Med Alert - VAERS death report held up 665 days and date of death wasn't included.
...and more detail about loss of data from VAERS in a SubStack by Jessica Rose.
Breaking the news - US VAERS system seems extremely corrupt. (Breaking into my unfinished draft, included after this section.) The U.S. VAERS system was set up to provide the liability assurance that vaccine producing companies no longer wanted to take - pharmaceutical companies had left the vaccine industry until the US change in liability. The US government took on the liability and the responsibility to assure that human rights regarding safe products were protected.
#FAILED #CRIMINALCOVERUP Seriously - this is not health care. This is death. This is murder by US government.
The Telegram post states that 177 other old reports were also made public on Nov 11, 2022. An example from the VAERS site link: ( ID 1363368), made public Nov 11, 2021, date of CoV injection May 1, 2021 and date of death, specifically? prior to June 1, 2021. Anaphylaxis occurred within five minutes of the injection and an EpiPen helped initially but “later she died”. Why is VAERS withholding the date of death from the record?

This one is fun - the “Symptoms: Death, Dizziness, Syncope.” “Life Threatening: No.” I guess once you are dead, your life is no longer threatened…but it seems to be missing the point of having been life threatening to the still alive, un-experimentally-injected person. ID/record: (1782988) - Nuremburg II is going to have its own number system, a little like a concentration camp ID number - only not a tattoo that fades with time.

Some history - the US committee that investigated whether there was a link between traditional vaccines and autism did not conclude that there was not a link - they concluded that there was not enough information, and that better monitoring and record keeping was needed.
Flashback to 2012 - when a ridiculous public health nutritionist tried to point out that the Secretary of the Dept. of Health and Human Services is a really important appointed position (not elected).
The goals of the current administration of the US Department of Health and Human Services are extensive. Promoting emergency preparedness and the dissemination of information about protecting ourselves and our communities seems to be a goal.
HHS is encouraging information sharing, surveillance, and coordinated action to reduce the emerging threats from common pathogens in our food, water, biologicals (blood, organs, tissue and vaccines), and air. HHS is working to improve communications across all sectors, from government emergency response systems to private sector and community-based organizations, especially with underserved populations, such as those with limited English proficiency and individuals with disabilities. []
So, in the spirit of health awareness:
Cell Wall deficient bacteria - article reviewing the currently accepted research:
Glutamates, a free amino acid, are revealed as an essential food for an E. coli variety and yet farther down in the article we find that we are still just looking for "novel drugs and vaccines" instead of considering the idea that free glutamates are in most foods on the market. When questions are never asked, then information is frequently right under our noses — for those of us who ask the questions of the search engine - or Wayback Machine.
The foreign data set was gutted this week in VAERS and the cancer signal was halved, the myocarditis dose 3 response signal was lost and 994 spontaneous abortions/still births were dropped
For starters...
As most of you know, me and a bunch of other people are monitoring VAERS data very closely week-by-week. This week (11.18.22), the first thing I noticed was that the Foreign data set was less than a fraction of the size it was last week (11.11.22): down from 283.51 MB to 96.81 MB. There is a disclaimer under the VAERS data that states the following, so this is not mistake….
This is not a mistake. #TheCulling started at least in the 1950’s with the addition of fluoride to public drinking water (which added it to processed foods made with water methods), and the removal of potassium iodide from flour and the addition of potassium bromide instead. See Rima Laibow’s interview with Jesse Ventura ~ 2008, regarding Codex Alimentarius and a confidential no-name disclosure of a high placed US official who discussed the culling of U.S. citizens as a goal. A different interview: Dr Rima Laibow Exposes Genocidal Plot, clip of full interview, May 17, 2014 (YouTube).
// Whatever else I had on my mind yesterday: (good news)
I have been invited to do another paper, a deep dive into “the genetics and epigenetics anticancer mechanisms of natural products and semi-synthetic analogues,” using chemobioinformatics (like molecular docking studies) or translational use of the data, like an app maybe to make it easier to use. April deadline. As an expectant new author - Too Soon! to suggest it is time to have the next baby or to ask what its name will be. New parents need to have had a couple kids before they can be less anxious about the process.
Molecular docking example focused on SARS-CoV-2, see the Appendix for the list of ~30 chemicals that I expanded on with plant sources or other details. (document)
Flattering indeed, but there are fees involved in Open Access peer review publishing - and time, and eyestrain, and late nights. However, the pomegranate deep dive did lead to some cancer treatment clues regarding pomegranate phytonutrient’s mechanism of action that I have been curious to look into further - after the unfinished reference list for the last baby is complete though. Microbiome benefits seem to be a big factor in pom benefits too, making zinc and resistant starch foods part of a ‘Pomegranate Treatment Protocol’. The pomegranate won’t work as well without a healthy microbiome.
I will have to think about that invitation. It isn’t as obvious a fit as nociceptive pain for my body of work.
Housekeeping - I added an update to the Retinoid Toxicity strikes again post - this morning after it had set, the Licorice Pudding was fabulous - restaurant ready. The pudding industry needs to switch gears away from corn starch and corn sweeteners and restore pudding to healthy treat status.
And VAERS should be replaced by a non-US hired organization and the U.S. directors of the current system deserve to be jailed. Seriously. This is insane - that it is continuing.
Disclaimer: This information is being provided for educational purposes within the guidelines of Fair Use it is not intended to provide individual health care guidance. Please seek a functional health professional for individualized health care.
I may be way off track here it dangerous to write a major article about natural remedies when they are trying to take them off the shelves?
Thanks for all your work and help!!!
Hope you and your folks are doing well.