Quick post / aliens are among us?
Psy ops are too, but I am leaning towards the idea that aliens have been around for a while.
Couple comments I made on this post by Matthew Ehret: What do UFOs, Laurence Rockefeller and MK Ultra Have in Common? More than you think (substack.com)
He is suggesting that it might be a long con and part of a plan to introduce a new world government to help us in our time of crisis…or something. Being very suspicious is a good idea, but we don’t really know which details are being lied about and which are the buried truth.
Aether is real, and has been lied about systematically since Einstein era, and UFO’s travel by gathering aether energy per recorded observations made by Wilhelm Reich - whose research has never been disproven, even by Einstein, who was a compatriot - working at the same time as Reich’s career. They did meet and Reich provided one of his machines for Einstein to test. And Einstein did not debunk the work officially, or ever mention it - silence tends to mean we can’t disprove you, therefore we need to ignore you, or jail you and burn your books. The US went that route with Reich’s work.
Continuing to pretend that space is a vacuum is continuing to dwell in a 26 year-olds theoretical imagination of reality. Math is not real unless you can prove it in the physical world. Fluid dynamics explains the scatter bar plots. (See this document about DHA - a Quantum Molecule, particularly, this reference for more detail about fluid dynamics.
Natalie Wolchover, Fluid Tests Hint at Concrete Quantum Reality. June 24, 2014, Quantamagazine.org, https://www.quantamagazine.org/fluid-experiments-support-deterministic-pilot-wave-quantum-theory-20140624/
Nutshell - aether is the fluid that particles of light or magnetism or sound all travel through and the double slit experiment (Are electrons waves or particles?, Quantum Physics Lady, reference) with oil droplets on water forms a similar pattern to that for electrons.
This book, Waves and Ripples in Water, Air, and Aether, (1902) that I included in one of the replies below, makes a strong case that aether has to exist because all waves behave similarly to each other and that means that waves of different frequencies of energy must also be flowing within a diffuse energy of some sort, because that is how waves work. They need some resistance to bump up against, to keep waving their way along. Aether energy flows like water and is attracted to water and it can be negatively affected by radiation but is not radiation or electricity or magnetism. It is measurable though, and part of life - chi, our electrical fields that follow the pattern of acupressure meridians seem to include the flow of aether energy. Within living humans is how Wilhelm Reich first measured aether but he called it orgone ~ organic energy.
Reading material prior to the current lies about space being "empty", no it is full of diffuse aether energy. https://www.dropbox.com/s/g7ec5jvjiysjn5h/Waves_and_Ripples_in_Water_Air_and_Aethe.pdf?dl=0
We need to go back to earlier research because everything post Einstein is based on very wrong assumptions - space is not a vacuum.
My 2nd comment was a reply to another person:
Consider the idea that truth has been lied about for decades, and now the final exam date is fast approaching, the truth will be revealed - how to reveal it in a way that won't cause as much panic, or that will protect the elite interests that they want to protect?
What if it is the truth, but not all of the truth? Reading material that may be a super good fake job, but to me, does look like 1950's US military manual format. (My grandfather wrote two on electronics and radio). US Declas manual about the Majestic 12 Group who were set up as the Roswell incident team and follow-up. https://www.dropbox.com/s/nwuwdhiozilx1ub/Majestic_12-UFO_Official_Manual.pdf?dl=0
My First comment was to the author/the post:
Learn more about Wilhelm Reich and aether. UFOs travel forward or reverse so smoothly because the power is gathered from the air like Nikolai Tesla and Reich's machines were able to do. Reich's weather manipulating device was able to disrupt the UFO's flight path. Reich's work was never disproven but he was banned by Nazi Germany, Stalin Russia, and then died in Cold War US jail. Einstein knew of Reich's work and also didn't disprove it.
The idea that the rich are spending billions on predictive programming to "reveal" the UFO news is to me, completely believable. They only seem to know how to waste money and tapdance around the truth.
Reading material prior to the current lies about space being "empty", no it is full of diffuse aether energy. https://www.dropbox.com/s/g7ec5jvjiysjn5h/Waves_and_Ripples_in_Water_Air_and_Aethe.pdf?dl=0
More about Reich and aether/orgone starts with this post, and there is about 4-5 in row on the topic, https://www.earth-ocean.info/post/physics-took-a-wrong-turn-in-1887-and-the-meaning-of-null
US Declas manual about the Majestic 12 Group who were set up as the Roswell incident team and follow-up. https://www.dropbox.com/s/nwuwdhiozilx1ub/Majestic_12-UFO_Official_Manual.pdf?dl=0
Allegedly the big secret that we are not supposed to panic about is not the aliens themselves, but their message. Our planet periodically gets mega-messed with by a much larger astral body/planet/dead sun that is on a perpendicular orbit to the rest of the planet's. It is four times larger than Earth, but 23 times more dense - roughly, and it is the much bigger magnet. The Earth will be held in place briefly as it approaches, and that will cause major cataclysmic changes in the tectonic plates and the North and South poles of the magnetosphere will be in new positions when it is all over. Allegedly the crop circles are getting more elaborate because it is astral maps of the intricate interplanetary motions that we are to expect. They may have over-rated human intelligence ;-).
If the elite want to waste a bunch of money on making movies, it is really worth thinking hard about why - what are they trying to say and what are they trying to cover up?
Slightly related - Bad Cattitude has a good one today:
I would encourage you and your readers to shift to a mindset of - aliens seemed to have been lied about all along - what next?
2nd comment was a reply to another person:
Consider the idea that truth has been lied about for decades, and now the final exam date is fast approaching, the truth will be revealed - how to reveal it in a way that won't cause as much panic, or that will protect the elite interests that they want to protect?
What if it is the truth, but not all of the truth? Reading material that may be a super good fake job, but to me, does look like 1950's US military manual format. (My grandfather wrote two on electronics and radio). US Declas manual about the Majestic 12 Group who were set up as the Roswell incident team and follow-up. https://www.dropbox.com/s/nwuwdhiozilx1ub/Majestic_12-UFO_Official_Manual.pdf?dl=0
And a few photos to support the idea that a real person with a family had to just write a military training guide be abuse none existed on the topic. Individual author credit is not given, but my dad remembers that the long hours it took his dad, and one of the illustration photos includes a giant U shaped magnet that he used to play with.
Certainly, there is no reason to believe me or my father, my point is more to believe that real humans have been involved all along in government documents. Humans with kids at home and a wife who may have been complaining about bills, etc, - real people with a deadline and a manual typewriter, and their own dark room for developing black and white photography.
Why would the military not have the author's name on a training guide? 🤔 Maybe to protect him and his family from targeted abuse by soldiers who were frustrated trying to learn the topic? Maybe because anything produced under the commanding officer is the final “work” of the commanding officer? I have no idea, but I believe my dad's memories on this topic. My grandfather wrote it in the evenings, and it took him a while, during summertime is my impression from my dad’s narrative. He would have been around seven years old, and summer without camping trips or hunting might have stood out, along with later seeing a picture of the magnet he played with in a book. My grandfather was an outdoorsman in his spare-time.
Whether aliens are among us or not, it is important to remember that real humans have been among us all along, and they have human foibles and may have deadlines to meet.
Need a tech book on the new-fangled industry of radio? (War Department, Technical Manual No. 1-455, Electrical Fundamentals, Jan. 27, 1941, and Technical Manual No. 11-455, Radio Fundamentals, July 17, 1941) Someone had to write it, and hand type it for the initial draft. So, math, it took my grandad about six months to write a 140-page manual that sold for 25 cents by the Superintendent of Documents, Washington D.C.
I was a government worker for 15 years. You often are just handed a task by an administrator - I need a manual for this topic, by last week, the Feds are demanding it. Okay, boss, gotcha, last week, I am on it, STAT.
And you just make something, whether it is exactly what they wanted is not a question as much as whether it meets the requested criteria. They may not really know what they meant with an arbitrary demand that isn't really feasible to anyone who really works the job, and somehow you have to try to squish “actually feasible” into a form resembling the “arbitrary administrative demands”. And convince the boss that it is what they wanted.
Government workers are just human too, 🙄 unless some are shape changing aliens 👽 ??? We don’t know how many lies we have been told, or how long, but to me, where there is a lot of smoke, a lot of personal stories and sightings, there may indeed be a fire - some truth.
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