House of Cards - predictive programming or Rule of Three, forewarning of planned harm.
*The TV series about US presidential politics called "House of Cards", originally starring Kevin Spacey who was cut for sexual misconduct allegations (allegedly he is a pedo who likes young males).
Did you know? In the show 'House Of Cards' The 'Shadow Government' uses a HURRICANE to force President Underwood (Kevin Spacy) to pay FEMA 10 billion dollars Or it will make landfall in the Carolinas. As soon as the President pays FEMA the 10 Billion... The hurricane turns away! **Click through for a clip from the movie. (
(Weather Manipulation & Steering a Hurricane) ON TOP OF THAT! The hurricane they use IN the show is the Model of Hurricane Helene from 1958! I SH*T you not! House Of Cards- Season 3, Episode 4.
*Click through for a clip from the movie. ( **The 1958 Hurricane Helene path was not inland damage as it was in 2024. It was swept along the Atlantic coastline, which is a more typical hurricane location, instead of in the Gulf of Mexico.

A comment on a different clip from that episode by @sam.lipchutz, 3 years ago
“Frank Underwood is evil, intelligent, charismatic, ruthless, bold, lucky, and extremely ambitious which are all of the qualities that you need to win and be successful in society. I don’t hate people like Frank Underwood. I hate society. You can’t blame a snake for having fangs. Don’t hate the player hate the game” - @sam.lipchutz, 3 years ago
I do hate child abusers and a society that protects child abuse. Kevin Spacey’s House of Cards collapsed. He was ordered to pay $31 million to the TV series for not being able to complete his contract - due to his sexual misconduct becoming public. Several allegations have been made by males, including an actor regarding an encounter when the actor, Anthony Rapp, would have been 14 and Kevin Spacey ~ 20.

I rewatched the movie Pay it Forward a few months ago, for only the second time since it was a new release … and eventually remembered why I had blocked it from my memory. The child’s parent and teacher both missed that bullying was happening at the child’s school and both somehow weren’t confidantes enough of the boy that he informed them, or the school, or asked for help.
The bully killed the boy, but his martyr-ship somehow united the whole city in a huge candle-lit gathering outside, teacher and single parent are reunited as a love interest …and end of the movie. Very Hollywood.
But…the Kevin Spacey, teacher character, was portrayed as a noble hero who loved children…even though his role as a teacher had led to the child being killed by a bully. The child’s single mother was portrayed as a bad person with alcohol abuse problems and unsavory jobs serving alcohol in skimpy outfits (Las Vegas I think) and allowed a revisit from an abusive deadbeat ex-husband/father of the child who was physically abusive of her (but handsome). She was an utter disappointment and bad mother…even though she did work two jobs and supported herself and her child.
We need to keep in mind that these pedo-perps see themselves as saviors, heroes, and as presidential leaders. And that they like to kill in mass-sacrifice or individual sacrifice. Halloween is peak ritual sacrifice season per insider whistle-blowers. Homeless people or children start to disappear a few weeks early, as preliminary events include torture (for adrenalin and adrenochrome generation).
This video interview of Ronald Bernard (translation is a computer voiceover) is dynamite - he doesn’t get into Luciferian stuff in detail, just that it is part of the high-level banking controllers. What he does share in detail is how high-level banking is done — how it is used to build or destroy nations or businesses or wars - and how it is used to money launder cash from illicit business like child trafficking into “clean” money, by lending it out to consumers and their “loan” is then clean money, clean “debt” - roughly. I should relisten and take notes.
He doesn’t name names. He was physically tortured extensively upon leaving the high-level industry - enough to reaffirm that his personal conviction that personal names are personal in a trading/dealer world. He did name the high-level banks and independent city/states involved though. London, The Vatican, and Washinton D.C. were mentioned as being somewhat above nations and sovereign law. Again, I would need to relisten. It is complex and the voiceover translation is a little odd to listen too. It has the captions in English too, though.
A high-level banker, Ronald Bernard, turned whistleblower instead of taking the next step up in the hierarchy, because it included child sacrifice and he couldn’t stomach that - or that it is happening on a widespread basis. Video in this post: (
Disclaimer: This information is being provided for educational purposes within the guidelines of Fair Use and is not intended to provide individual healthcare guidance.
Great post. Thank you 🙏
You’re right in your response to Denise Jennifer. It needs to be exposed more. Too many with heads in the sand.
Saw his interview awhile back, and upon searching, I just found another video that I can’t link as I’m on my phone. You may wish to include it as well. Look up Lisa Rosch on you tube. He testified before the ITNJ. He grew up abused, which I suspect is why he drew the line where he did. Very intelligent and well spoken man.
Thanks for the share Jennifer!
Source be with us all. 🙏🙏🙏