Niacin and being a human knockout mouse.
Gene function is studied in animals that have the gene "knocked out" - a double allele making it a dysfunctional protein. I have 4 double alleles in important genes. I am a human knockout for those 4.
Experiencing the importance of niacin dosing for my mood in/stability has been an important learning curve to get through. Studying function can be difficult and therefore studying what goes wrong during dysfunction can help provide clues as to a gene or chemical’s function.
I have no idea why my body needs extra niacin (and/or melatonin) in order to have sufficient serotonin but it seems to be a fact that I need to take seriously if I want to have more consistent energy levels and not have a extremely sad mood.
My “crying over nothing” mood - I was very bad at knowing when my next monthly menstrual cycle was due and I eventually learned to recognize that a crying-over-nothing week preceded the week of menstruation. Feeling happier would have been nicer but it did help to recognize that the moodiness was about nothing in particular - don’t bother trying to seek an explanation for why a pretty morning sky would make me cry.
Now I have a better idea - a sudden drop in serotonin seems to lead to the crying-over-nothing feeling. And having some food and the melatonin and niacin helps restore a normal mood within about 20 minutes. For the last two days I was careful to have the larger spoon of niacin after breakfast, lunch and dinner. Breakfast and lunch had been my routine and it gradually had shifted to lunch and dinner, or even bedtime - quite inconsistent to be blunt. Last night I woke up around 2 am and had a small meal and another dose — and woke up later in a good mood with normal energy again.
Having an odd night though led to not taking my serrapeptase and now my bad leg is a little worse this morning.
Autoimmune disease is really no fun and it is real daily work to keep it in remission - but possible.
I share and have for years because I know that pain hurts and health is better. The medical industry focuses too much on just stopping pain instead of understanding it and learning what is causing it specifically.
Pain is our body’s way to tell us to stop doing something that is no longer or never did work for us. Taking a painkiller is just putting a gag over the mouth of your body’s ability to communicate with you.
What is my purpose in life? There is an archetype from mythology - Chiron the centaur who is a wounded healer. He learned how to heal himself and shared the information with others so they could work towards their own health. That has been my goal, my hope, sharing information that might help others find their way to better quality of life and less pain.
The current atmosphere has been very divisive and that is on purpose I think - “United we stand, divided we fall.”
This current situation is not normal and needs to be recognized as such - normal channels are complicit/corrupt/gullible - whichever, it adds up to deadly.
Activists need to work together rather than giving in to the divisive tactics that can lead to bickering or shunning. All the nutrients count, and it is a lot of information - no one person can really learn everything about physiology - however, seeing that bigger picture is what is needed. We can’t grow a baby or a single cell out of any one nutrient or medication. That is just a fact. That is just a REALLY IMPORTANT fact.
Having favorites, thinking one thing can be a cure, is the medical model and that model has little to do with how physiology really works.
People are diverse and that is of value, not something to smash into matching little ticky tacky boxes.
Musical interlude: Little Boxes, Pete Seeger, (Youtube). *a folk song about the creation of suburbs.
Diversity and intelligence and health - are all linked. People expect smart people to be good at everything equally and it just doesn’t really work that way. Along with the difference of being smart there may be other gene differences that negatively affect health and anxiety levels or other mental health issues. Throwing out the baby with the bathwater is wasting a potentially talented baby - possibly not well-rounded talent, but possibly a specific talent. Higher intelligence levels are also associated with more physical accidents - less physical skill than for people of average intelligence. This information is in the book that we are not supposed to mention because of differences seen between ethnic groups within the data that is presented within the book (1994).
Pretending differences are non-existent does not make the differences non-existent. There is more to this, but it gets into the alleged alien narratives, and I am not going there right now (we likely are different (groups) rather than all humans having some single common ancestorial group).
The big point that I learned this week was that my fluctuating mood issue is directly related to my having an increased need for niacin and/or melatonin too. The sad mood is not a full histamine excess meltdown but can leave me more susceptible to the emotional dysregulation pattern of over-reacting and getting more inflamed and stressed out. Reminder - stress itself will degranulate mast cells and add to a histamine excess storm.
Coping through it is a need to try to reduce the escalation. I did have a mini meltdown yesterday, but I kept it quieter than typical and kept a mindset of “This is fine, flames everywhere, but fine, it’s fine, it’s fine.” Attitude can be a choice. Meltdown wasn’t fine but pretending kept it less bad.

If someone is handing you a nocebo message - tell them No, thanks.
See this post - part of a series: Exosomes, pheromones, and the nocebo/placebo effect. ( About 75% of us are susceptible to thinking ourselves sicker or healthier depending on the messages that we are being told or are telling ourselves.
If you are handing yourself a nocebo - say “No, thanks!”
For my example - if I were to dwell in the place of the sad mood and catastrophize that everything is wrong and never getting better - then it probably will get worse - that is a nocebo and it might be generating internal messages/exosomes that make me sicker. If instead I look for patterns of change and consider what might be an underlying cause instead of that “Everything is wrong/bad/horrible in life and that makes me sad,” then sure enough I may learn that inconsistent high dose niacin was probably leading to serotonin fluctuations that were causing my sad moods. AND even better news - therefore consistent high dose niacin use could help normalize my mood and maintain it more consistently.
If I waited for mental health professionals or medical doctors to figure this out - I would still be waiting and would likely be less healthy and have spent a lot of time and money on unhelpful appointments.
Just because people are confident does not mean they are correct or even close to being correct.
A childhood trap to recognize is that of authoritarian parents or school and other authority figures - when we are raised in an overly controlled environment than we never learn how to make our own decisions, or to feel comfortable about having to make decisions. Someone needs to tell us what to do - right? No, incorrect, if we are autonomous adults then we may seek advice, but we need to work out our own plan of action that best suits our own needs.
I included my niacin protocol graphics in the last post. If inflammation is a problem (which it is for anyone with LongCovid or autoimmune disease or cancer or other chronic degenerative conditions), then the high dose niacin and mitochondrial support nutrients would likely be very helpful. Gradual increase is needed and gradual withdrawal in order to prevent rapid changes in serotonin level. Rapid drops can also cause suicidal urges, not just sadness.
Serotonin excess can also be a bad problem, but the symptoms are not sadness, more rapid heartrate and jittery-ness. I wrote about it in an older post about starting the niacin protocol safely.
Niacin, & early treatment in general for SARS-CoV-2 is sensible, reduces hospitalization and mortality rate. (
Excerpt: Symptoms of a sudden increase, or excess of serotonin may include: Agitation or restlessness, Confusion, Rapid heart rate and high blood pressure, Dilated pupils, Loss of muscle coordination or twitching muscles, Muscle rigidity, Heavy sweating, Diarrhea, Headache, Shivering, Goose bumps. (13)
Also, niacin may be very helpful if migraines are a chronic problem. Niacin may help prevent or treat migraines, ( *I have also noticed that if I forget my Dimethylglycine drink, (my Cheerful Juice, tm), too often it can lead to a migraine and having some DMG then will help end the headache. My double BHMT gene allele makes me unable to digest Trimethylglycine down to the Dimethylglycine form (or digest protein to free methionine).
Addition: I discussed in brief some of the alien genetics possibly info, possibly fiction, in this post:
Disclaimer: This information is provided for educational purposes within the guidelines of fair use. While I am a Registered Dietitian this information is not intended to provide individual health guidance. Please see a health professional for individual health care purposes.
Jennifer, I would encourage you to read about Dr. Abram Hoffer and his many uses of Niacin. Doctor Yourself and The Orthomolecular Treatment Of Chronic Disease are two MUST HAVES in any Library. Good luck in your journey.