Maxwell Yearick where are you?
AR15 also seems like a lie - Remington 700 per Brave AI which is a type of gun more likely to be used by a sniper.
False it seems. Thomas Mathew Crooks seems like a crisis actor - fake name, little to history other than two videos using the name. As the shooter is dead, another patsy would have to be either fake or dead. Yearick would be 36 or 37 years old, not 20, and he had a history of Antifa protests and arrests. More recently he was said to have volunteered in Ukraine in a military role - for which he would have had to have the ear jewelry holes sewn shut. A scar like area is visible in the picture of the dead shooter.
The picture being called the shooter, alive that day - drone maybe, seems to be false altogether. That pic looks like the @ jewgazing troll because it allegedly is of him. Before his account was wiped he had posted a picture of an FBI person’s business card who had been in contact with him regarding this event and the pics were the topic (per a 4Chan Thread) and the 4chan anon saw the business card image but didn’t save a screenshot. The account is wiped, I saw that later on yesterday.
We have been learning that keeping organized archives is important.
Not having Maxwell Yearick as the shooter would be avoiding the antifa history and arrests for violence at Trump events in the past or a Seattle protest.
His Facebook account is being wiped but an person on found other social media accounts or text files including a manifesto. Anarchy was an interest but so were trains and architecture. He had a footprint online and liked art and divisersity and equality. He was a person, or is a person.
Found by this person, see this long Thread - it has links and screenshots to various accounts online.
Roger Stone is the reported source via connections, of Maxwell Yearick being the shooter.
Why would Biden allegedly want Trump dead? Because Trump openly called him a criminal, referred to the Hunter laptop, and called the reporter a criminal for not reporting on the laptop?
Click through for video clip - brief exchange between the reporter and Trump.
In the Tumbler account under Maxwell Yearick’s anonymous name - incessantmeme, two new tattoos were photographed, 7 and 8 years ago. The account has about ten years of history. There would be no mistaking the identity. Tattoos would be on police file from h8s prior arrests.
Wrong photo for “T.M.Crooks” the photo was of the @jewgazing account who had made a video saying “wrong guy”. or the person has wiped that account in the last day. This screenshot would have predated when I saw the account today.

A tilt of the head made a difference. A professional sniper probably would have gone for a body shot though. Or not missed with all the other bullets too.
Brave AI was responding with Maxwell Yearick as the shooter. Per this screenshot someone shared (no link?). “Weapon: Remington 700”
Text files, a manifesto.txt the links are all grouped after several images. Click through for the text file links.
“To be rich today is merely to own the largest number of meaningless objects to possess the greatest amount of prosperity.” - donald trump

These links are a Thread by the person who found the incessantmeme accounts. Click through for the links to the text files and for other screenshots.
Old Tumbler found: *Has some beautiful artwork and progressive/liberal speakers on a few topics.
The named shooter, Thomas Mathew Crooks is young, 20, with little presence online.
Martyr building - a theory was that if the shooting had been successful them Yearick would have been made into an Antifa hero, but since he missed, a crisis actor/fake person might have been used as the party affiliation seems to be Republican. And that is being stressed in memes - a Republican shot one of their own, not a seasoned 36 year old Antifa/anarchist….who liked trains and beautiful art and architecture.
Feed the public Bread and Circuses. People have shifted to open support for Donald Trump . . . but it is two wings of the same Freemason bird.
See the videos in this post, starting with the fourth one is eye opening and leads to curiosity. The first is genealogy- Trump is in this by distant family connections - even a very distant relative of Hillary Clinton. The second and third are short summaries if your time is limited.
If we back up a bit emotionally and look at the shooting as a movie set, then it was an action comedy and the DEI Secret Service are being called “Keystone Cops” and “Spice Girl cops” and “Who hired Melissa McCarthy to guard a 6’2” tall man?”
We can be fit and plump but fumbling to holster your gun and looking lost during a crisis, when you are supposed to be the calming presence, is not really qualified for the job. Movies with unrealistic characters in a role does real life a disservice - gives unrealistic expectations about skill. Melissa McCarthy can be a super cop too! The bad guys in real life may not agree.
Who am I to talk?
My own skill set includes being trained as a Life Guard and Water Safety Instructor and working in that role for two summers at a Girl Scout camp. It was a learning experience to have to be the cheery presence even if your special week at camp was the one that rained all week. Thunderstorm rolling in, and we are on the other side of the lake in metal boats with a bunch of younger people you are responsible for all and they are learning how to maneuver - you stay calm, and row, or paddle if it was canoes, and say ~ “Let’s turn around now girls, and head back!” …. the job probably didn’t pay enough. But it was fun. I dropped the keel of a sailboat on my foot and broke two toes the second summer.
I have also been trained to use rifles and won the only competition I was entered in as a youth - first place 56-4X, 4 bullseyes, out of a possible score of 60-6X. My dad was a sharp shooter with old fashioned muzzle loaders so I grew up around guns and gun ranges and how to hold a rifle and how to use a scope to get the bullseyes.
Fitness versus normalizing iodine insufficiency and low level hypothyroidism.
Physical unfitness has been normalized because we are not supposed to talk about iodine deficiency and other food supply problems that are a cause of overweightness and addictive eating. It is hard if not impossible to be healthy in the current food supply and modern life environment unless you are avoiding most of it.
Two wings of the same bird - Donald Trump converted to Judaism and was our first Jewish President and the Israeli people were very pleased with him. He did do a lot for Israel, moved the US embassy to Jerusalem which was condoning Israel being there and also supported Golan Heights acquisition and visited the Wall.
Biden, looking backward in meme creation history, had been set look devilish in an odd speech with lots of red lighting, a couple years ago. And images from that speech are used in memes now. Bad Joe with the red glowing eyes is a meme - devilish going more overt. While Trump is portrayed and likes to portray himself as being more heroic Rambo or holy, like Jesus.
Both are authoritarian, both are the extremes.
Are we sheepling our way from the frying pan back into the fire?
And is Kennedy a third-party backup plan? Both main candidates would need to lose a large amount of voters to the third-party for there to be a big enough shift in electoral college votes.
If all the candidates support Israeli goals, then who are the US people left to vote for?
And from a different perspective - Is Trump the AntiChrist or believed to be? Elon Musk is now fully supporting Trump on and with a financial donation. ** this is not short but seems worth watching. I started rewatching it, but moved on.
Year old video, speculative regarding predictive programming and the Antichrist or the awaited Hebrew Messiah.
Will Trump be shot at? 1995 Illuminati card game suggests that.
Elon and Mars also has some foreshadowing but from longer ago and by Werner Von Braun.
Regarding the media messaging:
Voting for Biden seems really stupid, but voting for Trump also seems really stupid based on the Sam Lusk videos. And I am not sure what to think about all of this. These videos are worth viewing, worth being reminded that Trump is a Jewish President. There was a screenshot was earlier
This shooting event will likely lead to a bigger wave of support for Trump then he had. His Vice President pick seems to be Ohio Senator J.D. Vance.
Disclaimer: This information is being provided for educational purposes within the guidelines of Fair Use and is not intended to provide individual health guidance.
This is the video of the person saying 'wrong guy'. I suppose it was saved by this account and reposted:
I love the appeal to ‘authorities’. The individuals that refer to themselves as ‘authorities’ are parasitic narcissist’s obsessed with destruction and death. They have absolutely no regard for the truth or other human beings.