This one is lovely - in the “Paint” style.
Winner, winner:
From effectivecare.info/ ‘Food Helps Too’, 10.7: Food for the eyes, nature or art can reduce stress and anger.
Decorating with images of nature or having green spaces available for breaks may also help reduce stress levels in employees and customers.
During a task designed to be frustrating, stress and anger levels were reduced in males when there were nature or relaxing abstract art images in the experimental office setting. Females who had previously been found in screening to be more prone to anger were less likely to become stressed and angered when nature images were present, and women in general had less stress and anger with nature images in the office setting, but the stress and anger levels of females as a group, on average, were less affected than males by the presence or absence of nature or relaxing abstract art images. (10.4)
A walk in a natural setting may be more beneficial to health than a walk in an urban setting (10.19, 10.20) but even looking at images of nature has been found to help reduce stress levels - more than taking a walk in a busy urban setting, (10.21) suggesting that while exercise has health benefits, exposure to nature also has health benefits.
Some types of stress can be stimulating and may help with meeting a challenge but stress that is negative and ongoing can be harmful to health. Our attitude about the stress, whether we view it as a stimulating challenge or as something we have no control over, can make a difference in whether the stress has positive or negative health effects. (10.22) More information about Art Therapy and resources are available in the Glossary section. *And slideshows of nature photos I took are on several pages.
The topic of dopamine and art and other positive and negative activities was covered in the section Friendliness helps too.
The page DHA & Forest Bathing on jenniferdepew.com may also be of interest, and Be a Wetland Superhero - pick up litter anywhere and help our wetlands and oceans.

Cat ladies for wetlands!

Happy Trump failed assassination attempt number two day…. happy they missed I guess. The beat goes on.
Disclaimer: These Substack AI generated images are being shared for entertainment purposes within the guidelines of Fair Use and are not intended for individual health care guidance, although caring for plants or pets may be health promoting via reduced stress and increased vagal tone and parasympathetic response.
The art is neat, but I think I like the disclaimer the best. Humor is for healing!