More on the New Madrid Fault and pole shift topic - as there are questions.
Predicted timeline for the 7 weeks prior to pole shift which lasts about an hour, then 2-3 hours of severe wind, earthquakes and volcanic activity occurrs. Oceans remain sloshing for another 2-3 days.
Remote viewers - an extrasensory perception group, focused on the question of the CoV plandemic and whether it was planned, lab origin, weapon release, impact, … and the group have a summary video on Youtube. What overlapped between the various viewers impressions was yes, purposeful release that will have significant negative implications for all of life on Earth, but, or and, that some sort of major natural event was an impediment for the perpetrator’s plan or was going to go forward anyway to try to mitigate the risk from the event.
The significant major natural event may be the pole shift that allegedly the elites were warned about 30 years ago by friendly aliens trying to help us. A site allegedly providing information channeled telepathically from the group interprets crop circles as astrological maps that are supposed to be informing us as to our future risk. Without their explanation the circles would just look like odd patterns to me, but when the complexity of our solar system and the wandering planet Nibiru is also known the patterns and explanations make more sense.
The number of intelligent alien species seems to be large and organized and the species from the wandering planet allegedly have been punished and were sent away from this planet in the past. All that gets odd and complex and isn’t the point of the planet being in physical danger.
The remote viewers other overlapping impression - that the release of the CoV bioweapon would harm all life on Earth - is likely true in my opinion. Small marine life is already being harmed. The chimeric spike isn’t going to just go away. So we have multiple problems to cope with. This pole shift has the added problem of pollution - when the oceans and winds are spreading everything everywhere, it is going to include a lot of toxins. Far more than in previous cycles history - based on geological testing not finding odd layers of toxins in older rock.
Regarding New Madrid Fault
“Comment by Nancy Lieder {the person channeling the Zet aliens}
The New Madrid Fault Line has a sister fault line in the East Coast Fault Line, which runs parallel to the New Madrid but branches off from the New Madrid in Alabama. Thus the heliplots today showed Brewton, Alabama solid black.”
About the New Madrid Fault (

The current information about the New Madrid Fault focuses on the spot in red on the map above, but in this case the entire plate is rumbling from a ripple effect that started at Turkey and will be affecting the Azores in the mid Atlantic also. During the pole shift itself the San Andreas fault and that entire fault line along South America will be active earthquakes but less trauma is expected with the current New Madrid adjustment.
The world continental plates - map for sale at

Concrete details about the predicted pole shift? not really but some summary points:
Our solar system has two suns, one is dark and so we don’t notice it. All the known planets orbit around the Sun and the orbits are elliptical because of the pull of the other sun. The wandering planet Nibiru orbits around both suns. It is comet like and has a tail of moons and debris. Their atmosphere is dimmer than ours as the comet itself casts light and it is reddish because of iron dust. When it nears there will be a rain of reddish dust coating things “and the rivers ran with blood” - Biblical. Petrol is also in their atmosphere and is already been photographed in some places falling as rainbow shimmers or as flames. When petrol passes over a live volcano it will burst into flames. Fires are expected from destruction and also the falling petrol.
Currently Venus and Earth’s dark Twin (?) are nearby and the four magnetic objects are keeping each other repelled. When the extra two move away the magnetic attraction of Planet X on Earth will be greater and the two will approach and when close enough the last seven weeks have arrived.
The following screenshots are from the video at this Telegram post: (

Seven-week timeline prior to the shift, which will be about an hour followed by 2 to 3 hours of severe hurricane strength wind everywhere and earthquakes at Richter 9 level everywhere. We just saw what a level 8 looks like in Turkey. Oceans will be sloshing and stormy for a few days before calming down.

Timeline for the final weeks prior to poleshift:
9 days - severe wobble as the North pole tries to evade Planet X.
4.5 days - lean to the left.
2-3 days - progression as Planet X shifts position in the sky relative to the sun.
3 days - darkness on the Northern hemisphere as the Eath’s North pole points directly away from Planet X.
6 days - Earth is upside down with the sun rising in the west.
18 days - Earth rights itself, loosening the grip but Planet X is now accelerating away from the Sun and the Atlantic Rift is gripped by Planet X which gradually slows the Earth’s rotation to a stop.
5.9 days - Rotation stoppage with the Atlantic Rift facing the Sun and Planet X is visible (as a scary looking red dragon, flaming in the sky - gets written about across history and cultures) on that side of the planet. The Pacific side of the planet would be experiencing a long night with no sunshine. Midpoints would be having either dusk or dawn like conditions.
Poleshift - one hour - Earth breaks the magnetic hold with the pole shift of the magnetic core and Planet X accelerates away for another ~ 3657 years. While leaving, the hold of Planet X’s magnetic force will grip the current magnetic south pole and pull it northward. The crust separates from the core at this stage. Pre-existing stress points relax (the fault lines).
2-3 hours - Richter 9 earthquakes will be felt everywhere and hurricane force winds. Volcanos active in the last 10,000 years will explode.
Several days - The oceans will be sloshing for a couple days before calming after the storm like conditions that encircled the Earth.
Song lyric that has been an earworm for a few days “When the Earth moves under my feet, and the walls come tumbling down,” - the strong winds are because the Earth core may be held in place and the lumpy plates collide slowly together - BUT - the atmosphere was a moving force and not magnetic, not held in magnetic grip by a larger magnet - so when the Earth stops under our feet….we need to be in an underground shelter because the atmosphere will keep moving. It will seem like strong wind. Metaphor - as if riding in the bed of an open pickup truck - you feel still, but the air feels like it is moving - when instead you are moving through previously still air.
Normally we are moving at the same rate as the atmosphere, unless a windy day, so it feels like we are still, and the air is still. The Earth stopping will seem stable underfoot (*pre-Earthquake part of the shift) and the air will seem like it suddenly became a strong wind because it is the moving pickup truck in my metaphor - pushing through a stopped Earth surface. The Earth will stop but not the air that had been flowing around. It will keep going at its normal pace - blowing all the temporarily stopped stuff down in front of it. Hurricane force winds flatten houses and trees. Our current record for hurricane wind speed in Atlantic hurricanes is 190 miles per hour. Strongest Atlantic Hurricanes in History, Measured by Wind Speed ( Looking at historical relics, my impression is that what remains are large stone structures, and that is about it.
The recommendation is an underground shelter for yourself and stuff you want to preserve, and not a deep cave bunker, as the earthquake activity may just trap people. A shallow trench is the simplest guidance, with a removable but sod covered metal roof, and escape routes out each end of the trench. Surviving will require avoiding coastal and inland flooding, major earthquake zones, fire, and the 2-3 hours of hurricane strength wind.
I don’t really expect to survive long without modern foods and supplements but I do find it exciting to think that we and I are at a significant juncture in our planet’s history. It is also interesting to find out what might really explain the odd things about our alleged history.
The Rapture? Repentance and prayer may not be a bad move at this time whether in a safe location or a more dangerous one. Local teamwork is also a good move where-ever your location. Allegedly beings are trying to help us, I think that seems nice. It is hard to know. But the crop circles are quite magnificent.
Aside - regarding the Sitchen book - he is theorizing that the beings from Planet X did the gene manipulation and the Zeta’s say it happened earlier by other beings. I don’t know really whether to believe any of it or some of it but I find some of the political things the channel postulates hard to believe. *Abraham Lincoln may have been channeled for all I know for sure. ;-)
Couple more screenshots

This shift will be bigger than previous ones. Planet X is closer in space and maybe repeated cycles are wearing on the Earth’s crust. Eventually the Earth may not pull free and then collide with Planet X and split apart, adding to it’s many moons.

This screenshot shows the level of sunshine to expect while the Earth is stopped for 5.9 days as the Atlantic Rift is locked in the magnetic grip of Planet X.

Disclaimer: This information is being provided for educational purposes within the guidelines of Fair Use and is not intended to provide individual health care guidance.
Hmnnn Biblical multiple of 7...
All these types of claim always lack definitive evidence. For example:
"There is some history of crop circles prior to 1960 but they have only become common and mysterious during the last 50 years. As the patterns grew increasingly sophisticated and frequent, theories ranged from the circles being landing spots or even encrypted messages from UFOs, or natural phenomenon created by magnetic fields or whirlwinds.
The mystery unravelled in 1991 when Doug Bower and Dave Chorley, landscape artists from Southampton, claimed to be responsible for making all of the crop circles in England. The increased complexity of the crop circles over the years was intended to quash theories that they could be caused by natural phenomenon and reinforce their intended UFO hoax. The hoaxers finally gave in by an announcement to the press after Bower’s wife had accused him of adultery following the many nights he went missing and the high mileage on his car."