepare anything secretly because even hand written or VPN still has drone surveillance looking over my shoulder. I tried various things over the year to write something secretly, because being spied on creeps me out more than any desire for top secrecy.
My core value is equal opportunity provision of public health info that is safe and effective and thorough enough to be individualized through screening questions. So my response to having no privacy was to publish more. If some people were stealing all my work, I would want everyone else not stealing my work to have a chance to be helped by it.
We aren’t supposed to talk about this because the US made it illegal to talk about their Watch List and Patriot Act activities.
These people kill. I left my ex-marital family when the rumor mill picked up on threats of murder suicide. I didn't want my family to be killed and me left looking like a crazy murderer.
I went the discredited but alive route instead and it slightly reduced the flack but more just changed the style of flack. Oh, well. I am NOT LITERALLY DEAD and that is a good thing for parents who need me now.
I wandered from the point, the Underground Courtlady is from the vak I dusty but she had to keep anonymous because there is danger. They forced her to take jabs to keep her job and she had a really bad reaction, then was forced to take the second one too. And disappeared for a while. Point 👉 the vak industry knows what they are doing, and they are in the clear legally because it is a DoD OTA contract for a prototype to be produced. The clinical trial was just a stageshow. Many lower level employees did not know it was a DoD product and that the clinical trial was just for show. It was supposed to look like a normal vaccine system rather than a Department of Defense contract to produce a product of their design.
I have to find the Substack link. Video link, DISCUSSION WITH KATHERINE WATT ON AMERICAN DOMESTIC BIOTERRORISM PROGRAM, which has a transcript link in the notes: ( Changes in laws starting in 1983 has set up this rogue situation. Congress gave away power to the Secretary of Health and Human Services that it did not constitutionally have a right to give away. This video is a long history leading up to the current events. It seems Pfizer isn’t legally bound to normal clinical standards for production of a DoD prototype.
Katherine Watts’ SubStack is Bailiwick News:
Related tangentially
Increased exploitation of women and children is a common step in authoritarian takeover. Addict the population, break up the power structure of traditional families, limit groups from meeting for other activities. Distract, divide, disinformation, confuse, frighten, and the public wants to be saved by an authoritarian with a confident spiel.
February 2021: E-Mail from Isreali Ministry of Health to EMA asking about "Safety Signal Myokarditis in younger population".
The Israeli Ministry of health KNEW OF 40 CASES, in FEB 2021. They were hiding it from the public.
And they continued to push the shots. CRIMINALS!
The US lost WWII by infiltration by bad Nazi’s. WWII history is complex as you get into it. Hitler was really helping his people, and the fight was against Bolsheviks who had done bloody horror taking over Russia. German people were being harmed in border regions. He was a savior to those people. Zionist Jews were the Bolsheviks basically, and Hitler made it clear that he was fighting communists, who were Jewish, not fighting all Jews.
The Zionist owned press at the time were the instigators. Public announcements long before the official start of WWII proclaimed a Jewish war on Germans and that all Germans must be killed. Hitler tried hard for peace. The underlying issue was he had created a new system of money that the rest of the world banking industry was locked out of. The nation was doing well, rebuilding after WWI.
Once the war was more on, infiltration occurred so there were bad Nazi’s within the ranks of a mixed nationality fighting force, very ethnic mix, not all white and blonde as cartoon images show. The very mixed group all knew directly of the blood bath that had taken place in Russia by the Bolsheviks. Repeated rape was part of their routine and death to many civilians. And they were expanding at the borders.
Infiltration happened in the US at least starting in the 1920s as I have direct knowledge of Jews who faked names, fake religion and education and on e here set up an immigration support group that helped 20,000 or so more immigrants to enter the US. I wonder how many had fake names and histories too?
The US gained more high level Nazi’s after the war in Operation Paperclip. Truman didn't approve actual Nazi entries, so fake histories were paperclips to real histories and then the paperclip was removed so to speak. Real history gone.
To have any grasp on what is going on it is important to understand that there is a smaller covert group of Luciferians who have posed as Jews for centuries secretly working together to take over the world. And they are close now, infiltrated major religions at high levels and nations and banking, media, etcetera. They protect each other at very high levels and anyone who crosses them gets suicided somehow how, or discredited, and families are threatened. Would you shut up if you knew your entire family might be killed somehow in retaliation?
If we want to count dead babies, let’s remember the almost half a million children who disappear EACH year in the US. The UK is the second most dangerous nation to be a child, close to 200,000 I think disappear there each year. In Ukraine newborns are lost in the hospital, seriously, a problem. Deliver your baby, have it taken for some excuse, and never see it again.
I had homebirths with a midwife for my two because I didn't want to risk the 25% C-section rate at the time. Now it is ~33 %. Breaking news - being pregnant is not a disease, delivering a baby is not a medical procedure. Help is nice but TV show and real herioc taxi cab drivers can catch a baby. Mom is doing the work.
When women are so unhealthy that it is a medical risk, then, ideally, men should not be messing with them, to use older terms. Husband’s would be asked to be courteous and not risk a pregnancy for their wife.
We have literal ancestors of Nazi/Bolshevik infiltrators of the Hitler Nazi’s who were placed in high level positions in the mitary industrial complex, so US research and policies are Nazi infiltrator/Bolshevik policies. We are now seeing chimeric spike mRNA in Pegylated LNPs being injected into a (dwindling) cooperative public, billed as a CoV vaccine when instead it is a DoD prototype. Infertility for three generations has been said to be a goal, I think by the Yoel guy whose name I can't remember well 🤔 .
We need to be asking ourselves what is it a prototype of? What is it supposed to do? Inducing infertility in unwanted wild animal populations was the clearly stated goal in mRNA passive vaccination animal research - which worked BTW. The Lipid NanoParticles are attracted to adipose and fatty cell membranes, endothelial cells lining blood vessels are fatty cell membranes for example. The distribution study done by a Japanese group found the LNPs preferentially went to the ovaries, spleen and a few other organs that I would want to check the reference for. In addition to the myocarditis and athlete deaths there has been a huge increase in menstrual bleeding changes, and excessive bleeding, and miscarriages, still births, babies born prematurely and with defects, and deaths from lactation by a CoV injected mother.
News flash - the mRNA ‘vaccination’ is acting a lot like the animal research for inducing infertility in an unwanted animal population.
‘Passive vaccination’ in vitro animal study - “Interestingly, there appears to be more than a strictly linear increase of serum titers with mRNA doses for mAbs.” (Thran, et al., 2017) This is not the study I was looking for though. Seems earlier, they are calling the mRNA induction of a specific antigen/antibody itself ‘passive vaccination’ and they used the technique on a variety of conditions including rabies, successfully per the article. (Thran, et al., 2017)
What I saw was a pdf of a US government or tech origin about advances in technology that might be expected and one section was about the passive vaccination of wild animal populations and I found more info at the time but I think it is lost with Twitter suspension. because it is not in the document I expected it to be in. I can’t find it in my disorganized Dropbox.
I got to go - errands to do.

Operation Mind Control - Our Government’s Secret War Against Its Own People, by W. H. Bowart, (pdf in my Dropbox) This is real history. Really disturbing too.
**The thin males need to detox thoroughly, live at a more moderate pace, and eat more polyphenols when they exercise to help reduce the myokine effects. Magnesium would also protective, chelated glycinate, threonate, or other chelates may be superior to ionic supplements for GIabsorption during inflammation, or topical Epsom salts is my recommendation as the sulfate is also protective. every 3-5 days or so is adequate, 20-minute soaks with a cup of salt in a half full bath. Mitochondrial support nutrients would also help and full range movement with gentle stretching.
Peace be with you. Nature has our back, we need to have hers too.
We are harming other species. “Climate change” is being lied about, yes, but human destruction of the environment is happening.
Operation Paperclip became too obvious on the European side of things and had to be slowed way down per this 20 Feb 1952 memo.
From a pdf I have somewhere. Screenshot I saw while browsing my files.
Disclaimer: Opinions are my own and the information is provided for educational purposes within the guidelines of fair use. While I am a Registered Dietitian this information is not intended to provide individual health guidance. Please see a health professional for individual health care purposes.
Reference List
(Thran, et al., 2017) Thran M, Mukherjee J, Pönisch M, Fiedler K, Thess A, Mui BL, Hope MJ, Tam YK, Horscroft N, Heidenreich R, Fotin-Mleczek M, Shoemaker CB, Schlake T. mRNA mediates passive vaccination against infectious agents, toxins, and tumors. EMBO Mol Med. 2017 Oct;9(10):1434-1447. doi: 10.15252/emmm.201707678. PMID: 28794134; PMCID: PMC5623855.