Herbals for reducing risk from radiation can reduce risk from Turbocancer, too.
*In a surprise to none of my regular readers, my draft post got way too long, so I am combining the nutrition part of it with a Turbocancer post by Phillip Altman, recommended by Geoff Pain, PhD.
Post recommended by Geoff regarding the current increase in “turbocancer” which is rapidly progressive and metastasizing cancers showing up after CoV injections.
Very related info: Pomegranate peel extract has consistently been shown to help prevent metastasis and it is a natural antidote to the HIV-1 like protein in the chimeric spike which cleaves the spike into a free S1 section and leaves the S2 section attached to the cell membrane allowing gene entry from a virus. (substack/phillipaltman)
Herbal aids for radiation sickness
Radiation sickness and risk of cancer involves hyperinflammation with excess oxidative stress chemicals and inflammatory cytokines. It can lead to a lack of our main antioxidant glutathione and other nutrients used in detoxification of waste chemicals. Lack of nutrients can lead to mitochondrial dysfunction and loss of methylation function which then can cause epigenetic changes in DNA. Damage to mitochondrial DNA and cellular DNA also increases in risk and changes like that can lead to cancerous cells or mitochondrial conditions which may include Parkinson’s Disease.
Herbs included below are Lemon Balm/Melissa essential oil; Ginger and other Nrf2 promoters like pomegranate peel; chlorella blue green algae;
and flush niacin and magnesium adequacy are important
along with cysteine and glycine to support production of glutathione,
and other nutrients to support methylation and mitochondrial function.
My most thorough overview of those support nutrients is on my Prenatal/Child page of jenniferdepew.com. Effectivecare.info has my main G13. Pomegranate page.
The last post is about mitochondrial support nutrients - they are all important to have in a well-rounded diet and/or good quality supplement. Thorne brand 2/day (thorne.com//basic-nutrients-2-day) is what I use for my mom. It is a powder in a capsule which I open and mix in a hot soup or porridge for her. Post: Mitochondrial damage due to psychiatric & other medications. (denutrients.substack)
Lemon balm herb or by another name, Melissa Essential Oil, may be protective or helpful against radiation sickness.
“A study published in ScienceDirect found that lemon balm extract promoted melanogenesis and prevented UVB-induced oxidative stress and DNA damage in a skin cell model (1, Pérez-Sánchez, et al., 2016) This suggests that lemon balm may have protective effects against solar ultraviolet radiation-induced damage. […]
A study published in 2013 found that lemon balm tea protected radiology staff against radiation-induced oxidative stress (3, video: nutritionfacts.org). The level of antioxidant enzyme activity increased, and free radical damage decreased.
Another study mentioned in a 2023 article discussed the potential of ginger and lemon balm to reduce radiation damage (4, nutritionfacts.org and also the older, video: nutritionfacts). The study highlighted the antioxidant properties of lemon balm, which may help protect against radiation-induced oxidative stress.” (Brave AI summary)
“So, the researchers asked radiology staff to drink (pubmed) two cups a day of lemon balm tea for a month, an herbal tea known to have high levels of antioxidants (as I showed in one of my favorite videos, Antioxidants in a Pinch). The level of antioxidant enzyme activity in their bloodstream went up and the level of free radical damage went down, leading to the conclusion that oral administration of lemon balm tea may be helpful for the protection of radiology staff against radiation-induced oxidative stress.” (4, nutritionfacts.org)
Chlorella blue-green algae has also shown benefits against radiation health risks. (Brave AI summary)
Cell damage repair mechanism in a desert green algae Chlorella sp. against UV-B radiation, (Wang, et al., 2022).
Nrf2 promoters like ginger, would be protective and flush niacin also, as an NFkB inhibitor.
Ginger, pomegranate peel and other Nrf2 promoters/NFkB inhibitors would also help along with flush niacin. Cysteine and glycine help support glutathione production. Nrf2 is a gene and protein which promotes repair of damaged DNA and production of glutathione, our internally made antioxidant, and it promotes immune function.
Niacin, the flush type is also called nicotinic acid (vitamin B3, but not the niacinamide form), and it supports mitochondrial and methylation function.
Other B vitamins and trace minerals are also needed. Inositol is a B vitamin that can help calm the brain and reduce seizure risk.
Magnesium adequacy helps block calcium from flooding the cell from EMF exposure or other signaling chemicals.
Adequate magnesium is important, and topical absorption may be a needed route to bypass a gut malabsorption issue.
Magnesium helps protect against the chem trail heavy metal toxins and infectious nanopathogens that thrive on those metals and then fallout, ‘rain’ out of the air.
“The secondary fallout effects of the aluminum and barium have been made clear by Dr. Robert Folk’s discovery of nanobacteria,'® an entirely new and abundant class of infectious bacteria that proliferates throughout our lithosphere and upper atmosphere. Now known to be the most abundant of Earth’s life forms, Folk’s findings have shown that nanobacteria metabolize metals, especially binding in massive numbers to the airborne aluminum and barium in chemtrails before precipitating down to the groundwater in rainstorms. After the atmospheric metals have served to propagate beam weaponry, they act as a perfect delivery system for virtually undetectable infectious nano-agents, compounding the metals’ own toxicity in the human body. Toxicologists have shown that fluoride in drinking water allows aluminum particles in the body to penetrate the blood-brain barrier and interfere with neural function.’ Research suggests that in magnesium-deficient persons ***(90% of Americans)***, particulate aluminum is stored in the central nervous system replacing natural magnesium, resulting in the inactivation of tubulin, an enzyme crucial to nerve function. Magnesium malate is a dietary supplement that effectively blocks aluminum poisoning as it removes aluminum from the body by chelation via malic acid, while providing natural dietary magnesium. The New World Order mind-control machine will falter when the American people bring an end to the Nazi water fluoridation and toxic chemtrail policies.”
(p 35) Bush Family Nazi Background and The Murder of Nikola Tesla,
by Alexander Putney, (archive.org). *** Bold added by me ;-) *The very long post includes more excerpts from this ebook.
***Why are ~ 90% of Americans deficient in magnesium? a) the food supply has less in agricultural crops; b) phytic acid in beans, nuts, seeds, and grains that aren’t presoaked with an acid or alkali and rinsed before cooking will further reduce mineral absorption in the gut; c) an over acidic meal or body chemistry will reduce absorption; d) a diet high in calcium can increase urinary loss of magnesium; e) in ancient times our drinking water and bathing water were sources of magnesium and now they aren’t unless you add it yourself (or buy a specialty beverage product); f) vitamin D supplements can increase calcium absorption in the gut, but that may be reducing magnesium absorption.
»> Epsom salt soaks 1-2 times per week can bypass a gut malabsorption problem. About one cup of Mg sulfate or chloride salt in a bath, or a little less in a 5 gallon size bucket/pail/waste basket, for a lower leg soak, or a tablespoon or two in a handsoak bowl. Magnesium and sulfate can be absorbed through hair follicles and around the nail beds.
Reference 4, a blog style article by Michael Greger M.D. FACLM is a real find:
“This is the final installment of a five-part video series on preventing and treating radiation damage. I started with Fukushima and Radioactivity in Seafood on avoiding radiation exposure in one’s diet and then moved to diagnostic medical and dental radiation in Cancer Risk from CT Scan Radiation and Do Dental X-Rays Cause Brain Tumors?. In the last video, Mediating Radiation Exposure from Air Travel, I reviewed population studies of airline pilots and Chernobyl victims that looked at which dietary components may decrease radiation-induced DNA damage and cancer risk.” - Michael Greger M.D. FACLM, (4, nutritionfacts.org)
Dr. Gregor’s article fits in very neatly with the Bush/Nazi take-over of US science theme in the book (archive.org) that was excerpted earlier in this post.
Dr. Gregor’s article from its opening paragraph:
“The German Medical Association has finally apologized for the profession’s role in the Nazi atrocities, 65 years after 20 physicians stood trial in Nuremberg. During the trial, the Nazi doctors argued that their experiments were not unlike previous studies by researchers in the United States, such as Dr. Strong’s injection of prisoners with the plague. Nazi Docs were hanged; Dr. Strong went on to Harvard.
We were just getting started. The few examples the Nazis cited were nothing compared to what the American medical establishment started doing after Nuremburg. After all, researchers noted, prisoners are cheaper than chimpanzees.
Much attention has focused on our cold war radiation experiments, which remained classified for decades. Declassification, the American Energy Commission warned, would have a “very poor effect on the public” because they were performed on human subjects. Subjects like Mr. Cade, a 53 “colored male” who got in a car accident and ended up in the hospital, where he was injected with plutonium.
Who is even more powerless than patients? At the Fernald School in Waltham, Massachusetts children with developmental disabilities were fed radioactive isotopes in their breakfast cereal. Despite the Pentagon’s insistence that these were the “only feasible means” of developing ways to protect people from radiation, researchers have since come up with a few ways that don’t violate the Nuremburg code, which states that doctors are only allowed to do experiments that may kill or disable people if they themselves are willing to sign up as experimental subjects.
For those interested in the Nuremburg narrative, I touch on other cases of medical mistreatment in:
One way is to study cells in a petri dish. For example a study I profile in my video Reducing Radiation Damage With Ginger & Lemon Balm entitled “The Protective Effect of Zingerone Against Radiation-Induced Genetic Damage and Cell Death in Human White Blood Cells.” What is zingerone? It’s a phytonutrient found in cooked ginger root. Researchers blasted cells with gamma rays and found less DNA damage and fewer free radicals when they added ginger phytonutrients. They even compared zingerone to the leading drug injected into people to protect them from radiation sickness, and found the ginger compound to be 150 times more powerful—and without the serious side effects of the drug.
The researchers concluded that ginger is an “inexpensive natural product that may protect against radiation-induced damage.” So know that as you’re sucking on some crystallized ginger to prevent travel sickness on an airplane, you may be protecting yourself from the cosmic radiation at that altitude as well.
- Michael Greger M.D. FACLM, (4, nutritionfacts.org)
Shall we trust “Science TM” or trust Mother Nature’s plant “Farmacopia”?
Disclaimer: This information is provided for educational purposes within the guidelines of Fair Use. It is not intended to provide individual guidance. Please seek a health care provider for individualized health care guidance.
POMegranate peel extract
I have a crude theory about cancer and radiation poisoning stemming from alterations to water properties. Basically, I'm not convinced that ionizing radiation damages DNA directly which leads to mutations and cancer. I think it's more likely that radiation alteres water properties that in turn lead to oncogenesis and mutations (not necessarily in that order). See my latest talk. https://vimeo.com/1021313092