Immigration and Orc posting - for Tolkien fans in particular, but others may enjoy.
A masterful lesson in media manipulation and building a false narrative through lies, repetition and word changes. Kudos to the anon/s author/s.
“Someone explain it to me like I'm five” … Why is immigration bad for me?
“I am genuinely baffled by opposition to immigration. How does immigration even affect the average US voters? Like I cannot think of one single thing about my life that an immigrant has made worse. Someone explain it to me like I'm five.” - Cathy Reisenwitz (original post deleted) via I,Hypocrite (

A reply was referred to as ‘Orc posting’ in a follow-up Thread of replies…. Orcs are from the Lord of the Rings, by J.R.R. Tolkien, a themed answer. The Orc posting also shows us how media manipulation can skew things, if you know the books or movies. But maybe you don't even need to know the story. The story presented is Self-evident…. enjoy the journey, this is an Epic length post - skim through for the overview, and reread for the funny details. I typed out the text because some of the images are hard to read (too small of a image copy).
Addition: If this seems like fiction - look at where Germany is going with respect to immigrants assimilating into German culture:
“The posters appeared in Dortmund, Germany: "Integrate yourself, white woman. This is no longer your country and never will be again. Dress with respect for other cultures and be aware of religious feelings of discriminated minorities." We are at war but many still don't know it.” (

We may be told that the Uruk-Hai orcs will assimilate with our culture, in time, but it might be that the Uruk-Hai culture will take over instead.
“This is fine. The Uruk-Hai will assimilate within 3 or 4 generations. The real problem is Urukophobia.” - NoNewNormal, (

“Oh, we orcposting?” - Horatius_Cocles, (

Saruman Delivers Significant Policy Speech Outlining Plans for “Pan Orcism” at the Uruk Hai Operations Center
“Will this be a turning point for oppressed orcs across Middle Earth? Let us hope.”
Read more: by Grima Wormtongue, Goblin Daily Press, The Huffington Post. via (

White men must be stopped: The very future of mankind depends on it.
“For 500 years, they’ve exploited their fellow man and plundered the planet. It’s time they rein themselves in.” via (

“Orc Community Organizer Gothmog is on campus today with a firm message for intolerant Riddermark students. “Bigots peddling fear and stoking hatred towards orcs have no place in our kingdom’s safe spaces,” says Gothmog. “In fact, the time of the orc has come. Hate Merchants like Gandalf “The White,” need to check their privilege and check their six.” Gothmog went on to address the rise of the “Alt-Rohirrim” and their sickening warmongering across Rohan. He is speaking at Grond Hall at 7pm and afterwards will be signing autographed copies of his rare book, “Fear. Why Minos Tirith Was Rank With It.”
Read more: Community Organizer Gothmog on Edoras University Campus Today to Give Speech Condemning “Hate Merchant” Gandalf., Grima Wormtongue, Diversity Czar for University of Rohan, CNN Politics; (CNN) - via (

“There is no dishonesty in the media, at least not in the way the elf-right pundits understand it. Objective reality has a strong pro-Orc, pro-Mordor and pro-Saruman bias, which is why it's impossible to say something is a lie if it benefits those on the right side of history.”
Read more: Violence caused by Orcs and Goblins never makes it to your newsfeeds simply because it doesn’t exist. by Grima Wormtongue, Senior Correspondent Minos Tirith Press Corps, Barad-durFeed
Trending Now
Give peace a chance: ‘When the last fortress falls and the Men and Elves are in chains, there will be no more orcophobic violence and we will all live in peace. Please stop resisting.” - Saruman of Many Colours
Cold logic: Statistically, Men are more likely to die in farming accidents than to Orc’s violence (which doesn’t exist). Middle-earth needs at the very least 250,000 Orcs yearly to even those odds. via (

“Quest in Shambles - Pollsters Give Fellowship 95% Chance of Failure; Sauron Maintains Huge Advantage” - Live, Right Now, The Shire - 82’, sunny, Minas Tirith - 74’, cloudy, Mordor, 60’, black cloudy. Click through for video. (*Not really) via (

“Diverse hiring is the most important thing because it just is. By silencing those who disagree, we prove how right we are. By diversifying the Guard first, we can ensure there can be no meaningful resistance to our objectively correct plans to un-man the West.”
Read more: Uruk-HR departments at the forefront of replacement of Men, by Thola Goldsnatch, DailyGondor.
Trending Now
Aragorn’s “men of the west” speech goes viral on palantiri, prompting anxiety from vulnerable communities as radicalisation fears continue to grow. via (

“Calling fellow citizens in ways which hint they come from different stock is the first step to using banned words and experiencing incorrect opinions.
Gonderlans… Gonderlana: Can you spot the difference between the pictures: If you answer yes then you may be suffering from unconscious bias, and are a victim of delusional alt-rohirrim brainwashing.”
Read more: Stop calling them “Orcs”. They are Gondorians. by Botri Emeraldack, DailyGondor; via (

“There’s only one way the Shire should respond to recent Orc attacks. That is by carrying on exactly as before.” - The Independent; via (

“Reminder that it’s a small minority of Orcs that are responsible for the attacks on Gondor.” via (

Crime statistics have been escalating for “Elvish Men” - it is a rampage of murder and aggravated assault by the pointy eared creatures.

<ELF TINDER> “My baby Uruk-hai Urbac is MY LIFE! Looking for a stable provider.” - via (

“Congratulations, Miss Sweden 2018.” #DiversityIsOurStrength - Tara McCarthy, via ( *I don’t see an account on for this name.

“Phenomenal elegance of the daring contestant heralds a new era of beauty and breach of the wooden ceiling. If this isn’t the prettiest Hobbiton girl for you, then you need to have your eyes checked.”
Read more: The Goblin King wins the “Prettiest Hobbiton girl” beauty pageant. Delightful, by Hagrda Jewelscrusher, DailyGondor
Trending Now
Can Gondor be saved? Discussion panel between Gondorians Ugar Meatrender, Goblina Vapidstench and Haradrim Magug to hold a thought-provoking conversation on Aragorn’s legacy. via (

A daring “Typical Rohirrim” campaign shows the new face of Rohan and it’s amazing.
““If you don’t like new Rohan, leave the Kingdom” officials advise bigoted citizens while majority of the population demands more refugees.”
Read more: by Borrin Mithrilsmith, DailyGondor. via (

Fascism On the Rise in Rohan? - Live; Breaking News;
<Rohan Nationalists Aided By the “Elf-Right” Repel Asylum Seekers At The Ga…>
Click through for video: ( via (

“Courageous Urak Hai Warrior bravely prepares for Martyrdom.”
Read more: Urak Hai Suicide Bomber Attack on Helm’s Deep Justified in Defense of Isengardism Says Uruk Hai Commander, by Grima Wormtongue, Isengard Gazette, BuzzFeed; via (

“Aragorn is a deranged reactionary, grossly out of his depth and clamoring for the throne using inflammatory rhetoric.”
»> Violence engulfs cities across Middle Earth; Aragorn’s Forces “non-functional.”
»> Sauron condemns Aragorn’s escalation tactics; calls for “change and healing.”
Read more: Aragorn’s Chaos and Cruelty Got Us Here, by Grima Wormtongue, Goblin Daily Press, The Baggingston Post; via (

“Aragorn’s unhinged politics bet on an unthinkable scenario, feeding his supporters an unwanted pipe dream and risk alienating mainstream orcs. Orcophobes don’t stop to consider - what if the orcs don’t want to leave? And who is going to loot their towns then?”
Read more: Madman Aragorn Is Trying To Build An Orc-less Gondor. We Must Not Let Him Win. by Gulfra Goldcoinhewer, Correspondent, Barad-durFeed.
Trending Now
Moria residents deny the mines became a “no go” zone. via (

Did Aragorn and the Fellowship have “THE FINAL SOLUTION”?
[*Note that the “Final solution” discussed by Hitler was not mass extermination as mainstream media says repeatedly, calling it “a euphemism for mass death”, (search results) - but it wasn’t a euphemism for faked gas chambers. It referred to displacing people to the workcamps - I think - see this documentary: Europa - The Last Battle (bitchute). *More on this topic is at the end of this post.]

No, Saruman did not “dump” Wildmen and half-orcs in the Shire, they are here legally.,
“First of all, how dare you. Secondly, Shirriff Lotho changed the law so that makes it okay. Shut up. Okay, but without Lotho and Saruman, HOW would you fill the Shire with Ruffians and sell its riches abroad? Where would you find Dundelings and half-orcs? You don’t know, do you? You think you’re smarter than a wizard? I’m running out of ways to explain it.”
Read more: by Bralbda Jewelsoogle, Cultural correspondent, Barad-durFeed.
Trending now
The Shire lawmakers criticized, experts believe the “jail for thoughts” bill is too soft and fails to tackle crime. via (

Hobbits Are Claiming Ruffians Ate Their Geese, But They’re Forgetting One Thing: They Never Had Any,
“Residents of the Shire have begun an unhinged gaslighting campaign telling others about a problem that doesn’t exist. Gripped by collective madness and ramping up foolish hysteria, Hobbits make new arrivals unwelcome. We can’t help but wonder: was that their agenda all along?”
Read more: by Fulfir Pocketprospector, Senior Correspondent, Barad-durFeed.
Trending now
Gandalf’s horse license suspended for reckless riding. via (

Scholars: gardening linked to aragornism, orcophobia.
“One hundred percent of gardeners who left the Shire have committed a hate crime abroad. It’s time to stop hoeing. Pictured: Hobbit’s face contorted in a bloodthirsty grin, no doubt remembering atrocities committed against innocent orcs.
Read more: by Bulbur Topaztosser, DailyGondor.
Trending now
Rivendell schools to introduce manflesh meals in response to demographic shift. via (

Nationalist Pro-Sword Fanatics Descend Upon Middle Earth Threatening Violence,
Read more: by Grimacosta Wormtongue, Senior Correspondent Minas Tirith Press Corps, Barad-durFeed.
Trending Now
DeploraBil-bo Baggins Reportedly Armed Fugitive Jewelry Smuggler;
Sauron’s Peacekeepers in Osgiliath. via (

Aragorn’s Nationalism Advances on a Predictable Trajectory to Violence. His Supporters Will Kill When Told To.
Read more: by Grimacosta Wormtongur, Senior Correspondent Mordor Press Corps, Barad-durFeed.
Trending Now
Gondorian Quagmire! Denethor Has Lost Osgiliath…And His Mind.
Sending Mordor’s Peacekeepers Abroad Isn’t an Invasion. It’s Self-Defense.
Air Power Heroes! nasgul Enforce No-Fly Zone Across Middle Earth. via (

“Eomer’s incendiary rhetoric will never discourage our just cause for long overdue defunding and dismantling of a warmongering Alt-Rohirrim. the truth is that the Alt-Rohirrim has been absolutely toxic for the Middle Earth community and completely ineffective at keeping young orclings safe. The Urak-hai-based model for public safety promise a more sustainable path with a 15,000 strong force of conflict resolution specialists better able to serve Sauro-_oops! I mean Middle Earth. Stand with me and stand with the real heroes fighting for progress!”
Read more: I applaud “Fiery, But Largely Peaceful” Demonstrations for “Change” and “Reform” in the Westfold. And So Should You. by Grima Wormtongue, Chief Advisor of Rohan, Barad-durFeed. via (

Eomer believes that Isengard-spawned Uruk-hai aren’t Gondorian,
“I’m running out of ways to explain how stupid and ignorant it is. Say it with me: “Oof, yikes, ugh”. Poisoned by the elf-right ideology, the rogue horseman has instigated his own brand of alt-rohirrim orcophobia, spreading false opinions and wrong thought wherever he goes.”
Read more: by Bulbildur Rubycluster, Extremism expert, Barad-durFeed
Trending now
Manflesh markets experiencing shortages in Osgiliath, trading suspended as demands outstrips supply. via (

Saruman calls Gondorian orcophobes a “fringe minority” with “unacceptable views”.
“It is unthinkable that Men and Elves hold opinions that my noble allies and I disagree with,” not clarifying who his allies may be.”
Read more: by Bardin Goldmountain, DailyGondor,
Trending Now
Based or biased? Impenetrable vocabulary of the elf-right is difficult for outsiders to penetrate but our insiders intercepted several coded messages stating that Aragorn the Strider, heir of Isildur is based. Our investigators are hard at work trying to figure out what Aragorn might be based on. Most experts agree the message alludes at the supposed heir’s legitimacy in his bid to usurp Gondor.” via (

Inside captain Faramir’s radicalisation spiral after Boromir’s hiking accident.
“Coming from a problematic household and living in a hate-fueled environment ruined the young captain. Can he still be saved or is the orcophobic rot too deep? No definite count exists on how many sensitive young men like Faramir have been lost to elf-right and alt-rohirrim hate ideology, but many believe it may be thousands.”
Read more: by Gromfar Goldlicker, Extremism expert, Barad-durFeed.
Trending Now
Osgiliath is already great. Why does Gondor hate it? via (

Scimitar crime soars to ‘epidemic levels’ and nobody knows why
“The Shire is struggling with an inexplicable spike of violent crime in some of its most diverse towns and cities as local authorities report town guards ‘are losing control of our streets’. Banning scimitars, like the one pictured above, has proved ineffective as tougher sentences seem to have no effect on the crime statistics, prompting the authorities to restrict ownership of rakes and shovels, introduce background checks for garden shears and regulating the spoon market.”
Read more: Scimitar crime soars to ‘epidemic levels’ and nobody knows why., by Jooston Pouchrattler, DailyGondor. via (

Goblin tunnels dug for “entertainment purposes” Osgiliath activist groups claim.
“The tunnels, which may not even exist, would be supposedly used for bad things elf-right likes to talk about. The barrage of accusations is deeply distressing to the Goblin communities who just want to have their fleshy meals in peace. Scenes from the caverns show extreme distress in response to violation of privacy of the vulnerable community.”
Read more: by Mirri Mattressblotch, DailyGondor.
Trending Now
A misty trail: Many Misty Mountains travelers wound up missing, leaving experts perplexed. via (

Orc travelers spending months in field camps without stable housing, access to manflesh. The Shire should step up.
“Hobbits have a moral duty to do what Men can’t or won’t do: give anyone arriving from Mordor whatever they desire, in any quantities and eagerly at that.”
Read more: by Grima Wormtongue, Goblin Daily Press, The Baggingston Post.
Trending now
Can we trust the Elves? Withered recluses board luxury boats and depart to a remote exotic island in droves. Read how to get a ticket to join the cruise. via (

9 out of 10 Gondorians wrongly think they’re under siege, report finds.
“The meeting is classified as a ‘gate probing gathering’. Public ignorance on the matter has prompted ‘serious concerns and worry’ in senior circles. Thanks to urgent revision of the legal definition of siege, extremism scores another loss as the kingdom is technically not under siege.
Read more: by Romgardur Coinglitterglee, DailyGondor.
Trending now
Isengard-spawned Gondorians denied entry to Rohan - is Theoden mad? via (

Why insulting Melkor causes more orc raids and how to be more tolerant towards the followers of the Dark Lord of Peace. Read more: by Claire Caramuth, DailyGondor,
10 fashionable dress statements of Sauron; via (

Violence caused by Orcs and Goblins never makes it to your newsfeeds simply because it doesn’t exist.
“There is no dishonesty in the media, at least not in the way the elf-right pundits understand it. Objective reality has a strong pro-Orc, pro-Mordor and pro-Saruman bias, which is why it’s impossible to say something is a lie if it benefits those on the right side of history.”
Read more: by Grimacosta Wormtongue, Senior Correspondent Minas Tirith Press Corps, Barad-durFeed
Trending Now
Give peace a chance: “When the last fortress falls and all Men and Elves are in chains, there will be no more orcophobic violence and we will all live in peace. Please stop resisting.” - Saruman of Many Colours
Cold logic: Statistically, Men are more likely to die in farming accidents than to Orc’s violence (which doesn’t exist). Middle-earth needs at the very least 250,000 Orcs yearly to even those odds. (

Saruman Delivers Significant Policy Speech Outlining Plans for “Pan Orcism” at the Uruk Hai Operations Center,
“Will this be a turning point for oppressed orcs across Middle Earth?”,
Read more: by Grima Wormtongue, Goblin Daily Press, The Huffington Post. via (

*If you noticed a few repeats, there were, I did that for emphasis of the method - when it is repeated often enough, we risk believing it. Media uses that against us.
Count Jerzy Potocki (Polish Ambassador to the USA) explained in 1934 about the effectiveness of Jewish propaganda at fooling people with false media:
“Above all, propaganda here is entirely in Jewish hands. When bearing public ignorance in mind, their propaganda is so effective that people have no real knowledge of the true state of affairs in Europe. President Roosevelt has been given the power to create huge reserves in armaments for a future war which the Jews are deliberately heading for.” ~ 3:40:00, Europa: The Last Battle (2017) - Full documentary HD, (bitchute).

*I rewatched a lot of that and it may not be the video that discussed the phrase “Final Solution” → in searching for more, I think this meeting was mentioned in some documentary: Summary of Hitler’s Meeting with the Heads of the Armed Services on November 5, 1937 (Hossbach Protocol of November 10, 1937) (
The solution Adolf Hitler is discussing, or the problem that he wants to solve, is that of declining German population and increased population density - they needed more space to grow more food for their people and Hitler did want the nation to remain a German nation. He wasn’t suggesting mass immigration was the solution for a declining German population. And he wasn’t talking about Jews or killing Jews at all. He was suggesting that more food and territory was needed to support a thriving increase in German families in Germany, or maybe expansion into nearby territories.
“To arrest the decline of Germanism [Deutschtum] in Austria and Czechoslovakia was as little possible as to maintain the present level in Germany itself. Instead of increase, sterility was setting in, and in its train disorders of a social character must arise in course of time, since political and ideological ideas remain effective only so long as they furnish the basis for the realization of the essential vital demands of a people. Germany's future was therefore wholly conditional upon the solving of the need for space, and such a solution could be sought, of course, only for a foreseeable period of about one to three generations.
Before turning to the question of solving the need for space, it had to be considered whether a solution holding promise for the future was to be reached by means of autarky or by means of an increased participation in world economy.”
Read more ~ 9 pages: Summary of Hitler’s Meeting with the Heads of the Armed Services on November 5, 1937 (Hossbach Protocol of November 10, 1937) (
Ents…the ancient tree beings who guard the forest. (*Are my favorite Tolkien characters.)
“Side? I am on nobody's side, because no one is on my side, little orc.” - speaking to the hobbits. (

“Together, my lord Sauron, we shall rule this Middle-earth. The old world will burn in the fires of industry. Forests will fall. A new order will rise. We will drive the machine of war with the sword and the spear and the iron fist of the orc.”
*Quote from The Lord of the Rings, via Intelschizo, (
J.R.R. Tolkien seems to have been trying to tell us something important.

“Got to mount some orc heads on stakes today.” - Santa sanGre stephie (

Stephie must be a dangerous alt-Rohirrim, or maybe she was brain-washed by the Elf-Right.
Disclaimer: This information is being shared for educational purposes within the guidelines of Fair Use and is not intended to provide individual health care guidance.
Background info and Reference List
Summary of Hitler’s Meeting with the Heads of the Armed Services on November 5, 1937 (Hossbach Protocol of November 10, 1937)
The Orc-Posting theme is based on a trilogy book series, The Lord of the Rings, by J.R.R. Tolkien, (Amazon), and the images are screenshots from the movie series (2001-2003): I. The Fellowship of the Ring (; II. The Two Towers, (; III. The Return of the King [*Aragorn], ( More recently, ~ 2022, additional movies have been made that allegedly are based on The Silmarillion book, (Amazon), however, based on social media posts, the newer movies modified his book significantly.
Orcs, in the trilogy, are spawned more like clones from egg like things, a creation by evil wizard Saruman. They did not have families. Goblins in the book written for children called The Hobbit, may have had female goblins and baby goblins, but orcs were different from goblins. It seems from the comments, that the newer movies were predictive programming about ‘orc rights’ and ‘orcs are people too’ and ‘don’t discriminate against poor orc families with their struggling orc mothers and children’….maybe try that with the goblins, but orcs were clearly spawned by Saruman in the trilogy and were larger, all males and more warrior-like rather than having a goblin civilization ruled by a goblin king (we meet them in The Hobbit). Orcs were more of a mercenary force bred specifically for the purpose of war by Saruman.
Citations: *The majority of orc posting images were from a Thread of replies. I linked the first reply to all 39 of the images from the Thread that were included above. *40 images in the replies but one was a duplicate.