Gender Dysphoria & Gay Frogs, a poem?
After 3 naps yesterday, I woke up with atrazine and gay frogs on my mind... at 2 am. ...A is for Atrazine and for Alex Jones. J is for Jonesing for the truth. With a dedication to Shel Silverstein.
Grade schoolers are being taught that we can choose our own pronouns, but they aren’t being taught why that has become a growing need. Good morning, Vietnam! and everywhere else.
Is, or is not there an increased risk of suicide? is another question that parents aren’t really being informed of correctly. While it has been stressed that gender dysphoria seems to have an increased risk of suicide, it hasn’t turned out that gender transitioning reduces that risk. It may be increasing risk of suicide as a complicated medical treatment leaving side effects, often might not be a positive solution that resolved mental or physical concerns that were unrelated or indirectly related to gender.
Gender dysphoria and trans-women and trans-men has become very politicized, following in the footsteps of the politicizing of autism. We have to accept neurodiversity and not risk hurting anyone’s feelings by discussing physical reasons for mental differences.
Why is ignoring cause a problem? Because lack of iodine and selenium may be a correctable risk factor. Providing adequate nutrition might not reverse affects that occurred during prenatal development, but it might improve overall mood, energy level, intelligence, and endocrine function throughout the body. All of our glands need iodine and our mitochondria do too, not just the thyroid gland as mainstream medical tends to treat iodine now. Supplementing with iodine had been a very standard treatment used in many conditions, and then radioactive iodine and X-rays became common and a body lacking in adequate iodine works better for the radioactive iodine X-ray…. that is putting the proverbial cart before the horse.
Which is a higher priority for you… Preventing cancer? or more easily screening for cancer?
…and lack of iodine can also increase risk that cancer will become present.
I have dropped the ball on the concept of what a “coloring book page” looks like… dedicated to Alex Jones (Globalists are turning the frogs gay? Quora… Yes… ~ a broken clock is right twice a day, and Alex Jones is correct about atrazine and it is being manufactured and profited from by ‘globalist’ owned Syngenta company), Shel Silverstein (10 favorite poems to read), Emily Dickinson (10 best) and Ogden Nash (a biography with great quotes):
G is for Gender Dysphoria and G is for Gay Frogs
A is for Alex Jones and agricultural Atrazine feminizing frogs.
B is for Babies bathing in utero, in a soup of BPA and chemicals.
C is for Chemical hormone disruptors, and
D is for DDT and Dioxins which can disrupt gender development prenatally and during puberty.
E is for Endocrine hormones which guide growth.
F is for Flame Retardants affecting Female DNA, and too much Fluoride.
G is for Female Gender disrupted by Glyphosate and Goitrogens.
H is for Herself, Himself, and How?
I is for Iodine which may be lacking along with selenium.
J is for Jonesing for the truth.
K is for a Kalkulated Kover-up (not really, that’s C is for Controversial).
L is for Lead and getting the lead out of paint and gasoline.
M is for Mothers and Fathers being misled.
N is for the News, nightly not knowing How, What, or Why?
O is for Ostriches, burying our heads.
P is the jackpot we don’t want to win, with PCBs, PFCs, and Phthalates perturbing our Prenatal development.
Q is for Queer becoming more common.
R is for Respecting our Differences and
S is for Sharing Concern for other Species, who are also becoming more Queer; and S is for feminizing Soy formula & foods.
T is for Tinfoil, so shiny and smooth, leaching aluminum into our liquid, acidic or salty foods (skip it, scrub the pan instead).
U is for the United States, unified in protecting profits over health.
V is for Values, “What do we Value?”
W is for “Why not talk about Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals?”
X is the mark on the map where the treasure is found, and X is for the female chromosomes, XX.
Y is for the male chromosome, XY.
Z is for Zoo. All the animals of the world are being affected by man-made Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals, including us humans.
Brave AI summary on aluminum leaching from aluminum ‘tinfoil’ during cooking, and a summary on original tinfoil, made from a combination of tin and lead being far worse for human health. Use parchment paper instead. Brave AI summary on some Endocrine Disrupting chemicals. Interestingly, it didn’t include atrazine or glyphosate.
Ask it specifically about feminizing effects of atrazine and we get a jackpot of results, summary. Asking it about masculinizing effects of glyphosate led to a spelling error on my part and the AI answered regarding research about effects on men. Sperm motility may be reduced by glyphosate exposure and it may have masculinizing effects, summary. When re-asked about the masculinizing effects of glyphosate on female offspring… we learn that part of the problem that effects of glyphosate on females haven’t been very studied. One study on pregnant animals did find behavioral changes in both the male and female offspring, summary.
Fear aversion reflexes occurred sooner in male and female offspring from mothers raised with glyphosate exposure during pregnancy and lactation. Reduced locomotor activity and anxiety levels were observed later in the offspring’s behavior. (Gallegos, et al., 2016) Increased ADHD was the only significant change in a review of ten studies on prenatal effects of glyphosate/herbicides.
“Except for an excess of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder - ADHD (OR = 3.6, 1.3-9.6) among children born to glyphosate appliers, no significant associations between this herbicide and adverse pregnancy outcomes were described. Evidence that in South American regions of intensive GM-soy planting incidence of birth defects is high remains elusive.” (de Araujo, et al., 2016)
The search results omissions and entries are somewhat of a clue regarding the topics that are allowed versus being suppressed.
What is being funded, effects the information that we learn or don’t learn and only suspect.
What has been observed in animal-based studies with glyphosate-based herbicides given prenatally - not good. Embryotoxic effects on bone development and a risk to DNA and embryo development that is similar to the teratogenic risks of Retinoic Acid:
“…in 2010, Paganelli et al. [4] described a harmful effect of GLY-based herbicides on the development of frog (Xenopus laevis) and chicken embryos. According to the authors, the neural crest was the primary target of GLY and the mode by which GLY disrupts embryo development would be similar to that of retinoic acid, a known potent human teratogen [4, 7]. Along the same line, two experimental studies performed by independent researchers suggested that GLY might impair pre and postnatal development in rats [2, 3]. Dallegrave et al. [2, 3] reported embryotoxic effects (delayed skeleton ossification in term fetuses) in the offspring of rats treated with a GLY-based herbicide during pregnancy, and a decreased sperm count in adult rats that had been exposed in utero and during lactation.” (de Araujo, et al., 2016)
If humans synthesize an amino acid, never before part of the natural world, and then apply it extensively throughout the natural world, it would behoove us to not trust the people making a profit on it to tell us whether it is safe or not.
The opening of that paragraph…
“Whether the extensive use of GLY poses a risk to human reproductive health is a controversial matter as well. Studies sponsored by pesticide manufacturers revealed no noticeable adverse effects of GLY on mammalian reproduction and prenatal development [1]. Nonetheless,…”
…in 2010, it was observed that glyphosate-based herbicides (GHB) have a teratogenic Retinoic-Acid-like effect on prenatal development. That seems like something CNN should have mentioned, rather than leaving us Jonesing for news.
A review of animal studies which assessed the pregnant animals’ health during GHB exposure found it caused a dose dependent increase in oxidative stress and caused tissue changes in the ovary and uterus - it physically altered tissue and blood chemistry.
“The present review summarizes 14 publications on uterus alterations and oocytes, histological changes ovary, and assessed mRNA expression, protein expression, serum levels progesterone, and estrogen and intracellular Reaction Oxygen Species (ROS) in rodents, fish, and lamb exposed to GHB exposure. Most of the studies reported histological changes in ovarian and uterus tissue, alterations in serum levels, and increased oxidative stress level following exposure to GBH. Additionally, due to alterations in the reproductive systems (e.g., histomorphological changes, reduction of the mature follicles, higher atretic follicles, and interstitial fibrosis), it seems the GBH-induced female these alterations are both dose- and time-dependent.” (Kaboli, et al., 2021)
Hey pregnant ladies… DON’T drink alcohol because it causes teratogenic effects from an increase in Retinoic Acid, but go ahead and eat the teratogenic glyphosate laced Cheerios and other commercial foods.
*The retinoic acid damaging effects of alcohol consumption on a male’s sperm production will be the topic of a different coloring page. Science education is for everyone! We can’t wait for Alex Jones to cover all of the news that we need to know.
Amphibians and other water creatures are at increased risk to glyphosate based herbicides due to it crossing our mucus membranes more easily than the rest of our skin. Frogs and salamanders and other amphibians have skin more like our mucus membrane tissue.
Embryology post one, post two.
Disclaimer: This information is being provided for educational purposes within the guidelines of Fair Use and is not intended to provide individual health care guidance, but coloring can be a relaxing hobby.
Reference List
(de Araujo, et al., 2016) de Araujo JS, Delgado IF, Paumgartten FJ. Glyphosate and adverse pregnancy outcomes, a systematic review of observational studies. BMC Public Health. 2016 Jun 6;16:472. doi: 10.1186/s12889-016-3153-3. PMID: 27267204; PMCID: PMC4895883. Fulltext
(Gallegos, et al., 2016) Gallegos CE, Bartos M, Bras C, Gumilar F, Antonelli MC, Minetti A. Exposure to a glyphosate-based herbicide during pregnancy and lactation induces neurobehavioral alterations in rat offspring. Neurotoxicology. 2016 Mar;53:20-28. doi: 10.1016/j.neuro.2015.11.015. Epub 2015 Nov 26. PMID: 26632987. *paywall
(Kaboli, et al., 2021) Kaboli Kafshgiri S, Farkhondeh T, Miri-Moghaddam E. Glyphosate effects on the female reproductive systems: a systematic review. Rev Environ Health. 2021 Jul 15;37(4):487-500. doi: 10.1515/reveh-2021-0029. PMID: 34265884. *paywall
I was not aware that iodine use was discouraged for this reason. Always a surprise in this substack!
"Supplementing with iodine had been a very standard treatment used in many conditions, and then radioactive iodine and X-rays became common and a body lacking in adequate iodine works better for the radioactive iodine X-ray…. that is putting the proverbial cart before the horse.
Which is a higher priority for you… Preventing cancer? or more easily screening for cancer?
…and lack of iodine can also increase risk that cancer will become present."