Human augmentation - super soldiers - conspiracy fact? /Trauma warning/ Illuminati whistleblower & a military book pdf.
Also a couple other links about the drug & human trafficking international network with CIA control per Fiona Barnett.
From a whistleblower account by a survivor of being a insider child raised in the dissociative abuse covert environment, Australian based but part of the international trafficking to highly placed men. Whistle-blower Fiona Barnett wants us to recognize that the pedophile blackmail network is international and in control at high levels throughout the world.
If we stop them, we will be stopping human and drug trafficking, (*probably guns are in the network’s control too, also art, fashion, and celebrity chefs - exotic protected animals, etc).
Fiona Barnett: “When I was a child, the CIA said our enemy was communism… Today, the CIA says our enemy is terrorism.
The CIA continue to make money out of child trafficking by laundering it through banks and funnelling it into CIA terror organisations that have decimated Syria and other nations. In 2016, Syria’s representative to the United Nations publicly stated twice that ISIS forces were armed with genetically modified super soldiers produced and supplied by the USA. In 2015, 7-foot tall genetically modified engineered soldiers were filmed beheading 21 Christians in Egypt during the CIA-orchestrated Arab fundamentalist uprising. These super soldiers are described as Caucasian not Arabic in appearance. They resemble the super soldiers developed at Pine Gap and Dulce 45 years ago. Putin recently said Russia are developing super soldiers that are “worse than nuclear bombs.” I know exactly what he meant.
Australia’s Commonwealth Bank was recently fined 700 million dollars for 54,000 breaches of anti-money-laundering and anti-terrorism financing laws. Nicole Rose, head of AUSTRAC, the organisation investigating money laundering by banks, said it involves organised crime, child exploitation and drug importation. The Commonwealth Bank laundered money obtained from child sex trafficking and funnelled that money into international terrorist activities.
I reiterate: Child trafficking is run as a single integrated WORLD operation. This operation is coordinated by the CIA.
I bring your attention to a 1978 book entitled ‘Dope Inc.’ The latest edition was published in 2010, but I highly recommend the 1978 copy which is available free online. […]
Dope Inc then explains how the drug trafficking and related money laundering operation established in the Opium Wars, is the exact same operation in existence today. In fact, HSBC was in recent years fined by USA authorities for still engaging in drug money laundering. If you follow the money trail, it still leads back to the British Monarchy. This is the same British Monarchy that I witnessed engage in Luciferian ritual crimes in 1980 at St James Anglican church in Sydney City. The book Dope Inc devotes a chapter to explaining the British aristocracy’s involvement in an ancient Egyptian cult, how Britain started the drug / rock n’ roll counter culture in the USA with the help of the CIA, and the links between Egyptian cult practises, the counter culture, and the CIA which was established by British Intelligence. Dope Inc explains how and why the CIA run modern drug trafficking and money laundering as a single integrated world operation.
When you read Dope Inc, if you cross out the word ‘drugs’ and insert the word ‘kids’ – then you have a picture of the CIA child trafficking organisation that violated my human rights.”
Related pdf/ebook: Human Augmentation - The Dawn of a New Paradigm
Audience: “Human Augmentation – The Dawn of a New Paradigm seeks to inform a wide audience across the defence and security sector. It will be relevant to those involved in: policy and strategy formulation; science and technology; concepts and force development; capability and acquisition; procurement; personnel and workforce planning; and operational commanders and their staffs”
From the opening of the Executive Summary:
Human augmentation will become increasingly relevant, partly because it can directly enhance human capability and behaviour and partly because it is the binding agent between people and machines. Future wars will be won, not by those with the most advanced technology, but by those who can most effectively integrate the unique capabilities of both people and machines. The importance of human-machine teaming is widely acknowledged but it has been viewed from a techno-centric perspective. Human augmentation is the missing part of this puzzle.
Thinking of the person as a platform and understanding our people at an individual level is fundamental to successful human augmentation. Industrial Age warfare saw people as interchangeable components of military units or the material with which to operate the platforms – vehicles, aircraft and ships. These platforms are routinely monitored and analysed but it is remarkable that our ability to understand our most critical capability –the human – is so under-researched. Successful application of human augmentation demands a more sophisticated approach to understanding our people and their capabilities. Defining the key elements of the ‘human platform’ – physical, psychological and social – provides a conceptual baseline to enable a multidisciplinary conversation.”
Reading that attitude about military soldiers makes the statistic that males tend to die at a younger age than females. Just another cog in the machine - part of the equipment.
It is a good thing to feel responsible and willing to risk your life if needed in an emergency but to feel like you are being risked everyday just as a standard practice? Not treated as a feeling independent human?
We got trouble in River City and it doesn’t just start with a capital T. This is a huge organization with many layers of covert double agent type secrecy. Dissociative Identity Disorder survivors are not like the media portrays. Take two steps back and keep in mind that the media are part of the covert disinformation. DID, formerly called Multiple Personality Disorder, occurs in highly intelligent children who were traumatized so badly, so often, that their mind fractures into subparts whose purpose is to shelter the core child persona from the abuse. The parts may have special roles but will be covering for the core child, taking over for them in times of need, as them - not as some fictitious persona who goes by a different name and wears very different clothing.
More typically a DID person will have the core child persona being protected by a cover persona that seems ‘normal’ and there may be a protector/defender who comes out at times of intense fear and may be threatening if provoked. There may be fun loving or reckless teen side and a strong work ethic worker side. There may be an artistic or foreign language or other special interest side - DID can increase a person’s stamina and ability to master more topics because when one alter gets tired another can just take over. There may be other advisor or background roles that don’t take over daily tasks. Memories of the trauma or what one persona did may not be shared with the core persona in order to protect the inner child.
Emotional development for any early child trauma survivor tends to get stunted around the time of the trauma. Attachment issues may leave them prone to staying a long time in a bad situation because they don’t want to be abandoned - even by a bad person. When you grew up scared of your own parents, then how can you know that there are people in the world who don’t hurt children routinely? Especially if it is kept secret? You might think that everyone does similarly bad things in secret too.
It takes a thief to catch a thief because you need to be able to think like the person you are trying to catch in order to follow their clues or even to see that a clue is a clue.
The US CIA has used DID techniques on children in order to make assassins and to blackmail people with DID children set up as a honeytrap to abuse - on film. The DID victim when under control can be made to forget the trauma events or important people who had abused them; or to reveal information that had been gathered as a covert child or later adult spy and then to forget it. Suicidal impulses are embedded along with the ‘forget this info’ messaging so the victim might commit suicide if someone is probing them to aggressively about the memories that are supposed to be kept hidden. There is FOIA papers and survivors - this is history not ‘theory’ of a tinfoil variety.
When horrific things are being done with your taxpayer money is it more appropriate to bury your head in the sand and pretend to not see it? Or to accept that maybe you/we/me had all been lied to for a really long time.
The DID person can be extremely convincing that they have no idea what you are talking about. They can pass lie detector tests when one persona has no memory of what another persona did.
Or you may catch a brief flick of the eyes from upper right to upper left (or the other way?) as the brain is doing a rapid fill-in of some sort of cover story. In some ways it isn’t you who is being lied to, or not only you. It is the core persona who is being lied to. The other roles may think the information is too dangerous for the inner child to cope with, so the other role players have to explain away whatever inconsistency is being questioned with some fast talking - and may look a little shifty eyed while figuring out the cover story.
Person who is wondering if DID is an explanation for someone else’s odd patterns of differing behavior or episodes of forgotten time - (over time, not one isolated incident) - about a specific event that seemed like an alter/different persona: “Why did you do that odd thing last night that is not characteristic of you?”
Suspected non-integrated DID person: body language really looks totally puzzled - What thing last night? nothing happened last night….. Then the shifty eye look, then a change in facial/body language to one of more confidence as the cover story is effortlessly filled in… “Oh, that odd thing, I just felt like trying something different”; (or whatever explanation) - the pause is the giveaway - the cluelessness followed by an effortless lie as information is fed to the routine cover persona.
DID memories may be blocked, but can be very clear once the memory block is removed - movie like is some descriptions - just watch the playback to review what happened.
Whistle-blower Fiona Barnett wants us to recognize that the pedophile blackmail network is international and in control at high levels throughout the world. If we stop them, we will be stopping human and drug trafficking, probably guns are in the network’s control too.
ITNJ Witness Statement
“My name is Fiona Barnett. I was born Fiona Rae Holowczak, on 28 October 1969, in Sydney, Australia. I am a victim of CIA child trafficking, Luciferian ritual abuse, and Project MK-ULTRA.
Child trafficking is run as a single integrated world operation. This operation is coordinated by the CIA in collaboration with British and Australian intelligence services. Retired NYPD Detective James Rothstein was appointed to the first US taskforce to investigate this child trafficking operation which, he found, went all the way up to the Whitehouse. Detective Rothstein found that the CIA were behind a blackmail operation in which child prostitutes were used to honeytrap and compromise politicians, military brass, top businessmen, and key government officials. Rothstein, who arrested the key Watergate perpetrator, said Watergate solely concerned this human compromise racket, and specifically was an attempt to obtain a list of compromised pedophile VIPs and their proclivities that was held at the Democratic National Headquarters. I spoke with Rothstein who said he knew of an identical VIP pedophile ring that existed here in Australia, and that an Australian intelligence officer named Peter Osborne knew the details of this.”
Read more: Witness Statement by Satanic Ritual Abuse Survivor, Fiona Barnett – Calling Out Her Pedophile Abusers -
From the comments: a news story about two offenders, accused of ritualistic abuse of very young girls, who eventually got prison time: Jack Kemp and Peter Petrauske jailed for 'ritualistic' sex abuse - BBC News. How can a three year old explain what is happening to them? or a six year old, or a nine year old - especially if it had been happening to them since a very young age? Too often adults and communities are protected instead of the children because the idea that the child could be telling the truth is too uncomfortable to face. It is easier to just say the child is imagining things - or the older girl or boy or teen or adult are just mentally ill.
DID was made into something campy and cute, or scary and dangerous, in mainstream media when it is more likely to be average person A, B, or C, just doing their best to get through life without getting hurt more. Defensiveness and lack of trust may lead to problems in relationships for them or being revictimized, or switching roles and letting an abusive side take more charge of their daily life.
A person integrated from DID after extreme ritualistic abuse (pedo parents will have babies just to have more children to harm or sell to other pedos - and the government hired this person’s parents to provide children for the MK Ultra type programs) shared that an easy way to tell if your hearing voices is schizophrenia or DID - is the question of internal versus external voices.
Schizophrenics think they are hearing voices in the external world - why is the bicycle talking to them? (It is their own subvocal statements that have become disconnected from their recognizing themself as the source of the quiet speech.)
The survivor said DID is more like a busload of characters - personas/alters/parts of the whole, which may or may not take turns driving the bus - but the whole bus is the DID survivor - all of the parts including the inner traumatized child, all riding along on/in body-mind-bus.
The European ancient elite families would traumatize their children and the strong would survive and have the extra powers of alters. Learn a language with one, art or music with another, switch as needed to keep going for longer periods than typical people can concentrate. The MK Ultra project with the CIA were based on these ancient families strategies which Dr. Mengele allegedly knew of and shared with the program. As the techniques got more refined electroshock combined with videos were used with various traumatizing scenarios - picture the Clockwork Orange scene.
Also from the comments of the Fiona account: The Best Documentary Ever - PEDOPHILES RUN THE WORLD - By Ted Gunderson, Former Head of Los Angeles FBI - < not working, another link here: Youtube.
The transhumanist agenda is making everyone into a project without free choice. Augmented soldiers may like their life as super terrorists but maybe they would have liked life better as a normal person with a family, home and normal job.
The evil in charge seduces compliance in varied ways either sharing the same lust values, or suggesting other do-gooder goals of “Save Grandma by wearing a mask or getting a transhumanist jab”.
US does not have a good track record with informed consent or not being international war criminals. Worth noting.
Disclaimer: This information is provided for educational purposes within the guidelines of Fair Use. It is not intended to provide individual guidance. Please seek a health care provider for individualized health care guidance.
Operation Gladio is another great book on the CIA
Super interesting stuff.