'Shedding' yes, very big deal per Dr's Ana Mihalcea and Michael Roth; in an EDTA chelation video.
No words can really describe how bad this is. Shed some tears, try to be brave - courage is facing fear and acting anyway.
Video: EDTA Detoxification for Metals, Graphene and Hydrogel. Arthema Sophia Publishing - Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD, with Dr. Michael Roth. November 23, 2022. (Rumble) At ~ minute 1:08:00 Dr. Michael Roth is discussing why the push to vaccinate everyone stopped. He states “70%, once you hit 70% [CoV vaccinated], the rest, the 30% receive the [gene transfection and self-assembling nano clotting things] through shedding.” - Dr. Michael Roth. [and me]
This screenshot was from earlier in the video and shows S-protein in black, antigen/antibody staining around amyloid fibrils: “The figure below shows the amyloid fibrils formed from a spike protein.” (*the ‘a’ seems like a typo to me, the antigen staining suggests many spike proteins together).

This is a follow-up to my last post: Chimeric spike has a gene sequence similar to hydrogel; fibrinolytics don't seem to break up the weird clots. EDTA has helped per Dr. Mihalcea. (substack.com) It got a brief addition after I watched the video, but there was too much more to share - or too shocking. All three scientists in the two videos, (Dr. Ana, and Michael Roth in this one, and she and Clifford Carnicom in the video linked in that post), are in agreement that this is diabolical or other words were used and may really affect the viability of the human race. I would think that there may be a genocide feature, some ethnic groups may be safer from the chimeric spike than others. We will find out as we find out - if we get any news about it on the grapevine of social media platforms and freer media stations.
This post is also related - non-neutralizing antibodies are formed instead of effective ones as more and more spike boosters are received. IgG4 antibodies - the autoimmune kind we don't want, are elevated by increasing # of CoV jabs. Passive exposure is likely similar. (substack.com) Repeated episodes of passive exposure flair-ups is likely very similar to having received a ‘booster vak’ except it would be fewer exosomes than the jab’s Lipid Nanoparticles and it wouldn’t contain other jab adjuvants or mystery ingredients.
***Negative ionizers would help clump positively charged spike exosomes in the air, and also helps clear mold and other volatile chemicals. Public areas and homes should get negative ionizers to help reduce passive exposure and infection risks.***
To figure out what a machine was made for an engineer will look at what it does - it was likely designed to do that function rather than it randomly being able to do so. The chimeric spike seems designed to induce infertility and also the chronic conditions that will increase chances of an early death, but I think those were supposed to happen far enough out in time from the jab dates to be less noticeable than what has happened. The diabolical mad scientists seem to have over-engineered their prototype into something more immediately harmful than expected - or they didn’t care. If depopulation is the goal, the more the merrier to reach that huge goal.
Think like a horror novel writer because it seems they are insiders too, some of them. Writers reveal who they are within their themes and characters, or movie and music producers, and government policy writers. We have plenty to look at to see what they may be thinking.
I recently watched the TV series Utopia, first done in 2014 in a UK version that is more artistic, more over the top cartoony in some ways, and watchable in a gory way. The characters revealed the harm that child trauma can cause later, and what it might take to work through the pain to growth - and beauty of nature is highlighted in a way that shows it can help with the healing. A more recent version was made for Amazon Prime with Hollywood script and character makeovers, the art was changed, the story was changed, the growth of character development was lost, and the beauty. It is less gory but more violent if that makes any sense. The two child main characters are a couple years younger and treated more harshly and otherwise the story rewrite basically tells the story of a fake meat tycoon kind of like Bill Gates….so sweet and kind to children in the series, and with such noble goals to save the future of the planet….and is making a vaccin that will cause infertility for three generations … and created a fake flu epidemic to get the public to accept the vaccine.
The thing is, they are not wrong that the planet is having difficulties with human waste. Civilizations die out when they can no longer handle sewage cleanup and provide food for the populace, or from cataclysmic events, or from war, occasionally from illness but that would likely go along with one of the other three issues.
Murder is wrong though and people do have purpose [theme in the Amazon version of Utopia - “Fulfill your purpose…of being a martyr, or an assassin, or whatever the sweet fake meat CEO needs you to do.”] if we worked harder at it - the planet needs us to pick up litter, pull invasive weeds, clean up toxic waste, and reduce acidity load entering the coastal waters. We need to drastically reduce use of phosphorus containing fertilizers and return to composting manure/sewage, so the phosphorus in that gets recycled instead of wasted, along with the man-made fertilizer phosphorus which tends to run off into coastal waters and cause problems there. We need to stop all use of glyphosate products for agricultural or weed control use. It is a synthetic amino acid that is harmful to humans and to the environment, marine and soil microbes and other species suffer because of a human invention.
Organophosphates and other modern chemicals are also bad. The bees are our canaries in the coal mine that we have turned the Earth into. Their illness/die off turned out to be a trifecta of malnutrition, infection, and pesticides/herbicides.
Increasing mRNA ‘therapy’ for many other purposes is also in the works - these Dr Moreau’s need to be stopped. They are synthesizing nightmares for the planet’s life, not just for humans.
Regarding EDTA chelation therapy:
It tends to be a prescribed procedure because it is given intravenously and labs are generally taken before and after to measure what heavy metals and trace minerals are present (or were removed). We can’t remove too many trace minerals at once or we would get sick.
Some other forms of EDTA therapy may be available. The video suggests a topical cream product which I ordered (EZDtox, somahealth.net, 3-4 week back order) and a comment suggested a type of EDTA given in an enema, which sounds bad, but so does plastic-like colts forming in my body. I slack a bit on self-care or over work, or stay up too long, and I can tell. I get worse and need to do more self-care and maybe nap more.
This wasn’t a mistake. The powers in charge are not going to suddenly say, Oh, we screwed up and should stop. They have to keep the con going as long as possible because many, many people still aren’t getting it yet. Those who are - please be aware of the real risks of passive exposure. The unjabbed may not stay un-gene-transfected.
Disclaimer: This information is being provided for educational purposes within the guidelines of Fair Use it is not intended to provide individual health care guidance. Please seek a functional health professional for individualized health care.
Negative ionizers would help clump positively charged spike exosomes in the air, and also helps clear mold and other volatile chemicals. Public areas and homes should get negative ionizers to help reduce passive exposure and infection risks.***
So related to Organic foods, which cannot be achieved when grown near conventional foods in many cases. The removal of choice, the removal of health. Chelation so important, foods and treatments. Our only real path forward, and only if we can remove the source of the poisonings, soon. Thanks for your work DR A