Illuminati card game - predictive programming since 1982 /1994.
Old news unless you had missed it. Extreme predictive programming - pretty exact predictions, very, very, suspiciously exact.
Old news is still news to those who had missed it.
Flat Earthers is a good card, weak but positive, helps explain how it got so popular. Lots of people (younger than me) grew up with this card game.
New expansion packs or decks are still being created on the legacy deck. Original decks are selling for some $100s on ebay. Some links are at the end of post.
The And Stay Dead card can be played on top of another to make removal of a different card permanent.
Our first masked President….is revealed. Less of a look alike except for tge mask neckline.
Teflon Don seems to have this card in his hand.
So much info came up when I searched this topic on that I think one Theead needs it's own post.
So I am going to post this as the introduction to the topic of Predictive Programming….if magic is real….we need to consider that it maybe in use and may be working in some ways we can’t really understand BUT ignoring the sh!t hitting the fan may just leave you covered in more of it than necessary. Step around the flaming bag of sh!t on the sidewalk
I will reveal what was revealed in a reply about The Secret Knoeledge of Goldfish Fanciers, in the next post.

See the decks, or some of them here:
The deck had predictive programming imagery regarding 9/11, the Twin Towers and the Pentagon being bombed.
These two cards are sadly true also: a card showing peace sign holding activists beating on a policeman hunched on the ground: “Goal Kill for Peace — Destroy Violent groups, and control Peaceful groups,” and a card showing a Ronald Reagan like person holding a bottle of ketchup. “Ketchup is a Vegetable — Infiltrating government positions, your agents have deliberately announced stupid policies, undermining public trust. Play this card along with any Attack to Destroy any Government group. The attack becomes Privileged, and you get a +5 bonus.” That was a 1981 policy,
Brave AI
lluminati card game 1995 enough is enough
In 1995, Steve Jackson Games released the collectible card game (CCG) “Illuminati: New World Order”, a sequel to their 1982 board game “Illuminati”. This CCG allowed players to control secret societies vying for global domination.
Key Features:
Players choose from various Illuminati groups, such as the Bavarian Illuminati, Discordian Society, UFOs, Servants of Cthulhu, and more.
Each group has unique abilities, strengths, and weaknesses.
The game features over 300 official cards, including Group cards (representing various organizations), Illuminati cards (representing individual secret societies), and Plot cards (representing global events).
Players aim to build a power structure consisting of a set number of cards or fulfill their Illuminati's special goal (e.g., controlling at least one card of each alignment for the Bermuda Triangle).
The game includes 2 custom dice, tokens, and a rulesheet.
Release and Reception:
Illuminati: New World Order was released in 1995, with a Limited Edition selling out quickly and an Unlimited Edition following soon after.
The game won the Origins Award for Best Card Game of 1994.
Reviewers praised the game’s unique theme, complex gameplay, and high replayability.
Illuminati: New World Order remains a cult classic among CCG enthusiasts and fans of conspiracy-themed games.
The game’s popularity led to the development of expansions, including “Enough is Enough” (1995), which added new cards and mechanics to the game.
The game’s influence can be seen in later CCGs and card games that explore similar themes of secret societies and global manipulation.
Note: The “Enough is Enough” expansion is not a standalone game, but rather a supplement to Illuminati: New World Order. Its contents and mechanics are integrated into the base game.
Context, The 1990s card game that ‘predicted’ 9/11, Donald Trump, Covid and the Capitol riot | The Independent, Illuminati: New World Order | Board Game | BoardGameGeek, Steve Jackson Games Illuminati : Jackson, Steve: Toys & Games, Illuminati: New World Order Steve Jackson Games Trading Card Games in English for sale | eBay
the pdf on the CIA site - suggesting they want us to see it or it doesn’t matter if we see it.
The bottom of the "Messiah" card reads: "Play this card at any time except during an attack. Link it to any Personality you control. That person is hailed as the Messiah by the millions worldwide. The new Messiah's Power and Resistance are both increased by +4, plus 2 more for every Church you control at any given time.
Only one Messiah
This card certainly understands the coming Messiah, does he not? Messiah will certainly control all individual Personalities worldwide. All charismatic leaders of every nation on earth who command local audiences will come under the control of Antichrist. Certainly, Messiah will be worshipped worldwide, for the Bible prophesies he will be a global leader who will be enthusiastically worshipped by all people. Even the term, "new Messiah" is exactly the term used by such New World Order authors as Peter Lemesurier, in "The Armageddon Script". The world will be big enough for only one Messiah and if any pretenders dare raise their head, they will be summarily crushed by the demonic power residing within Antichrist.
But, now, let us see the Satanic power with which Antichrist shall arise.
Read carefully: SMOKING GUN PROOF THAT ILLUMINATI PLANNED TE...ULTURE: Part 4 -- Events Still In The Future
"The Spirit of Peace is hovering close to humanity, seeking opportunity to make His Presence felt. The Spirit of Peace is not an abstract concept but a potent Individual, wielding forces hitherto unfamiliar to our planet. Great Forces are awaiting the hour when They can function as the Liberators and the Deliverers of mankind. But the door to Their entrance must be opened by humanity itself and it will be opened by a united act of the will, expressed through some formula of words and expressed in sound. It will be brought about by an activity performed simultaneously by all men and women of goodwill and by all the world aspirants and disciples. The door will not open unless the act of invocation is backed by the focussed will. The directed determination of the man or the group who is using the suggested formula, prayer, or invocation is essential." ["The Externalisation of the Hierarchy", by Alice A. Bailey]
Please allow me to explain what the demon, Master D.K., has just revealed through Alice Bailey: Minutes before the Antichrist (Spirit of Peace) arises, some supernatural sound will be heard -- and spiritually felt, by everybody on the planet simultaneously. At no other moment in world history will so many people be impacted at once, at the very same moment! This action is designed to cause everyone to look around and upword, amazed at what has just occurred, and wondering what it all means. People will be asking themselves, "what caused this unbelievable sound"? This sound will literally "jar" the soul of all every person everywhere on earth, causing their souls to somehow "shake like a bowl of jelly".
Then, when everyone's attention is aroused and focussed (the "focussed will") images of Antichrist will appear simultaneously over the entire earth, speaking to mankind, each in his own language. The prophesied "signs and wonders" will have begun. [House of Theosophy Seminar, "Possible and Probable Events in the Future", by Bill Lambert, New England Director, August 18, 1991, explained in NEWS1052] However, in the next few moments, another electrifying "wonder" will occur. As the people are listening to The Christ -- Antichrist -- speaking to them in their own language, they will soon realize his image has been supernaturally modified!
Listen to Bill Lambert explain: "When Lord Maitreya appears, he will appear as different beings to different people.
He will appear as a man to a man and as a woman to a woman.
He will appear as a white to a white, as a black to a black, as an Indian to an Indian, etc."
"It makes no difference whether you are viewing him in person or on Television. Thus, he will show that he is all things to all people". [Lambert]
Literally, people's minds will be literally blown by this guy. Those practitioners of the magical arts, New Age adherents, and all members of mystic religions who have desired greatly that their Great One would appear, are going to receive the "strong delusion" from God (2 Thessalonians 2:11]. As these people see all the "lying signs and wonders" that will continually be pouring from this occult superman, they will "rush after the beast" to worship him with all their heart, mind, and soul.
Disclaimer: This information is being provided for educational purposes within the guidelines of Fair Use and is not intended to provide individual health care guidance.
I'm going back to bed now...
JD - it doesn't get any better.