Not being discussed - Poleshift; Omnibus Bill; & Happy Yuletide/Winter Solstice tomorrow, 12/21.
Re poleshift, I am seeing wrong predictions in standard search results, like that Brazil should be a safe location. If you survive earthquakes and flooding but end up at new North Pole, then brrrrr.
It is hard to know what is disinformation and a psy-op versus what to believe. Since cheerful coloring pages aren’t getting a lot of Love here, I will use my newly developing clip art skills on the topic of the upcoming pole shift - alleged, but I have become a firm believer in the theory. If the truth is uncomfortable, then denying the truth will be more comfortable than facing it… up until the point of the discomfort occurring. Allegedly the powers that be are trying to kill us off now so that there will be fewer refugees surviving later.
Standard science does show that the magnetic poles are weakening near the India and Brazil locations which have been predicted to become the new South and North Poles after planet Nibiru finishes moving by us this cycle.
We are living in “Biblical” times, as the stories in the Bible are likely about the last pole shift. *And about alien colonizers that were ruling us in harsh ways. Jesus was talking about not following those rules/rulers anymore - the Oneness is a greater spiritual force than Yahweh, who was likely a powerful long-lifespan alien colonizer rather than an actual ‘god’.
The planet/comet Nibiru has a giant orbit which is perpendicular to that of Earth and the rest of the planets orbiting our Sun. Planet Nibiru is also known as Planet X and it passes by on a 3600 year cycle roughly, and every third pass tends to be closer and to cause more significant changes to the planet’s geography. This pass may be one of the worse type of encounters. It is reported that the asteroid belt is the debris remaining from a planet that didn’t survive a near pass by much larger Planet Nibiru
The growing season map shows us what we might expect regarding changes in crops that we should plan on trying to grow post-shift.
Flooding will be a problem for centuries post shift due to the current glaciers melting and then slowly having to reform over the new North and South Poles. People in India and Australia maybe should be building a Noah’s Ark right now.
“Water softens the blows both from the jolts of earthquakes and, if one is underwater, from flying debris. However, water will carry one with it, and the swimmer or submarine may find themselves hundreds of miles inland when a tidal wave recedes, or far from any shore.” (
Noah’s Ark was found on a mountain top, allegedly.
“The discovery was made in the Durupinar site on Mount Tendurek in eastern Turkey, the area believed to be the location of Mount Ararat – the mythical resting place of Noah's Ark, as described in the Book of Genesis.” (
Subduction of continental land plates is predicted to dip much of Australia and India under water. India will be freezing though, so vacating is the sensible plan, or making peace with the idea of transitioning to your energy form (dying).
Tropical Central America will become more temperate.
Whatever the exact details turn out to be, this really does seem to be happening and rich people have been building underground bunkers in the predicted safer zones in the middle of the US - Nebraska, Kansas, Iowa, eastern Montana. Get west of the Mississippi River as the New Madrid Fault is predicted to split wider and all bridges and electric or other lines crossing the river will be broken.
Crops that do well in low light are a need as the atmosphere is going to be dusty for decades after the shift, enough to reduce growth rates of plants. Extreme wind will sweep away everything currently standing except for stuff like the giant stone pyramids…. which have survived many other cyclical poleshifts. The perfect alignment of several in Egypt are alleged to have been made at an earlier cycle to keep track of when the next passage of Nibiru would occur. Aliens from Nibiru allegedly colonized this planet and were using humans for slave labor. Their culture allegely is what the Greek and Roman toga era was based on. People on planet Nibiru wear togas… allegedly.
The fact that this sounds crazy is somewhat lessened by the fact that the US has finally admitted that they have lying to us about alien spacecraft crashing on Earth. Given that we have been lied to all along… means we don’t know what is or isn’t true. The similarity in pyramids from many different eras and locations around the world and other ancient carvings and symbols strongly suggests that we aren’t “alone” here and never have been.
The “Ripley’s Believe It or Not” gets bigger yet when we look at the question of “evolution” and how did humans suddenly transition from monkeys to early people? And why do humans have shorter lifespans than many other species on Earth?
Allegedly we are a genetically modified organism, made with a combination of an Earth primate (different species were used for a few different human types), and various alien species.
Apparently alien species have been around a really long time and their planets don’t get wiped out every 3600 years thrusting them suddenly back to Stone Age living conditions. The Easter Island giant heads, the Sphinx, a few other giant rock carvings have survived a long time. There are also sunken pyramids and cities under the ocean in a few spots. If overnight, your city shifts from tropical to arctic, then you are going to have trouble pulling yourself back up by your own bootstraps.
Zooming the human viewpoint farther out, imagining the universe of many intelligent species, then our odd Earth cycle is likely pretty unique - what other planet gets wiped out every 3600 years or so? This would be a odd sort of training ground for other species to experiment with. If you mess up too badly with your genetic experiments, then, oh well, those beings are doomed in some number of centuries anyway, so, oh well… just roll the dice again. And start over.
However, what Jesus was trying to tell us, is that WE ARE ALSO POWERFUL BEINGS. We have alien genetics too… We are also Powerful Ones. We also can direct energy with our hands and send healing power to other people or animals and plants. We can be telepathic energy beings… but from my own health discoveries in order to access that power we need to have adequate iodine, selenium, magnesium and endocannabinoids, and NOT have an excess of fluoride and calcium calcifying our pineal gland. Fluoridation of US drinking water after WWII is allegedly a Nazi takeover plot to reduce the average intellect and ability to access our energy power to be able to envision and manifest change.
We don’t know what we don’t know ← the most important words in the English language.
Thinking that we know everything is a self-limiting belief which can directly prevent considering or testing new theories.
Allegedly planet Earth has been in use as a training ground of sorts, think of the movie “Men in Black” as more of a documentary than fiction. We are now going to be transitioning to an open society post-shift where alien species will come out of the shadows and live and work among us openly. The plan seems to be to rebuild post poleshift with a new culture that is openly multi-specied. Previous shifts the aliens have left, rather than riding out the strong winds, fire, flooding, volcanoes and earthquakes, and returned after things calmed down. Or some live deep enough underground (under Antarctica allegedly and elsewhere) that they remain safe during shift. (???)
Hitler allegedly was working with aliens and had advanced levitating flying saucer like vehicles and had made a base in Antarctica. The US later brought the Nazi scientists to the US with the covert Project Paperclip. Click through for a 7-minute video about the Antarctica and flying machine info about WWII. ( The Roswell UFO crash was real… Area 51 is real… we have been lied to for decades… that means that we need to rewrite our history books and stop telling our children lies about our world history.
Allegedly there are lots of underground tunnels under the United States and elsewhere that are ancient and have been used by aliens and people who are aware of the aliens… and bring them people or children as sacrifices to eat. Allegedly the people eating aliens have been run out, vanquished in secret battles that the alleged White Hats and Q group have been fighting. …I don’t know what I don’t know.
Evidence that has supported the planet Nibiru theory - much redder skies have been happening and are said to be due to iron dust in the atmosphere around Nibiru. Flaming petrol falling in the sky has also been happening and is predicted to increase as Planet Nibiru nears.
Extreme flips in temperature have been occurring for a few years as the wobble of planet Earth increases. When it wobbles, there is a swing from hotter to cooler and then back again. Temperature never changed 60’F overnight in my memory… until the last few years. It happens fairly regularly now in spring and autumn when temperature changes are more obvious.
Allegedly, Putin in Russia has been relocating people to what currently is cold Siberia but post shift will become temperate.

This needs the family globe… doesn’t every family have one? We see that when tilted 90 degrees, there will be more water at the top of the world and Alaska will be shifted into a much more temperate 20-40 degree zones and the Soviet Union will be crossing the Equator! On the opposite side of the planet, Brazil will have shifted to be near the new Arctic Circle. Brrr. With winter here again, I have noticed I have a protective instinct, I wake up with a racing heart - panicky feeling, when it is too cold in the basement where I sleep (I like it cooler at night). So, 2:00 am wakeup this morning, now upstairs with a space heater on and fresh coffee.
Omnibus spending bill:
“That 1500 page 'Spending' Bill I had posted about earlier yesterday included something else rather umm interesting , to say the least.
This Bill has been stopped in it's tracks, I heard Elon Musk and social media had something to do with that.
But what they had hidden in this Bill is not good.
No wonder it was 1500 pages, who wants to go thru all that?
This is a Spending Bill with other things hidden in it
surprise, surprise.
Unmanned aircraft updated date included, something about data gathering for possible criminal charges not allowed in Congress matters and Pay raises for Congress was another thing included.
And then ....
On page 757, shown quoted below is what they had and if it had passed this would have stopped any further investigations into holding vaccine makers accountable, or something like that.
-- the Secretary may not revise the Vaccine Injury Table to include a vaccine for which the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has issued a recommendation for routine use in children or pregnant women until at least one application for such vaccine has been approved under section 351. Upon such revision of the Vaccine Injury Table, all vaccines in a vaccine category on the Vaccine Injury Table, including vaccines authorized under emergency use pursuant to section 564 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, shall be considered included in the Vaccine Injury Table.” (
Bioweapon funding is also in the enormous bill. (
“The average salary in the US is $63,795/year. This 1,547 page CR would give Congress a pay raise of $70k/year. Just their new proposed pay raise is more than the average American makes per year.” - Derrick Evans,
“Congress last passed a real budget in 1997. Since then, Congress has typically relied on continuing resolutions or omnibus spending bills to fund the government, rather than completing the full budget process as intended by the 1974 Congressional Budget Act. Shut it down.” - Jason,

Funny author ad, good self-promotion!
Disclaimer: This information is being provided for educational purposes within the guidelines of Fair Use and is not intended to provide individual health care guidance.
Maybe buy a lot at Ben Davidson's Observer Ranch?
Dont know what to say...will read more.. Thank you for the heads up!