Meds first:
“If you haven’t noticed, any illness that the cause of has not yet been identified (or known but not revealed, or admitted) is blamed on a virus and all other possible causes, such as exposure to toxins, or shedding/exchange of cellular messengers or pheromones, are excluded from consideration and investigation.
Practicing medicine is akin to practicing magic. As is doctoring and deceiving and fooling. “Don’t look behind the curtain. Just take this magic pill”.
Thanks to the internet we can now see behind the curtain. And we’re finding out most of those pills are not magic. They’re poison.” - Brent Rice (

I agree except that health problems aren’t always called viral illness. Magnesium deficiency is often called hypertension or type 2 diabetes instead. Endocannabinoid deficiency may be called PTSD or phantom limb syndrome instead of Clinical Endocannabinoid Deficiency and treated with cannabinoids. See this post:
*I abandoned this post early this morning and then my laptop internet stopped working so a cellphone finish means a non working link above.
Perception - is it a dream or a reality that I don’t want to admit to living?
I haven’t seen the movie Eyes Wide Shut, I don’t like that type of drama. But I watched a video discussing the movie, which downplays the occult aspects but does bring in the parallels with the original book. Apparently which are numerous - per the narrative, the events in the book closely match the movie. The Occult scene in the movie, has people dressed as monks and nuns with masks in the book, and a reveal at the book party is that the men are clothed underneath and the women nude. That suggests to me that the movie is based on an insider book that was simply less overt about occult aspects of the hidden cult society, than times are now.
The narrative in the review video suggests the take home point for the movie Eyes Wide Shut is that fantasy life is real . . . like maybe the guy did have a right to want to punish his wife for having a fantasy about someone else . . . but maybe not by cheating on her. The narrative strongly suggests that the masked occult scene was just a fantasy of the husband, but then why was there a physical mask found by the wife? Why was the piano player coincidentally roughed up after an unwelcome guest was brought along to a masked event?
The only female characters in the movie are sexually exploited as sex workers or the wife character who admits to having fantasy feelings about a man who got seductive at a party she attended with her Tom Cruise, slightly crazy, husband. Aside, Tom Cruise was a good pick for playing a slightly crazy obsessive and kind of dangerous husband.
The narrative of the discussion video seems to be skewed towards pushing a desired narrative - that occult ritual scenes are just a fantasy that we should ignore or we should suppress and avoid because that is like cheating on your spouse...and no one should ever admit they think about that because that is exactly like literally cheating on your spouse. No, it really isn’t exactly the same but it is a slippery slope. The more we think about something, then the more we are going to continue thinking about it.
Eyes Wide Shut, How Dreams Reveal Reality; The Depths of EYES WIDE SHUT | The Mysterious Film Where Fantasies Are As Real As Reality
What I have learned from the EFT tapping course and several neurology courses and psychology texts, is that our memories are saved as little movies that we can replay. How strong the memory is may depend on the individual and what was being focused on during the event. Was a strong smell remembered? Maybe yes, maybe no, depending on the awareness of the person. We can practice and strengthen our awareness and then the strength of our memories may contain more variety of information. Mindfulness is similar, tuning in to the sounds, smells, sights, and other aspects of an experience can help us be more aware of those sensations. Our RAS center of the brain will tune in on what we seem to be interested in based on what we think about the most.
A major point not brought up in the discussion of the Eyes Wide Shut movie, is that Hollywood movies are playing fantasies for us, so based on the ‘cheating’ logic, anyone who watches the movie or any movie that has sexy interactions happening, is ‘cheating’ on their spouse. Those sexy images are now part of your brain, part of your memory movies and they can be revisited whenever you want or may be present constantly in the background of your thinking because something about it disturbed or titillated you enough that it remained in the emotional amygdala instead of being transferred to less traumatic long-term memory storage.
When we watch Holly-smut-wood productions, then we are letting those images and values into our minds and memories.
“Are you a good witch or a bad witch?” said Glinda the Good to Dorothy in the Land of Oz.
…after a tornado blew Dorothy’s house to the Land of Oz where it landed on the Wicked Witch and it killed her.
In our modern covert occultist world that is going overt occultist, that seems to be a really important question to consider. Do you use your power for good or bad? The more we learn about quantum biology and our energy fields, the more clear it becomes that ‘magic’ is kind of real. We can affect outcomes based on what we focus on - to some extent. And for the skeptics, it in part is the RAS area of our brain that is focusing on what we think about the most, so therefore we are seeing what we think about the most. And therefore, focusing on positive attitudes and memories and daily events will bring more awareness of positive events into your life.
My father, a mechanical engineer, was very structured in many ways while also being a bit of a spontaneous free thinker. I found it kind of adorable to read in his daily brief journaling (gas purchase log), “Took Betty for a drive, saw four deer”, or “Saw two cranes on a drive this afternoon”. Mundane, but kind of beautiful. It added a new feature to my own excursions. I saw four sandhill cranes in someone’s front yard the other morning and they were beautiful.
The Psychology of The Magician, Eternalised, (
Betty is my mother and sadly her name became a big nasty insider joke. I am sorry for speaking too much while being under US Watch list surveillance allegedly. more about that a little later. First, briefly - magic, it seems to be real in a way that stage magicians don’t show us. The video helped me to accept that there can be good or bad witches, and what makes the difference? The good mean well and accept the idea that what they put out will come back to them - so put out good stuff. The bad withhold helpful information and keep it for themselves and/or outright do bad stuff. “Do what thou wilt” is a saying of occultist circles - do whatever you feel like doing without care of consequences.
Telepathy and other odd stuff may be due to quarkian entanglement and the ripple memory waves of aether energy. How does a developing baby know to form the shape like a tadpole before it takes the shape of a human? Or why does that happen more often than not? Cells seem to travel along energy pathways that have the tadpole or human shape. For energy waves to exist, then they have to have a substance to wave through - to push up against and be repelled by and then be reattracted to, and then repelled gain. If there was no other force present then the energy wouldn’t wave, ti would just go straight out.
The reason I think about this, is that I have always been interested in witches and witch stories. My mother and sister seemed to have some witchy powers and so do I. So is that BAD, is that OCCULT? Maybe, maybe not. Maybe it depends on how we use our energy power. My sister used Reiki energy to sooth the pain of her diabetic cats. But she was also dissociative and did some nasty things at times. Love can hurt, love can betray, but love also cares and heals.
People can be a mixture. A big question to consider is whether they are in control of themselves and their actions, whether physical or mystical; or whether they are dissociatively reacting to unknown issues or controls and maybe causing harm with their unconscious reactions. More about ‘Controlled opposition’ later.
Waking up to media symbolism shows us that it is everywhere. Looking around my own childhood home shows me owls and other insider symbols as part of our everyday life and favorite books. My mother was a very gifted sculptor and potter. I hadn't remembered the Humpty Dumpty head until I saw it at my sister's house. She had chosen it among a few other pieces. She predeceased me so now it is back at my parents's house. I have it facing a wall and I would kind of like to break it. (But I won't my mom's art belongs in a museum.)
My sweet, Ned Flanders-like mother sculpted an insider symbol? She copied photos extraordinarily well so it was likely an illustration of a winking Humpty Dumpty which might have been an insider cartoonist or children's book illustrator.
Yuck, smug, nasty hidden controlled puppets of worse creatures …
*This post was almost done early this morning but adding this photo was kind of triggering and I left it unposted.
Hecklers gonna heckle, but why? Do they even know why they are going along with a vigilante society?
I have healed a lot though compared to when I had daily histamine excess. The pop culture and politically aware public were encouraged to heckle me. I was writing about health and the need for iodine, magnesium, and caution with vitamin D supplements in 2011/2012 and people were listening. The insider cancel culture controls the narrative by supporting people who say what they want to have said - producing popstars who sing the sexually exploitative songs that help push the public more towards viewing sex as a commodity instead of something to protect and treasure as our route towards our next generation of children.
I say I’ve come along way because my post yesterday seemed to upset some people. A few of the symbols used to heckle me for years were thrown at me again, and it didn’t even phase me - my win. I did do a little EFT tapping later on and the tension of the morning added to a bad migraine BUT there was no histamine excess mood meltdown and its risk of self injury for me.
The heckling of me got so bad and my mood meltdowns got so extreme that it was no longer funny to the public. The public maybe started to see that it was just really kind of mean and inappropriate to harass someone with a mental condition for a many years old mistake.
The mistake I made was in thinking that modern ‘come out of the closet sexually’ meant that I could be polyamorous which is a genetic difference naturally in about 40% of humans. For the 20% who are male, not too big a problem they are just swinging bachelors or ‘men cheat, they just do, oh well’. For the 20% who are female, you better be rich before admitting to any inclination towards polyamory and being rich may still not be enough to overcome the negativity surrounding female sexuality.
The premise of he Eyes Wide Shut movie was that a husband who had been supremely confident that his wife would never cheat on him because women simply are faithful had his foundations crumbled. How could his wife betray him like that? Women are 100% faithful to their husbands in their thoughts and actions, so she should be punished for her crime against him. He should seek out other women to have sex with to punish his wife for ‘cheating’ on him in her thoughts. Never in the movie is it suggested that it was wrong for another man to hit on her at a party.
The narrative of the discussion video wrapped up the take home point with the idea that not only is fantasy wrong and like cheating on your spouse, but also that there should be sacrifice/punishment of some sort for a transgression against fidelity. It was a reasonable thing that the masked woman at the masked occult who saved the Tom Cruise character by offering herself to be punished by the group, ended up dead of an “overdose”. . . . Someone needs to be sacrificed so that others can cheat on their spouses within their secret lives. That is just really a sick and twisted value. How does killing someone, specifically a female who is being exploited sexually, how does killing her atone for the cheating of the whole group? It doesn’t. It is scapegoating one person to make the others feel better somehow. The others are still being evil and twisted though.
Sacrifice and vigilantism has been embedded within our culture via movies and music and government policies and PSAs.
During the peak years of my being heckled en masse, even the PSA blurbs showing at the Secretary of State included some of the symbols that had ben linked to my story (trapped audience waiting to renew driver’s licenses). The smearing of Cancel culture is subtle and often linked things I had written about or phrases I tended to use with negative imagery, repetitively so the subtle connection would stick with the public.
The insider whistleblower books that I shared recently make it clear that MANY of the insider folks don’t even know they are part of it because their surface persona is not allowed to know about the secret life/secret world. That mask is just a fantasy and it means nothing. Their childhood trauma upbringing may have been so bad and so effective that they will adamantly deny any wrongdoing linked to a cover group they are part of, like the Freemasons. The insiders insist on bid donations and making a lot of money because that makes the insider groups look so nice and helpful to society - above suspicion.
In Canada a group of about 12 children allegedly were abused in a ritual event where Queen Elizabeth was present - and that went no where. Twelve children with the same story can be denied in order to pretend our leaders do not include eviler than evil abusers. How can that happen? Because the judges, prosecuting attorneys, Child Protection workers and many other people in positions of power are part of it, either as blackmail victims, active participators, or possibly dissociative controlled victims who were raised to succeed and take on powerful positions so they can help the insider group without remembering the childhood trauma they survived as an insider child.
According to the whistleblower accounts (two books are linked further below), insider children or any children caught up in the system as expendables or future talent that is being ‘trained’, are rigidly raised to have ‘good posture’ - but that doesn’t just mean standing up straight. Posture meant the public pose - never reveal family secrets to the outside world, or even your emotions - always present to the world a good pose of confidence, success, beauty, talent, and never let them see anything ugly or questionable → NEVER REVEAL FAMILY SECRETS!
Living with that level of expectation would be difficult to resist - it would be difficult to maintain your own goals or beliefs. I saw it happen to society regarding my own skewed story. Initially I was built up as a great hope, and then was being made into the evil woman example who ruins the life of nice men. It was the same big name people who kept repeating the nasty rumors or jokes and I eventually realized that lots of other people repeating the jokes had no idea about the backstory. Repeat something often enough and it becomes urban legend - vaguely true or vaguely a myth that no one really believes was once based on reality. So that gave me information about who are the insiders or controlled people.
A lot of people had never heard of me - part of the goal of canceling me was to keep my nutrition information from helping more people - it would be anti-culling. SO, those who were making the nasty jokes about a decade old topic, seemed to be part of the insider group if only as a media controlled vigilante. » It is ‘virtuous’ to go along with attacking the group that society says we are supposed to attack, because those people are dangerous to our group’s survival!
Attack granny because she didn’t take a jab!
Attack anyone who suggests autism isn’t a beautiful and natural thing which we should respect and elevate to positions of power! That was a literal suggestion or Tweet that I saw someone write about - we should appoint non-communicative people into positions of power so their neurodiversity is equally represented or something - but if they are non-communicative than how are they supposed to do anything in their position of power? How are we supposed to know what they want?
Sympathy or empathy for impaired people is a good thing, that suggesting that brain damage is just ‘neurodiversity’ that should be celebrated, seems to be more about protecting brain damagers from being held responsible for putting brain damaging chemicals in our products and environment.
A disturbing tidbit in the whistleblower book - the MK Ultra program took old family methods for traumatizing children into Dissociative Identity Disorder and refined them into modern techniques that use electroshock treatments and forced video watching (like in the book or movie A Clockwork Orange). The victims of the modern techniques are less likely to be able to break out of that type of programing. “Suicide” at age 27 may be a trendy thing because around age 30 the controlled victim tends to go a little too nuts. The programming includes orders to suicide rather than remember or admit to what happened in the suppressed memories. *This book: An Illuminati Primer - Understanding the System Through the Eyes of its Whistleblowers, by Veronica Swift (pdf in my sync account)
I have known integrated and not integrated people with DID. One of the integrated people told me it took three different people telling her something was odd before she believed it or worked on it. A non-integrated person made it clear to me that the surface persona can be so clueless they could pass a lie detector test.
My point - ‘controlled ops’ may not realize that they are controlled opposition.
Brain controlled people may be so suppressed at an inner level that their surface best-dude-in-the-world nice act is the only act they ‘know’. They can’t admit to themselves knowing anything deeper if it is linked to self destruct suicide messaging or just the early childhood messages like “Good girls don’t talk about what happened last night.” Or a more threatening “Good children do not talk about what happened last night if they want their family or their pet rabbit to not be tortured and killed in front of them.” Adult survivors may have no surface memory that their rabbit was shredded in front of them as a threat to obey and remain silent.
Triggering adult survivors to do something is allegedly a big reason for the symbolism encoded in much of media and other events. Purple dresses on the power women of the insider circles may have been a sign to watchers that the purple plan is starting, be ready for your role in that unspoken plan.
If someone sees to say one thing but consistently do another thing when the chips are down, then they maybe controlled - saying things that seem agreeable but then also doing things that are inconsistent.
If the Leftist writer consistently sticks their head in the sand over a hot topic, loudly denying any problems over there….. then they may be controlled internally in a way that their subconscious is not allowing their conscious persona to make consistent statements. If someone seems so on target, except for that one huge gaping area, then they maybe controlled and unable to admit to the truth of the huge gaping area . . . and that means they cannot be relied on. Their subconscious may have embedded suicide or other triggers around the hot topic so their brain won’t allow their brain to see those issues realistically. Trying to talk to them rationally about the hot topic will just get different variations of run-around. Their brain cannot go there or they risk hitting an internal self sabotage trigger.
The second book has strategies that helped someone with the internal self sabotage triggers to break-free - but his trauma had been pre-electroshock techniques. His dissociative fragmented identity was set up with the more ancient extreme abuse of very young children technique.
The basic gist to the deprogramming tips is really more about reprogramming the brain with good stuff. Give the brain better things to think about and do and the old brain pathways weaken as they are unused. Go for a walk, write a poem, paint a picture, remember fun times. Keep the brain busy focused on positive things and memories and build those awareness skills focusing on positive things. Tone down the intensity of negative memories not by poking at them with talk therapy but by filling the brain with lots of positive activity. Build new positive pathways and think about the icky stuff less and less and those pathways will slowly reduce in nerve strength and intensity.
What interested me, was that a lot of the strategies mentioned was what I had to do to become less triggered by Cancel Culture because the heckling went on for years before my mood meltdowns got so bad that it wasn’t very funny for the public viewers anymore. (*The US Watch List/Patriot Act can have anyone they want under surveillance for as long as they want with no legal charges, just ‘suspicion of being a terrorist’. And CoV policies led to further clarification of what is considered ‘terrorism’ - which now includes pretty much anything that doesn’t agree with the official CoV narrative - CoV jabs are safe and effective!
An Illuminati Primer - Understanding the System Through the Eyes of its Whistleblowers, by Veronica Swift (pdf in my sync account). Veronica Swift couldn’t believe what she was hearing about so she started researching it in depth and wrote the Prier in part to help organize her own understanding of what the survivor whistleblowers were sharing.
Mental Liberation in the Age of Thought Control Deprogramming Satanic Ritual Abuse, MK Ultra, Monarch & Illuminati Mind Control, by Kerth Barker, ( *This book is also not for the squeamish.
This post has discussion about those books: is rewriting history and promoting racism… (Substack)
It’s my birthday and I don’t have to cry if I don’t want to. So far no migraine today. My not taking my daily supplements is a big negative for me because of my gene differences. My boxes are filed again and I have had two day’s worth. I have to have some things in higher doses than diet can provide - zinc and B6, methyl folate, B12 and choline, cannabinoids and magnesium. The lack of zinc and B6 can cause weird mental and physical symptoms fairly quickly when I forget the high dose supplements.
Chronic pain puts a new perspective on a lot of life. What’s important? Being able to think without throbbing pain. Being able to walk and move freely without pain or edema.
Hecklers gonna heckle.
Narcissists gonna have a flying monkey entourage.
Narcissists gonna narcissis-si, was too hard to say or spell.
People who heckle about a decade-old smear campaign are gonna reveal their programming and reveal whose team they are playing on even if they don’t seem to realize it.
Disclaimer: This information is being shared for educational purposes within the guidelines of Fair Use and it is not intended to provide individual health care guidance.
Happy Birthday! 🥳💐
JD - Your en fuego in now a three alarm fire.
Did you know? A Clockwork Orange and Eyes Wide Shut were both directed by Stanley Kubrick? That the latter film was based on a German 1926 novella Traumnovelle (Dream Story) by Arthur Schnitzler? That it holds the record for longest continual film shoot, at 400 days? That Kubrick died of a heart attack six days after showing the final cut? Invoke Leroy Jethro Gibbs Rule 39.
Now closely watch this "predictive programming" from 2016 for the next 4.5 minutes...
One might ask: what business are they in?
And I encourage you to go shopping more!
It's called a "feed", and "programming" for a reason. Happy Birthday.