Genes are a mixed bag that may be turned on or off; and dopamine, mind control and healing from it
"What is my regular programming?" - a mixed bag, focus on quantum health & preventive self care strategies. Links to work by Chris Masterjohn, Tessa Fights Robots, Jason Christoff, Cathy O'Brien.
Dopamine additional note to my last post (Adrenal exhaustion post) - if I am low in methyl folate, then I wouldn’t be able to make dopamine, (pdf by Chris Masterjohn), so that may explain why it seems to me that I have a low dopamine problem sometimes too, and seek to elevate it with substances possibly.
Genetics are a mixed bag and one single allele can’t tell you how the whole set is working together.
Sulfate/sulfite sensitivity can also lead to or mean that sulfur metabolism within the body isn’t working right. Biofilm production by our microbiome species can be protective as well as harmful as the dental viewpoint may see it. Providing a hydrogen sulfide donor chemical called diallyl disulfide helped improve colitis and restore mucous production at the intestinal lining. Microbiota produced a more linear biofilm, more cohesive, with the addition of diallyl disulfide in an animal study which used a group of knockout mice missing a sulfur metabolism enzyme and a group of wildtype mice given a drug to block that enzyme. (Motta, et al., 2015; cited by Dietert and Dietert, Chapter 1, Nutrition and Integrative Medicine: A Primer for Clinicians_Bakhru. The first three chapters are fully viewable when you click “Preview book” (CRCPress).
More detail about the role of hydrogen sulfide in the microbiome-mucosa interface is available in this full-text available article:
“When administered together with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, H2S can prevent some of the dysbiosis those drugs induce, possibly contributing to the observed prevention of gastrointestinal damage. Exogenous H2S can also markedly reduce the severity of experimental colitis and plays important roles in modulating epithelial cell-mucus-bacterial interactions in the intestine, contributing to its ability to promote resolution of inflammation and repair of tissue injury. In this paper we review recent studies examining the roles of H2S in mucosal defense, the possibility that H2S can damage the gastrointestinal epithelium, and effects of H2S on the gut microbiota and on mucus and biofilm interactions in the context of intestinal inflammation.” (Wallace, Motta, Buret, 2018)
If my diet and/or bath had a lot of sulfur sources and my homocysteine level was also elevated, then my gene alleles can add up to not detoxing sulfur chemicals well. The system for detoxing sulfur chemicals can get backed up readily so dose - amount of the foods or baths counts. And then you also aren’t making the normally needed sulfur chemicals. Sulfur sensitivity is accumulative, how big a load to clear and how fast was it added? My gene allele affected metabolism can handle some but not a huge load at once, or a lot daily ongoing over time.
In reviewing my own history - my severe colitis was stress related, but it may also have been related to having switched to a vegan/no animal products diet a few months earlier. I had conflated the order in my memory, on review, I realized I had the albumin rash first, then a few months later the colitis like bowel troubles. A vegan diet increases oxalates and sulfur sources as I used garlic and onions a lot. More nuts than beans can reduce lysine intake which is protective for the gut. My glycine intake probably was reduced too and I need extra potentially due to my gene alleles. Essential fatty acids and choline would be reduced and B12 and niacin (meats are a good niacin source).
The Nutrition Screening guide by Dicken Weatherby includes ‘vegan diet’ as part of the risk factors in the nutrition screening questions. See: Adrenal Exhaustion and Book Review (Substack)
The World Economic Forum or United Nations or World Health Organization, seem to be promoting vegan diets but from my own experience and reading, it isn’t really adequate for humans. We are omnivores. Pregnancy and early childhood years particularly may have increased developmental risks with a vegan style diet. See: ‘Balanced Diet’ is about not dying from malnutrition. (Substack)
Factory produced fake meat is not turning out to be either environmentally friendly or as nutritious as real meats. Insects, as a garnish, side dish, can have a nutritious role in a more vegetable based diet by providing trace minerals, some protein, and N-acetylglucosamine which helps gut health too. As a meat substitute though — in larger amounts made into a ‘burger’, the anti-nutrients found in insects might become too concentrated for human health.
Instead of inventing new tech that requires a corporation and factory, we need to focus more on returning to small mixed farms which include some animals and some crops and includes mixed plantings instead of monocropping. Traditional small farms recycle manure into fertilizer and that is preserving our planet’s depleting reserves of bioactive phosphorus.
The rest of this post focuses on mind control tactics and resources about health or healing from or resisting mind control.
What is my regular programming?
Anything I find of interest or value may show up as a topic. I tend to focus on preventive health and also sharing useful resources, with a focus more on reading than video because I prefer to read. *Childhood related hearing differences, slight, but it can make conversation harder to follow for me. Preventive health that is accurate has become scarcer than hen’s teeth, or labeled ‘disinformation’, so I also include information about manipulative media and mind control tactics.
Figuring out what can help health is trickier than it should be in our modern world as the US food supply contains multiple toxins that are approved ingredients, in addition to any pesticides, herbicides and other contaminants. And then there is the CDC and WHO giving guidance that is directly harmful.
I also share my own health journey as a genetic case study or example of the difficulties that may be faced with autoimmune and chronic symptoms. Gene alleles that impact a specific nutrient or pathway can leave a person slightly ill all of their life, and then if the missing nutrient is supplemented at the higher amounts needed, it can feel like a miracle. Symptom resolution can be significant even within a day or two depending on the missing nutrient.
When I learned how much of an impact alcohol use by a father-to-be can have on the DNA of his sperm, it clarified why our modern world has had such an increase in complex mental and physical chronic illness. It is HUGE news to a prenatal health educator that weekly alcohol use by a father may have caused ADHD in the child. It takes 74 days to make a sperm — how many were spent drinking alcohol? Other gene differences that aren’t screened for but which are common in Down’s Syndrome and potentially other congenital genetic conditions include pyroluria which causes loss of zinc and B6 in the urine from improper recycling of hemoglobin.
When I am forgetful about my daily supplements then I am missing my high dose B6 which negatively impacts methylation cycles and essential fatty acid metabolism and my high dose zinc which is needed for gene transcription, a good appetite, and many other functions of the body. Extreme anxiety can occur with a chronic deficiency in B6 and zinc and left untreated may lead to an early death from heart disease. Untreated pyroluria may also interfere with omega 6 metabolism and balance of omega 3 and 6 fatty acids leading to anxiety symptoms with high dose supplements of omega 3. Taking the high dose zinc and B6 might prevent the imbalance. See: (
Dimethylglycine, methyl B12, folate, niacin, thiamine, and phosphatidylcholine also all seem to be problem nutrients for me and higher dose supplements help me feel more normal again. Simply taking my extra supplements help me digest better, have better mood and energy level, and less numbness and tingling in my fingertips. Seems like an easy thing to do right? Sure, if you really firmly believe the importance — or when you have that many issues, maybe sticking to any routine is a little difficult. Redundancy helps me - I have a jar of niacin in several places and try to have some in my car too.
Checklists can help as you are trying to build a new habit. Linking another habit to an established habit may also help make change easier.
Chris Masterjohn, PhD, has a Substack with in depth info on genetics and improving health through nutrients, paid subscription for the full service posts. (Substack)
Free ebook resource from CRC Press: Food as Medicine - this pdf is one chapter from five different books on food and nutrition. The full reference lists from each book are not included though. The chapters include “What is a Mediterranean Diet?”, “The A to Z guide to Food as Medicine, letter F”, “Vitamin D in Metabolic Syndrome”, “Nutrition in Mental Health”, and “Acne and Diet”.
The Environmental Working Group has 41 Consumer Guides or databases with information about trying to stay healthy in our modern pollutant loaded world. Safer cosmetics, tap water, avoiding agricultural chemicals in produce, and many other topics are covered including endocrine disrupting chemicals. (
Jason Christoff is a mind control and self sabotage focused personal coach with a variety of courses available (fee) and blog articles (free with site membership). His material is helpful and he includes the ancient history that is allegedly affecting our modern world. (
“There's more to mind controlling you and tripping you up than just key words and images fired into your fertile psyche by the people who rule you. There are other factors. All those other factors revolve around weakness. The weaker you are, the more you can't resist their mind control and doing exactly as they desire. If you're physically weak, if you're mentally weak, if you're financially weak, if you're spiritually weak, if you're intellectually weak, if you're're going to be much easier to mind control and manipulate with these exact same tactics.” - Jason Christoff, (
Stress and fear cause depletion of magnesium and B vitamins, which lack of, may increase susceptibility to mind control type tactics. Hopelessness, helpless out of control feeling, loneliness, hunger, anger, any strong emotions increase dopamine which increases hypnotic potential.
Elevated dopamine levels also are caused by stress and fear or excitement or sexual stimulation and dopamine also increases susceptibility to hypnosis and other mind control tactics. People with differences in the COMT gene that increase activity may be more susceptible to being manipulated.
See: Impressionable? May have more dopamine than average. (
Being isolated from a group can increase risk and confusion - constantly being flipped between fear and then messages of positivity can increase susceptibility to mind control tactics. Repetition also counts - turn off the media that keeps repeating disinformation because it can sink into the brain even if you don’t really believe it. And then you may be more likely to believe the next thing as it sounds familiar….doesn’t it?
This is really important, an article by Jason Christoff regarding world history of the New World Order goal and who / what ancient group may be at the core: THE ANCIENT HISTORY OF WHO'S PULLING THE STRINGS IN OUR MODERN WORLD, Oct 20, 2023, (
*Spoiler - Egyptian cult of Amon worshippers ~ Baphomet, it seems to be the earliest history of Jews who weren’t really Jews and then weren’t really Egyptian pharaohs either but took names and history as such. How much of our history and the Bible is modified from reality then is hard to know but there are questions.
A clip from a documentary series Ring of Power is included in Jason’s post. Most of the lengthy series is in a combined video link which was shared in my Telegram group: (
Cathy O’Brien is a survivor of the US mind control and blackmail program. She had help breaking through the mind control tactics from a government agent, Mark Phillips, that got disgusted with the program. She/they shared his methods in a book called PTSD: Time to Heal. Mark passed away in 2018 but Cathy carries on their work of whistleblowing about MK Ultra and Project Monarch. See the documentary about her story: (
PTSD: Time to Heal (Amazon). In early stages of healing she mentioned wearing a watch was a strategy to get better connected to the flow of time. Writing down any fragments of memory as they surfaced was another. Learning to love herself was hard but necessary. It helped to be told that what she did while under mind control was out of her control - not her fault, but now as she regained her self power her actions were her responsibility.
Cathy O’Brien made a video longer ago about Project Monarch and based on the comments, people weren’t getting the point. It was about 20 minutes of imagery - tons of examples of pop stars, fashion items, video clips, all showing butterfly imagery. The point was not that butterflies are pretty and girls like them - it is that they were associated with sexuality and sexual freedom. The butterfly wings opening and closing is supposed to remind us females to spread our legs, knees folded then looks a little like butterfly wings. her point in showing 20 minutes of the same stuff repeated everywhere was to show us that all of us girls are/were being programmed too, to be more sexually free and butterfly beautiful! “Isn’t that special?” - Dana Carvey’s Church Lady on older SNL *trivia - Church Lady’s name is Enid Strict.
Tessa Fights Robots provides some insight and guidance for navigating mind control tactics - recognizing it is the first step towards kicking it out of your life and mind. Tessa describes how repeated advertising messages can become embedded in our memory in a way that can later then seem like it is our own idea. Excerpt below. (Substack)
“Self-advertising can be easily hijacked by bad actors
An important caveat is that our brain’s self-directed adverting brochures are often composed by various tricksters who “slip” those ideas into the people’s heads and then convince them that the ideas are their own. It works like metaphorical sorcery. Alongside the ideas, the tricksters often slip “ideas adoption incentives” (economic, psychological, social, and otherwise).” - Tessa Fights Robots, (Substack)
Disclaimer: This information is being provided for educational purposes within the guidelines of Fair Use and is not intended to provide individual health care guidance.
Reference List
(Motta, et al., 2015) Motta JP, Flannigan KL, Agbor TA, Beatty JK, Blackler RW, Workentine ML, Da Silva GJ, Wang R, Buret AG, Wallace JL. Hydrogen sulfide protects from colitis and restores intestinal microbiota biofilm and mucus production. Inflamm Bowel Dis. 2015 May;21(5):1006-17. doi: 10.1097/MIB.0000000000000345. PMID: 25738373.
(Wallace, Motta, Buret, 2018) Wallace JL, Motta JP, Buret AG. Hydrogen sulfide: an agent of stability at the microbiome-mucosa interface. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol. 2018 Feb 1;314(2):G143-G149. doi: 10.1152/ajpgi.00249.2017. Epub 2017 Oct 12. PMID: 29025733; PMCID: PMC5866422.
Thanks for this as ever Jennifer.
I'm curious to know whether extended supplementary use of sulfurs (MSM, NAC) can also overburden? And if so, how to wean-off/clear. I began my own use during my father's long, unsuccessful battle against RA, hoping not to succumb to the same. I find in fact that it has now struck me 10 years earlier than it did him. I take 1200mg NAC, 5000mg - 10,000 mg Vit C, high dose B3 (only recently begun, to combat RA), and a B complex (methyl not cyan cobalamine), 7000-10,000mg MSM, 10,000mg collagen daily.
(You're busy, I'm sure so so I just include this FYI - please don't feel obliged to answer individually, but if you drop back into the subject of sulfur clearance issues, I'm keen to hear your thoughts on supplementary use.)
Wow! This well researched, great stuff and much appreciated for time and expertise.
I have long Covid and suffer CFS and headaches, for which I take Tylenol, but Tylenol affects sulphate metabolism and liver, so I take sulphur and milk thistle to compensate and glycine, collagen and ribose for CFS. Please keep the light on in our darkness.