Antioxidants are like water balloons for inflammatory fires. The more water balloons the better for big fires.
Vitamin C is a water balloon that can also set fires in excess, making a mess of my metaphor 🤔😉. It is an antioxidant that can also be a pro-oxidant - promote rust like oxidation of other chemicals like iron. Our body is careful in how iron and other oxidative chemicals are stored. Too much free iron is oxidative - rust promoting.
We need a balance of just enough antioxidants and oxidants to keep us bustling along with energy and also detox of waste produced during activity.
*This post is in response to a post by William M Chestnut about LongCovid sleep disturbances and endothelial damage, a condition in which elevated IL-6 levels are seen. I published early, sleep posting ;-), while on my phone with it incomplete. An important point that I keep repeating - ANYTHING that causes hyperinflammation is going to cause severe endothelial damage - membrane break down, increased edema, swelling, and pressure leading to nerve and nociceptive pain - whether LongCovid or chronic Epstein-Barr virus after-effects that may have to do with excess Retinoic Acid. Monitoring how the body is breaking down is less helpful to the person wearing the body then providing information about stopping the breakdown. The chimeric spike increases inflammation in many ways and targets endothelial membrane and blood cells.
Intravenous vitamin C and thiamin therapy (Marak Protocol) has been well studied and found safe and effective for cytokine storm in sepsis and has been helpful for some types of cancer.
“MATH+ Protocol
This is primarily a treatment protocol for patients in hospital. It was developed by Dr. Paul Marik, famous for his past treatment protocol for sepsis (called HAT or the Marik protocol). He adapted that protocol for Covid-19, calling it MATH+.” (
Mega doses of vitamin C may be needed and helpful during a severe cytokine storm and infection which causes iron to shift into storage (innate move to protect it from pathogens). Smaller amounts of vitamin C may be plenty to help prevent an inflammatory condition from worsening into a full-blown cytokine storm. IL-6 is an inflammatory cytokine that helps fight an infection but in excess may be causing other harm. Vitamin C helps reduce IL-6 levels.
““Dr. Marik has developed a brilliant and elegantly simple hypothesis in the treatment of sepsis,” says Richard Homan, MD, President and Provost of EVMS and Dean of the School of Medicine. “The implications of the findings are profound and, if replicated, may transform the treatment of sepsis worldwide.””
Has sepsis met its match? New treatment may save millions around the world, (2016/2017) (
This life saving treatment, with a large body of clinical trial research showing safety, was banned for use with Covid19 in the US. It makes no sense unless harm to patients was the real goal.
What is endothilin-1? - something we need in just the right amount. Nitric oxide helps keep it in balance.
“Endothelin-1 (ET-1) is a vasoconstrictor secreted by endothelial cells, which acts as the natural counterpart of the vasodilator nitric oxide (NO). ET-1 contributes to vascular tone and regulates cell proliferation through activation of ETA and ETB receptors. Physical factors such as shear stress, or stimuli including thrombin, epinephrine, angiotensin II, growth factors, cytokines and free radicals enhance secretion of ET-1. By contrast, mediators like nitric oxide (NO), cyclic GMP, atrial natriuretic peptide, and prostacyclin reduce the release of endogenous ET-1. Thus, under normal conditions, the effects of the ET-1 are carefully regulated through inhibition or stimulation of ET-1 release from endothelium. Endothelial dysfunction is one of the earliest landmarks of vascular abnormalities. Altered function of endothelium may result from absolute decrease in bioavailability of NO as well as from relative augment in ET-1 synthesis, release or activity. Imbalance in the production of vasodilator and vasoconstrictor agents may contribute to the onset of hemodynamic disorders. Since dysregulation of the endothelin system is important in the pathogenesis of several cardiovascular diseases, the ETA and ETB receptors are attractive therapeutic targets for disorders associated with elevated ET-1 levels. ET receptor antagonists may be regarded as disease-modifying agents thanks to their ability to preserve endothelial integrity when the endothelin system is overactive.”
Marasciulo FL, Montagnani M, Potenza MA. Endothelin-1: the yin and yang on vascular function. Curr Med Chem. 2006;13(14):1655-65. doi: 10.2174/092986706777441968. PMID: 16787211.
Hyperinflammation is bad for health. That is the simple story. Hyperinflammation won’t end just by taking a medication, maybe an ET receptor antagonist, if you are also surrounded in strong EMF, or have a stressful or strenuous job, or have a low-level infection or autoimmune like condition, or have food sensitivities and keep eating the foods anyway.
On my WordPress site I have easy to find Research archives dating back to 2010 - a searchable Notebook - like having a file cabinet with a built-in search engine.
This is why I like WordPress and why the longer I write SubStack the more posts I will have that are unsearchable, untagged, uncategorized. Just a writer realization - I need to keep my work on my WordPress site. Substack is just a blog, not a searchable WordPress blog. Big difference. It has made it a lot easier for me to keep track of so many different topics about health and nutrition and be able to find work I did in 2010 or any time since then.
I am used to quickly and easily bring able being able to find “delphinidin” if I want, or “IL-6” and I can't seem to do that on SubStack. Learning curve, slow down entering, speed up on the exit. I have over a thousand posts that I can search, that is a huge advantage. They aren’t all viewable publicly, but readers can search all the posts that are public and find what I have tagged delphinidin or other terms. The Tag Cloud is another way to browse posts. That is an advantage for my readers too.
I can't find anything on SubStack in my imported archives and I have to scroll through months of blog titles to find the one I want to link to. I need to reconsider how I use SubStack. It is geared towards paid subscriptions of which they get a cut (10%), and I have not planned to put up any paywall. My Thinking cap is on.
The second result is the more complete post, News to Use since April 5, 2020. Sadly, still not being used for CoV care in most US hospitals. Buyer be very wary.
Instead of celebrating the fact that a readily available and inexpensive combination of nutrients could help in an epidemic, clinics were shut down by the FDA for offering high dose intravenous vitamin C therapy for Covid care in 2020. Why ban safe treatments and only allow expensive and harmful experimental drugs?
If your government is trying to kill you, will you help them? If your government offers to pay you extra to kill people will you not question the lies and take the money?
If you can help yourself, will you? Or do you need someone who seems like an authority figure to tell you what to do?
What if the authority figure is lying to you or is gullible and passing on lies that they were told?
Is it still better because obeying authority figures is comfortable?
Chronic degenerative disease is not comfortable. The authority figures have been promoting it, coercing it, mandating it - note to the wise. We are in a fight for our lives with people who may think they are being helpful, for our best interests, and therefore blind to the harm they are truly causing.
When people believe their own lies, they are dangerous.
Others are not gullible and are directly lying, or succumbing to human bias towards rationalizing about their motives rather than admitting it may just be taking the easy way, going along with orders, conforming.
The FDA banning vitamin C during an epidemic is evidence of public harm, not public health.
Addition: Ferroptosis reference via Frank Herrmann, thanks Frank!
Chen Z, Gan J, Zhang M, Du Y, Zhao H. Ferroptosis and Its Emerging Role in Pre-Eclampsia. Antioxidants. 2022; 11(7):1282.
Yes, this paper is about a prenatal complication but it has great graphics about ferroptosis - iron and calcium excess within cells can cause overactivity and lead to mitochondrial or cell death. That is not good for mom, baby, or anyone else!
The thing about focusing on how to grow babies out of bags of groceries, is that you really need to know how the basics work.
And via a reply, thanks Timothy Winey! A reference about how our body chemistry is more acidic during inflammation which can lead to worse damage from fluoride and aluminum toxins in our water or food, including skeletal fluorosis, (Wikipedia). A little fluoride in teeth may be protective but too much fluoride increases the fracture risk and brittleness of our bones. They may be harder with the fluoride, but the bone matrix is less flexible and more prone to breaking. Vitamin C can be protective against the risks of aluminum and fluoride plus the reactivity of an inflammatory system - which can be promoted by EMF exposure alone. Stress or infection or a busy work-day would be additional inflammatory stressors.
Davidson, Robert M.; Winey, Timothy (2021): Vitamin C Mitigating and Rescuing from Synergistic Toxicity: Sodium Fluoride, Silicofluorides, Aluminum Salts, Electromagnetic Pollution, and SARS-CoV-2. figshare. Journal contribution.
Disclaimer: This information is being shared for educational purposes within the guidelines of Fair Use and is not intended to provide individual health care guidance. Please seek a functional health practitioner for individual health guidance.
Does this mean that Vitamin C can help reduce the damage of hyperinflamation?