Niacin is being 'canceled' - with tons of articles in MSM about the 2PY & 4PY study on heart disease risks.
It's "overblown" per a Reddit thread top comment about an Eric Topol post.
*A commenter called me darling and said I should stick to nutrition - NO. **We made our peace.// My archives and other websites have tons of nutrition information available to you which MSM does not want you to read. So, get busy, plenty there to keep you occupied on nutrition education, if you don’t want to read my current posts.
Prior to CoV, a major message that was spread was about avoiding any websites that aren’t ‘approved’ and that included mine. Those odd staged song and dance routines we saw nurses doing during CoV — earlier, a couple dances were developed about my story and about keeping it hushed up. “Shh, Shh”, with the insider cult finger to the lips - and in sync with the music and other dancers. No one was supposed to read my websites and sadly, that kind of did work. Cancel culture works. People are very sheeple like - even ‘activists’ have ridiculed me and ‘activist groups’ - which suggested to me that they are really controlled opposition just pretending to provide helpful treatment information. Most of the “CoV” groups have been providing only partial care for the chimeric spike issues.
Even grade school children were taught a song about mocking online “superheroes”, “Na, na, na, na”. I was astonished at the level of pushback I was receiving just for having published information about magnesium, iodine, and vitamin D. I had never called myself a superhero, but other people had been with online memes likening me to Batman or the “Credible Hulk” - my blog posts tended to have a huge list of citations. Cancel culture was persistent though and tended to be the same celebrities or comedians bringing up old scandal over and over. I figured my ‘15 minutes of fame’ would end, people would get bored, but this story kept being refreshed with new mockery of some sort. The public really needed to be continually reminded that nutrition is a joke, pomegranate is a joke, health is a joke.
The joke was played on all of the dead and disabled people, sorry about that. I don’t know how to overcome censorship to provide information that is kind of new and/or challenging to use, and therefore easy to dismiss or ignore. »>Mince the inner pith of pomegranate peel and use it fresh or minimally heated in minced garlic amounts - it helps the microbiome and practically every other chronic condition. It reduces inflammation in tiny amounts but would be an irritant in larger amounts.
Thanks darling, for the feedback. That was very misogynistic of you. I am not your darling, or your honey, or your sweetie. I am guessing that my writing about suspicious stuff happening during the assassination attempt is being construed as supporting Harris - I don’t. The shooting is beginning to seem like a double con to me - some insiders set up a kill attempt - poorly, and others made it into a near miss, or magickly it was made into a near miss. Too many indicators suggest big money was bet on there being a death and a tumble in stock prices. Maybe that was part of an elaborate cover-up - make it look like an appearance of guilt to make the near miss seem even more real - it really was a near miss with an extremely bad shooter - rather than being staged to look like a near miss. I have a summary post on the topic in draft mode - if you want nutrition information, just go visit my other websites - and have organized pages on many topics.

Niacin is being canceled now - wake-up and smell the BS.
Niacin is currently being canceled. I had already written about this topic but noticed a ton of articles are now online saying nonsense like “Niacin is bad for heart health”. Bullshit. Niacinamide is the worst form and not mega-dosing is sensible for most people. Those with schizophrenia might benefit from higher doses than average but even 75 mg/day can help them. I am still taking 50 mg a day, or maybe that twice, and I do benefit from it for my mood and energy level.
Renuebyscience •5mo ago
“An overblown study that is being extended to imply much more than what the study found.A terminal metabolite of niacin promotes vascular inflammation and contributes to cardiovascular disease risk
There was no testing of Niacin supplement to show increased inflammation.
They found that 4py, a metabolite of Niacin (also NR and NMN) is elevated in heart patients and that increased Niacin in diet can increase 4py
They did not find that Niacin itself causes increased inflammation or worse prognosis.
»> This one new study does not override dozens of studies that find the opposite.
Many studies over decades, such as this one below, find Niacin lowers inflammation, and is beneficial for heart health. It was very commonly prescribed for heart patients, until the far more lucrative Statins came along.
Niacin Inhibits Vascular Inflammation via Downregulating Nuclear Transcription Factor-κB Signaling Pathway
*** edited to include link to this review of studies showing the benefits of Niacin for heart health.” — (
The actual paper:
( regarding this post:
There are a ton of news articles now all saying niacin is bad for heart health and may need to be limited. This is a smear job in action.
Caution against being indoctrinated by repetitive media all spouting the same sudden about face messaging.
Chris Masterjohn PhD covered this topic when the paper was first published. He is suggesting to limit niacin/niacinamide/other forms to 250 mg per day or less and shared a study showing positive cardiovascular effects up to 50 mg per day and then benefits tapering off at amounts greater than that.
“In a cohort of individuals with fatty liver disease (quite representative of the modern general population, actually), niacin intake was inversely correlated with cardiovascular and all-cause mortality throughout the range of intake, which exceeded 75 milligrams per day.” - Chris Masterjohn, MD (Substack)
I have been using 50 mg or so per day and sometimes twice a day. My serotonin levels will dip if I forget. I do benefit from taking some extra niacin.
Chris Masterjohn also pointed out that niacinamide is what gets methylated and would lead more towards 4PY as a breakdown product, and the negative risks. Niacin tends to convert into glycine. (Substack)
Multi vitamin supplements generally use niacinamide now as it doesn’t cause the flushing effect. I do still flush with the 50 mg and even worse than I had been at higher doses. It seems to me that suggests I need more because I have that much inflammation to deal with each day.
Who might not get enough niacin in their diet?
Answer: People who don’t eat meat.
Of the B vitamins, niacin is a little unique for not being rich in grains and other seeds/beans/nuts. Coffee is a fairly good source of niacin, however.
Niacin food sources via Brave AI - yes it saves me time
Niacin food sources
Based on the provided search results, here are some high niacin food sources:
Animal Sources:
Organ Meats: Beef, lamb, or veal liver (17-22 mg per 100g)
Fish: Tuna (16-18 mg per 100g), salmon (18 mg per 100g), yellowfin tuna (16.1 mg per 6oz breast), swordfish (17-18 mg per 100g)
Poultry: Chicken (15-20 mg per 100g), turkey (10 mg per 3oz breast)
Red Meat: Ground beef (16 mg per 100g), pork (6.68 mg per 100g)
Eggs: Not explicitly mentioned, but eggs are a good source of tryptophan, which can be converted to niacin by the body.
Plant-Based Sources:
Brown Rice: 2.6 mg per 100g
Sweet Potatoes: 1 mg per 100g
Avocados: 3.5 mg per 100g
Mushrooms: 6.3 mg per 100g
Anchovies: 16 mg per 100g <««< From the Anchovy tree that grows on Brave. Correct but it belongs upstairs in the other category.
Peanuts: 14.4-16.4 mg per 100g <««< also incorrect - Peanuts have 3.4mg according to Bing. I think my point was made though, - meat eaters generally are getting significantly more niacin than people with a more vegan or vegetarian diet.
Other Sources:
Fortified Cereals: Not explicitly mentioned, but many breakfast cereals are fortified with niacin.
Legumes: Not explicitly mentioned, but legumes like beans, lentils, and peanuts are good sources of tryptophan, which can be converted to niacin.
and Coffee — “Interestingly, coffee has been found to contain a significant amount of niacin - providing 10-40mg of niacin/100g of coffee and far exceeding the [minimal Recommended Daily Allowance is 14-18 mg for an adult,] daily recommended dosage.” Trigonelline in Coffee |
Remember to consume a balanced diet with a variety of foods to ensure adequate niacin intake.
Context, Top 15 Niacin Foods and Their Health Benefits - Dr. Axe, 23 Foods High in Niacin: 43 Vitamin B3 Sources, Deficiency Symptoms, Top 10 Foods Highest in Vitamin B3 (Niacin), Niacin – Vitamin B3 | The Nutrition Source -
Disclaimer: This information is being provided for educational purposes within the guidelines of Fair Use and is not intended to provide individual health care guidance.
Reference List
(Ferrell, et al., 2024) Ferrell, M., Wang, Z., Anderson, J.T. et al. A terminal metabolite of niacin promotes vascular inflammation and contributes to cardiovascular disease risk. Nat Med 30, 424–434 (2024).
Funny thing. I started 50 mg niacin twice a day, the Flushing is a little bit annoying but I think it probably helps with my terrible circulation! It is part of part 2 of the Cosmic Death Fungus protocol that you mentioned a while ago. Grateful for that, seems to be helping a lot.