Money Game (Part 1) by Renmakesmusic (music video-disturbing); Thomas Harrington on Manufacured forgetfulness; Join me on Notes
*still working on my draft pile, the infomercial is a freebie: Notes, a new place for us to share ideas.
I just published my first note on Substack Notes, and would love for you to join me there! *Automated post format. I removed a little and left the rest. Marketing is interesting to observe from an intellectual place where you don’t buy in automatically as per the marketer’s plans, or maybe you do. I can. It is easy to believe hype. *Although, I have been enjoying the preliminary phase of Notes.
Here is disturbing but on point video about the division being promoted over immigrants and it is the big money people who are stoking it - graphically disturbing, adds to the power of the message - violence is happening even if we choose to not look at it:
"Money Game (Part 1)" by @Renmakesmusic
This was my first “Note”, and was part of the automated post:
“Notes is a new space on Substack for us to share links, short posts, quotes, photos, and more.” I have been browsing Notes occasionally and it seems a nice way to find new authors to follow. My addition to the pointers below, in the automated post - is that you will only see initial posts by the authors that you have subscribed to, so subscribe to more writers to see more variety in the Notes stream. It is fun or interesting to read conversations that include favorite authors.
Back to my post - in a follow up to the academic journal publishing history redirected by Robert Maxwell into peer review chaos - Thomas Harrington writes about Manufactured forgetfulness at the public cognition level - how did all the news media immediately start touting the same or similar line that 9/11 had brought about a new era? and other social and political topics published at Brownstone Institute, in books, or on his site.
Current publication that caught my attention: How and Why the Intellectuals Betrayed Us ⋆ Brownstone Institute
Which led to a book chapter of his that got pulled at the last moment - my guess would be - due to the paragraph in the opening asking about the definition of terror and if terror caused by the US or Israel counted? - paraphrased by me.
»It doesn’t seem to count.
pdf in my Dropbox in case you need an academia membership.
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Manufactured forgetting, manufactured narrative - those who control the media do have a lot of power. We have the power to turn it off. Changing the channel is likely to get more of the same messaging.
More direct communication is a good thing. The controllers want to prevent organization and the communication that it requires.
Occasionally I get a direct email from a reader, that is okay. Peace be with you.
Disclaimer: This information tis being shared for educational purposes within the guidelines of Fair Use and is not intended to provide individual health care guidance.
JD - Kids got it nailed.