Lenovo ThinkPad endorsement & gratuitous request for Get well soon wishes.
Essential Oil Book Club - bruising case study.
I tripped over my own poorly fitting slipper . . . while carrying my newish Lenovo ThinkPad.
Cinderella story cut short, the slipper didn't fall but I did a sliding for Home plate type of dive, or Catcher's mitt out dive for the ball. The ThinkPad was the Catcher’s mitt and it survived unscathed. It is designed to be a business model for use in varied settings. I haven't used it much because it was surprisingly small and the keyboard layout isn't where my fingers expect it.
However I have gained new appreciation for its rugged design - small, lightweight and flexible hinge. It did end up in a 180’ angle at my landing 🛬.
Restaurant training maybe, we don't spill the giant tray of dishes on the customers. No tips in that move. *For historical accuracy, I was a busboy not a waitress.
My left knee and right arm are scraped and my left toes are stubbed badly. Ice and elevation, Birch essential oil for immediate pain relief, some frankincense, cypress and tea tree oil a few times. Soaked in magnesium chloride, more ice and elevation and it hurts but I can get around. It seems like it would hurt more if it was broken …oh, yes medical marijuana for pain relief too.
Wormwood tea as an anti-inflammatory and some of my pom peel mix. We’ll see how it goes.
Day one, couple hours after tripping; my toes are odd because of bunion changes in the bone alignment. And also childhood elevate homocysteine can cause bone changes during development towards longer fingers and toes. A question during an autism focused nutrition webinar asked if having a longer second toe was seen frequently in children with autism and the lecturer didn’t know. My guess would be ‘yes’ as elevated homocysteine and methylation cycle errors may be more frequent gene differences in children on the Autism Spectrum. I have a post on Homocysteine and genetics. (Substack) Homocysteine became an ongoing topic and my archives have a few posts on that topic.
More vivid now, a couple more hours (I lost my phone which had a few other photos of changing appearance - it got redder and more swollen):
It wants more ice.
Amazingly though my knee is not too bad, just scraped, minor bruise.
Grounding, and watching a little lightening while soaking in storm ions.
Elevating. I did more ice again a little later but the concrete garage floor was cooling too.
I got a few new essential oil books. Dr. Josh Axe is the coauthor of a nice reference book with easy to use sections on single oils and on conditions. It is an unbranded comprehensive book similar to the The Essential Life, 9th Edition which has doTerra’s blends and single oils. The Essential Oils - Ancient Medicine book by Dr. Josh Axe, Ty Bollinger and Jordan Rubin has recipes for home, body care, and food and beverages that use essential oils. The book is likely available used too. (Barnes & Noble, 2018)
Essential Oils - Ancient Medicine, by Dr. Josh Axe, Ty Bollinger, and Jordan Rubin, 2016/2022, (Barnes & Noble, 2018)
Geranium and Lavender along with Frankincense and Cypress are recommended along with Helichrysum which I don't have. It is a more expensive floral essential oil.
Cypress is also mentioned as helping heal bone fractures in Josh Axe’s book called “Eat Dirt”. (Barnes & Noble) It is a comprehensive approach to healing leaky gut problems and includes essential oils as potential healing strategies for gut and other health issues.
For acute care, herbal type support and ice and elevation helps a lot right from the beginning. Ice and elevation and rest can reduce swelling which reduces pain by there being less internal pressure on all the surrounding tissue and nerves. Applying Birch or Wintergreen essential oils topically, diluted, is like applying absorbable aspirin right on the painful spot. I used that immediately and for the next few hours. I added a mix of slightly diluted Frankincense, Cypress, Geranium, and Lavender, topically, every 4-6 hours after that and during the night I used my roller ball bottles of decongestant support and Ylang Ylang tachycardia relief. Those helped too and were easy to use/faster to use than opening a bunch of separate bottles and making a mix each time I needed it.
That night I used some mental ‘manifesting’ after having written the last post, it was freshly in my mind that my thoughts matter. The question of whether to go seek Emergency care is present when pain is acute and you don’t know how bad it is. As I was laying in bed that first night, the ball of my foot and toes was throbbing and I caught myself thinking ~ “This really hurts, this really hurts. Should I have gone to the ER? This really hurts…”. And I stopped myself. I purposefully switched my thoughts to a general “I am loved, I am safe, I am warm, I am cozy.” Repeating that briefly really did switch focus somehow and the throbbing energy in my foot turned more into a warmth and pressure feeling that wasn’t setting off the ‘pain’ sensors as badly. I used that again the next night or whenever it seemed worse.
Intermittent ice packs was also a go to for the first two days. The problem with going to the Emergency Care center with an acute issue is that you are not providing immediate relief while sitting around waiting for a busy ER to see you.
Anointing blend - Biblical guidance to use specific essential oils may have been for their healing and anti-infection properties.
Anointing blend based on Biblical references to anointing sacred places and people and ourselves - healing and mind clearing. Buildings directed to be made with cedarwood in the Bible would have smelled good over the long term as the odor chemicals in cedarwood include long lasting sesquiterpenes. It helps promote more of the calming brain signaling amino acids GABA.
The blend listed in the below image is also very similar to the “Thieve’s Protective Blend” allegedly used during Black Plague era to protect thieve’s while they robbed the houses of sick people. For more info see my post Lavender & other essential oils to protect against plague or flu on jenniferdepew.com about Lavender and Protective blends.
A cough syrup recipe seems to need a little water or hot beverage and the Vapor rub would get camphor instead of mint if I were making it for my use.
I also got a chemistry focused essential oil book by David Stewart which has more information about the blending of the oils to get the synergistic benefits of monoterpenes, phenylpropanoids and sesquiterpenes. That deserves a separate post though.
Disclaimer: This information is being provided for educational purposes within the guidelines of Fair Use and is not intended to provide individual health guidance.
Prayers for a speedy recovery Jennifer!🙏
Wishing you a speedy recovery!