Glyphosate & AGEs in granola bars?; and memes.
Education vs Critical Thinking. Einstein's work was called more "artistic than Physics" in a letter turning down his application at U of Bern for Assoc. Prof, as his Doctorate was unsuccessful.
Memes - are things to remember, or to think about.

Glyphosate was a big change in the last 30 years. Increased iodine deficiency and goitrogen excess has also been a big change in the US over the last 70 years. Increased TV use and other screen time and blue light has also hugely increased in the last 40 years, and that is inflammatory and negatively effects our circadian cycle and detox functions. (
My last post didn’t get many Likes but it did cover a lot of topics, including some racy ones. To focus more on the good news about my mother’s improved function on a histamine restricted diet…glyphosate also needs to be restricted, I think. It can have causal effects for brain inflammation. Also, RAGE receptors? Why do those matter? Why does crispy deliciousness matter?
I have pretty much been cooking or baking and use few pre-prepared foods for my mother but it gets tiring. I found some off-brand granola bars with minimal seeming ingredients, oats and almonds primarily, baked crispy, fully dried out granola with a browned surface. That means acrylamide - AGEs are part of the baked food now, too. They were sweet and yummy, and even though crunchy, she would eat them. I tried them too but they left my gut feeling worse. (This sort of granola bar - seems like it should be healthy right? Nature Valley) I had stopped using them but had one left and an unopened box which I gave away while also giving my mom the last from the open box. The giftee said “Why not just use the other box too? She liked it….” My answer was, “I could buy more, but I think the next day will be a bad day,” …and it was. She had more severe anxiety and paranoia the next day and also had diarrhea type problems which are not at all typical for her … but it is typical for glyphosate.
Glyphosate is used as a desiccant for non-Roundup Ready crops, to kill the foliage and plump up the yield of the grain, right before harvest. Oat products have consistently shown elevated levels of glyphosate when independently tested, even some ‘organic’ oat products had traces of glyphosate. (Brave AI summary/glyphosate in oats) Humus and garbanzo beans may also be a source of glyphosate, and peas, due to the use of RoundUp as desiccant.
Are crispy delicious granola bars a convenient snack food for children and adults? Or a toxic food in disguise? Is it the glyphosate on the oats causing symptoms? or is it the crispy delicious AGEs? or is it both? I can bake with non-GMO ingredients. She likes that. I can look for organic oatmeal granola bars with minimal ingredients…but if it is baked crispy dry will it still be an AGEs problem?
If it seems super delicious and you are left wanting even more…then it might be an AGEs problem - excitatory and potentially addictive.
*Oats also have plant lectins and phytic acid, so presoaking with a spoonful of vinegar per cup of oats, is recommended to reduce the phytic acid levels, and improve mineral absorption.
University of Bern, 06 June, 1907,
“Dear Mr. Einstein,
Your Application for the Doctorate has not been successful at this time and as such you are not eligible for the position of Associate Professor.
While you posed an interesting theory in your article published in “Annalen der Physik”, we feel that your conclusions about the nature of light and the fundamental connection between space and time are somewhat radical. Overall, we find your assumptions to be more artistic than actual Physics.
- Sincerely yours,
Professor Wilhelm Heinrich, Ph.D., Dean of Science”
via Elizabeth Farrell, (

Einstein was kind of a creep whose first wife probably did a lot of the work on his famous research articles about relativity and outer space being empty. (It's not). He left her and their two children for his cousin, who he later married. The first wife demanded the money he had been given for the Nobel Prize as a divorce settlement and he gave it to her. She was a little older than he was and likely made significant contributions to the work. James DeMeo’s book further reveals that his papers were also largely based on theories that had already been published by another man.
Excerpt from: Ether flows and everything flows along with it. Where is it flowing? -> Chapter Four. Book Summary: The Dynamic Ether of Cosmic Space: Correcting a Major Error in Modern Science – September 18, 2019, by James DeMeo. (Substack)
The highly relevant quote, translated by Daniela Bruckner, James DeMeo’s wife - was written to a friend of Albert Einstein, Robert Milliken, in June 1921, after the visit to Dayton Miller in May, 1921.
“I believe that I have really found the relationship between gravitation and electricity, assuming that the Miller experiments are based on a fundamental error. [*The Miller experiments were repeated successfully.] Otherwise, the whole relativity theory collapses like a house of cards.”
(Albert Einstein, letter to Robert Millikan, June 1921, reported in Clark 1971, p. 328. Emphasis added.) (DeMeo, 2019, p 88)
Physics is not just about theoretical math. This guy makes building a house of cards look easy. (It’s not that easy.) He started in childhood, following his grandfather’s card house building path, but took the hobby much farther, into a career. He also became an architect along the way.
“Bryan Berg has made card stacking an art form. He holds numerous Guinness World Records (so many he's lost count), and keeps upping the ante on the difficulty.” WIRED, (Youtube)

Oils graphic via

“Watch your thought, they become your words; watch your words, they become your actions; watch your actions, they become your habits; watch your habits, they become your character; watch your character, it becomes your destiny.” ~ Lao Tzu” via Edward Dowd, (
Watch your nation, it becomes your captor or your creator. Watch your kid's teachers too, or maybe home school instead. Groups of parents could share homeschooling duties for their children — sharing their skills and time with small groups of kids instead of only their own.
Anonymous post
> be in middle school English period > was told to write a word starting with the letter “g” and many syllables as possible >cannot repeat words
> my turn >mind started to race as I feel judgmental stares >wrote “Gobbledygook” >classmates laugh >teacher said, “Don’t make up words, anon” >everyone mocked my vocabulary for the rest of the day
>went home and found dictionary >next day showed it to the teacher that it exists >rather than explaining it to the class, teacher replied, “Stop being a sore loser.” >mfw [“my face when” - refers to the gif image below - exasperated, or wry]
Also, I scored a 98% in the final English exam yet my English grade on my report card was a C.” 04/09/21 No.851663505, via (
*The teacher seems both petty, and like a sore loser to me, a gargantuan one. Way to hold a grudge against the smart kid, or the neurodivergent kid. A haiku based on Pink Floyd song ‘Another Brick In the Wall’ (Youtube):
Teacher, please don’t be
a gargantuan loser;
Leave those kids alone.

Anon deserved an A in middle school English Class. Instead, Anon had a sore loser teacher and got a C. “Stop being a sore loser” from a teacher equals “Stop being a critical thinker who speaks up for their point.” ( Does gazillion count? Googling? Giggling? Genuflecting to a low-level government bureaucrat?
My parents valued A's, and being college track, I learned though, that certain teachers grade based on the answer they want, rather than the correct answer. I learned to give those teachers the answer they wanted for the A grade. I liked the teachers who would listen to your reasoning regarding a test question and who would sometimes change the grade based on your reasoning.
As a college tutor, later, I was tutor for a class where the teacher was known for being a horrible introductory biology teacher. His lectures and tests didn't match, and the tests were very hard, obscure details, BUT he always used the same tests…so the sensible study strategy was to study from the copied tests that circulated and don't worry about the lectures (he would lecture on his more advanced field of study - helminths - worms and parasites). I felt bad as a tutor, encouraging people to study a copied test, but the questions were fairly impossible 😉 and the lectures didn't really help you with the tests or introductory biology.
To get an “A” in school, you are taught to jump through hoops like a trained poodle.
Ask oneself - If I were to trust myself more? What would I do? and then do that.
Learn to listen to yourself - and to follow those instincts. → By asking, listening and doing, taking action on your gut instinct. (Our gut includes nerve cells similar to the brain but in a network all along the intestinal tract.)
- paraphrased from a Channeled Oracle card reading by Julia Greef & the Beings of Absolute Light (Youtube), with the Wolf/Instinct card from the Earth Magic Oracle Cards, by Steven D. Farmer, (Amazon).
School, and government authorities, tend to teach us to follow orders, and to wait for orders to follow. We are trained to ignore our instincts and our common sense.
It was the people in Hawaii who disobeyed orders who survived.
Sometimes we have to stand alone, and follow our own internal guidance. But, seeking peace, love and forgiveness with others in our lives or past was mentioned earlier in the session by Julia Greef this morning. Trust in ourselves, and build local community, was guidance provided to help us with transitioning into our future world. Energy beings, positive spirits or angels, are rooting for us. (Youtube)
Disclaimer: This information is being shared for educational purposes within the guidelines of Fair Use and is not intended to provide individual health care guidance.
A lot to digest in this one Jennifer.
Thanks for the links, info, and memes! 🙏💖