My black seed oil bulk purchase from a different company is a disappointment. I will use it topically. Black seed oil helps stop the itchiness of my mom’s sunburn-pox too. I bought a different brand and hadn’t opened it until I was running out of the last purchase, PipingRock brand. Cold pressed & solvent free. The solvent free is important. The newer oil tastes wrong, too mild and thin and I question the solvent free idea - something is off about it - CocoJojo brand, it was a topical-use oriented site. The bottle says unrefined, cold pressed, 100% Egyptian cumin seed oil. The aroma is less noticeable and it is paler in color.
The PipingRock and an organic brand has a dark color and seems thick almost compared to other oils. It has the phytonutrient density of a strong coffee compared to standard coffee.
I find black seed oil helpful now for gum health too. I swish my morning spoonful a bit and it seems to help inflammation of the gumline.
The company is having a buy one get one free sale on many items through the next five days. Their price on black seed oil did go up since I bought it last, but the quality is good. 16 ounce bottle, $45, but the organic brand carried at GNC is ~30 for an 8 oz bottle(Amazing Herbs Black seed 100% pure cold pressed, standardized for thymoquinone). Prices have gone up in the year or two since I started buying it.
Shopping link: ( link) - *The link will include a $10 off coupon for your first purchase if used - it says - and I may get a discount on my next shopping.

FLCCC has a teaspoon of black seed oil 1-2 times a day as a substitute for Ivermectin in their prevention/outpatient treatment protocols - or did.
My Black Seed oil section of my Protocol Collation & Therapy Goals (document):
Black Seed Oil / Nigella Sativa
Koshak AE, Koshak EA, Mobeireek AF, Badawi MA, Wali SO, Malibary HM, Atwah AF, Alhamdan MM, Almalki RA, Madani TA. Nigella sativa for the treatment of COVID-19: An open-label randomized controlled clinical trial. Complement Ther Med. 2021 Sep;61:102769. doi: 10.1016/j.ctim.2021.102769. Epub 2021 Aug 15. PMID: 34407441; PMCID: PMC8364675.
Khazdair MR, Ghafari S, Sadeghi M. Possible therapeutic effects of Nigella sativa and its thymoquinone on COVID-19. Pharm Biol. 2021;59(1):696-703. doi:10.1080/13880209.2021.1931353

Image - “Nigella Sativa (Black seed oil or the seeds are used in an equivalent amount), 40 mg/kg daily. To be used if ivermectin not available or added to ivermectin for optimal prevention.” The Frontline Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance, FLCCC, IMASK+ prevention protocol:
Axel Rhindt, Black seed oil against coronaviruses: thymoquinone at Covid 19. November 16, 2021, (automatic translation from German) “Shield and sword in the corona pandemic: black seed oil a possible remedy against the coronavirus disease Covid 19.”
* Black seed oil is a strong antiviral. It helped me with a shingles problem this summer, a first occurrence for me, and it followed a passive exposure problem in May, 2020.

Addition: Regarding Zinc Ionophore mechanism of action for Black Seed Oil
Black seed oil is used in ayurveda & other Asian/Middle Eastern areas as a traditional medicinal.
Ahmad A, Husain A, Mujeeb M, et al. A review on therapeutic potential of Nigella sativa: A miracle herb. Asian Pac J Trop Biomed. 2013;3(5):337–352. doi:10.1016/S2221-1691(13)60075-1
“5.8: Immunomodulatory activity, “The secretion of IL-6, TNF-α, and NO; key pro-inflammatory mediators, by primary macrophages is significantly suppressed by the aqueous extract of N. sativa, indicating that N. sativa exerts anti-inflammatory effects in vitro. “
*Aqueous extract was effective, ground seeds in tea would be similar.
Honey & Nigella Sativa seeds, clinical trial:
“Honey (1 gm/Kg/day) and Nigella sativa seeds (80 mg/Kg/day)” (Ashraf, et al, 2020) is the amount that was given per patient who was randomly assigned to the experimental group, in Pakistan. To adjust individually it would likely be good to use Ideal Body Weight or Usual Body Weight if excess weight, or recent weight loss.
100 pound person ~ 100 / 2.2 = 45.5 Kg
45 grams of honey would be about an ounce and a half, 3 tablespoons,
80 mg x 45.5 = 3636 mg or 3.6 grams which might be a teaspoon of Nigella seeds.
*I have been told Nigella/Black Cumin seeds are better toasted than raw. ~ Gentle heat in a skillet for a few minutes. They may also be better tasting when mixed with fennel seeds and chewed as a minty breath freshener and digestion aid. Black Nigella seeds can also be ground into a powder and taken within a capsule. Soaking them in another oil like grape seed oil will infuse some of the health benefits of the black seeds into the carrier oil for use topically, if black seed oil isn’t available for topical use. (Info from a DIY video that I didn’t seem to link.)
(Ashraf, et al, 2020) Honey and Nigella sativa against COVID-19 in Pakistan (HNS-COVID-PK): A multi-center placebo-controlled randomized clinical trial. Sohaib Ashraf, Shoaib Ashraf, Moneeb Ashraf, et al., for the COALITION COVID-19 Shaikh Zayed, Abubakar Hilal, Arz Muhammad, et al., medRxiv 2020.10.30.20217364; doi:
A video (very slow paced), Fantastic Mixture of Honey, Black Seed & Sesame Recipes | معجون عسل سیاه دانه و کنجد, (yYoutube) Grind 2 tablespoons of black cumin seeds and 4 tablespoons of sesame seeds, mix in 9 ounces of honey. Let stand at least ten minutes, use one teaspoon per day, typically.

Honey has anti-cancer fighting properties - look for raw/not processed organic honey ideally.
Chrysin, from raw Honey, not processed ideally:
Why honey? Chrysin , a polyphenol that may protect against DNA damage. (George, 2017) It is found in honey or the bee propolis. Similar to other flavonoids, chrysin has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, and anticancer properties. (Mani, 2018) References: Cancer,: Adjuvant Therapies - a long alphabetized list, useful.
Also see: Nigella Sativa and Honey.
Protective effects of the flavonoid chrysin against methylmercury-induced genotoxicity and alterations of antioxidant status, in vivo. Manzolli ES, Serpeloni JM, Grotto D, Bastos JK, Antunes LM, Barbosa Junior F, Barcelos GR. Oxid Med Cell Longev. 2015;2015:602360. doi: 10.1155/2015/602360. Epub 2015 Feb 24. PMID: 25810809; PMCID: PMC4355113.
Also re protection against DNA damage, which is protection against cancer or mitochondrial conditions such as Parkinson’s Disease:
Cancer Risks of CT Scans.
Optimize Your Internal Defenses Against Radiation.

Image article: Cancer,: Adjuvant Therapies- long alphabetized list, useful.
More helpful info: Protocol Collation & Therapy Goals (document)
Disclaimer: Opinions are my own and the information is provided for educational purposes within the guidelines of fair use. While I am a Registered Dietitian this information is not intended to provide individual health guidance. Please see a health professional for individual health care purposes.
Thanks for the benefits of black seed oil; I pay Au $39.95 for 250ml/8.5oz.
OMG great deal just bought some, Thanks for the heads up. Blessings