Mind our speech and self-talk for love, abundance, joy and kindness; magnesium can help.
- to align with a higher embodiment of the light-love frequencies of ascended new Earth. Channeled message via Julia Greef, Transmissions of Light.; also I Ching.
The Ascended Consciousnesses of Mount Shasta and Mount Fuji would like us to speak more carefully about ourselves and others - more peaceably. So that we may ascend to the 7th dimension or above and join in the energy of the new Earth.
After the last post, we could use some positive self-talk, it adds to health, while any negative talk is adding to oxidative stress. The planet could use more love, joy, and kindness. We see it in the animal kingdom at times, with one species helping another out of a bad situation.
Channeled message via Julia Greef, Transmissions of Light, read the channeled message (copied below, to help share the message) (transmissionsoflight.com) and watch and meditate with the video (embedded below) (Youtube), to receive the channeled energy, ‘ascension codes’, cellular healing (?). It sounds nice and I don’t know what I don’t know about our energy forms, quantum health, or what other energy beings might be able to do for us. An open mind allows for experiencing life and its mysteries.
“Dear Beautiful Beloved Light-Filled Ones,
So Grateful We Are To Contact With You This Day.
Our Main Purpose With This Message Is To Share The Ascended New Earth Gaia Higher Light Frequencies With You On A Cellular Level, Helping To Support Your Entry Into The 7th Dimension And Above.
Other Than That, There Are Two Points We Wish To Communicate To You.
First, The Importance Of Being Careful In The Way That You Speak A) Of YourSelf And Others, and, B) To YourSelf And Others.
Make Sure The Words That Utter Forth From Your Mouth Are Aligned With Higher Light Frequencies And What You Wish To Create For YourSelf And See For Others In The World.
Do Not Cut Off Possibility Or Limit Potential In The Phrases You Choose To Express YourSelf With.
Second, We Want To Highlight Both How Well You Are Doing - And How Far There Is Still To Go.
Anywhere You Are Not In Alignment With The Higher Values Of Peace Within And Without, Love, Abundance And Goodness Aligning For All, Joy, & Kindness Needs To Be Observed; Released Where Necessary; & Brought Into Higher Alignment By The Effort Of The Consciousness Observing ItSelf.
These Are The Things We Would Impart To You This Day.
It Is We, It Is Us, The Ascended Consicousnesses Of Mt SHASTA & Mt FUJI.
Read the channeled message (transmissionsoflight.com)
Magnesium is protective at a cellular and mitochondrial level. I updated this post and added the link to the last post about the risk of increased violence as the planet’s magnetosphere weakens. Our individual quantum health, heart vortex health, forms our own magnetic field. Standing on the ground without plastic or metal shoes between us and the earth or rock or a single layer of concrete, will let us share energy with the earth and we receive healing negative ions. Spending time ‘grounding’ daily is healing for us and maybe for the planet too.
Loving energy is ‘good vibrations’, while angry energy is sharp and chaotic energy. Magnesium is more soothing, positive moods, and excess calcium flow is activating, tense muscles and easily upset emotions.
I will have to work on minding my speech and thoughts about myself and others. I have spent much of my life in a culture of sarcasm.
In the replies, of a recent post about a Tarot reading I did about the Biden Trump debate, the use of I Ching was mentioned as an alternative route to consulting the Oneness (or your preferred word). I found an online ap and used it for a similar mental question - a meditative intense-fulness is needed, I think, for it to work rather than being just random code generation. The mindfulness is affecting the quarks of the ‘random’ code generation ~ I think.
But anyway, the I Ching reading I received was helpful. It was a reminder that harsh scolding isn’t good, too much giggling among family is not a good thing either. Move towards discretion and interestingly ~ a sacrifice may be prepared for offer, but it doesn’t have to be made - the death blow does not have to be made. The death by endless public ridicule does not have to occur. It is adding to a sea of negativity and elevated dopamine after all. This really sunk home - Biden and Trump are part of my ‘national family’ - this mess is ‘my family mess’ too. I am an accessory to US crimes at home and abroad. I don’t really know what to do about it, but derision by meme, or blog, is not really the only approach and is probably not the best approach.
“There is confidence in discretion.
Examining what is there, without doing anything. This cautious and unrevealing attitude makes confidence possible.” (eclecticenergies.com)
Peace be with you.
We can only try each day, and then there may be a tomorrow in which we can try again.

Disclaimer: This information is being provided for educational purposes within the guidelines of Fair Use and is not intended to provide individual health guidance.
JD - "Biden and Trump are part of my ‘national family’ - this mess is ‘my family mess’ too. I am an accessory to US crimes at home and abroad."
No they are not, because they don't give a fuck about you or any of us. And your not, because those decisions were made long ago, and you never had a choice in the matter. That's the illusion of so called democracy, and there is no voting our way out of this.
"Loving energy is ‘good vibrations’"
Wilson & Love said it best... https://youtu.be/apBWI6xrbLY?
"The planet could use more love, joy, and kindness."
Bacharach wrote it & DeShannon made it famous... https://youtu.be/eG9iMJIT5sQ?
but Clay may have expressed it best... https://youtu.be/1uqNLnEzDLA?
Happy Fourth!!!