Psychic ability Russian research
and Kirlian photos showing the before and after in energy level in the hands of one of the telekinetic subjects working in the Russian research program.
Telekinesis, moving things with mental energy- directed from the hands in the examples in the video.
Distance viewing - seeing mentally another location or images in a lab test.
Telepathy - knowing others thoughts or sending thoughts or images mentally
Skin sight - sensing written text or images or color with touch.
The woman describing moving the aluminum cigar tube - metal, lightweight, a rolling motion - said she had to put concentration into it and her fingers would feel “thick and heavy”. Killian photography later showed the before and after photos had changed. The Kirlian aura energy was much brighter and more extended outward from the fingers.
That is how it feels for me too, a warmer fuzzy tiny sensation.
Declassified Pyschic Technology, Robert Sepher, (
A Russian woman can make a lightweight object move with directed mental energy. Telekinesis.

A different Russian woman, moving the hands of a compass with directed mental energy. Kolagana (spelling)? Could also produce a heat sensation from her hands to another person could feel heat or redden. She could even make small objects float, like ping pong ball small.

Baseline Kirlian photo.

Kirlian photo after moving the aluminum cigar tube with directed mental energy. Power up! It takes some directed mental effort or relaxation to move the lightweight things.

Physiological changes were significant for one of the women who was described. Stress markers were elevated as if she had done a lot of activity.
This energy flow of the body is known around the world by different names - chi, qi, Prana, Reiki, Inner alchemy, Vril, and others.
Disclaimer: This information is being provided for educational purposes within the guidelines of Fair Use and is not intended to provide individual health care guidance… but there may be gold at the end of the rainbow, and we should go look for it.
How very interesting Jennifer. Thanks for the share. 🙏 Saw photos years ago using kirlian photography of what cell phones do to the aura.
Scary! 😱