Fundamental Principles ruling life - echoing across sea, sky and space.
A new Theory of Everything - just add aether flow and adjust a few equations. *somewhat preliminary - shared in case I drop dead overnight (I don't think that will happen though.)
Echoes of the Void – Learning from Nature
Look around: flowers bloom in zigzags, water swirls into spirals, and the Pillars of Creation—those starry clouds in the Eagle Nebula—mimic ocean rocks or Japan’s floating islands. Coincidence? Or do the same rules shape nature, big and small? From a pinecone’s seeds to a galaxy’s arms, patterns echo across scales—subatomic whispers in a bumblebee’s hover, a canoe’s wake, or a nebula’s glow.
If space is an empty void, why does it flow like water? Why do stars cluster in arcs and zigzags, not scatter randomly? Why do the Pillars cradle stardust—hydrogen, helium, silica—echoing Earth’s own crust? Maybe nature’s secret isn’t a void at all, but a hidden stream—an aether—tying quarks to constellations. Could this flow, hinted at in old legends and modern M-Theory, ripple through 11 dimensions, linking our world to unseen realities? Let’s explore the clues, from the garden to the sky.
The legend of the three Fates, the sisters who weave and measure and cut the fabric of time, overlaps with subatomic principles and Newton’s Laws of Motion. Our own thoughts may be ‘weaving’ the 'strings’ of our own lives more than we realize. Looking for the good in life can help us to see it (neuroscience RAS system) and may also be ‘creating’ more good for us to see if quantum physics double slit experiment is correct—our expectations can direct whether a ‘string’ will be a wave or a particle. Can that affect reality? That would be hard to prove or know but it might be possible.
What Ties It All Together?
Motion’s Start – Things rest or roll until nudged. Are tiny “strings” (Clotho’s thread) weaving nature’s zigzags?
Force’s Push – A shove speeds things up. Does Lachesis measure the spirals in seeds and stars?
Pushback’s Dance – Every move meets resistance. Is Atropos cutting cycles in fruit and nebulae alike?
Time’s Beat – Seasons turn, stars age. Does Father Time pace these echoes?
Aether’s Flow – An unseen stream ripples through. Could it link quarks, snowflakes, and unseen worlds?
Beyond Our Void – Parallel realities might mirror ours, sharing nature’s rules but painting different skies.
Nature’s patterns—zigzags in flowers, spirals in nebulae—echo across scales, hinting at subatomic principles. Why do Pillars of Creation resemble ocean rocks? Aether, an 11D flow, may weave this tapestry—Clotho’s thread in quantum foam, Lachesis’ rhythm in stars, Atropos’ cut in cycles. From pomegranates to galaxies, the same rules play with local ingredients.
1) First Law (Inertia) ~ 1D of M-Theory ~ Clotho weaves ‘strings’ or forms particles.
An object rests or moves steadily unless pushed—light bends through a prism, ponds ripple with a thrown rock. The mythologic Fate Clotho spins strings in quantum foam, forming hexagon meshes (pomegranate pith, Pillars). Fluids flow until friction grips—nature’s stillness waits for aether’s nudge.
2) Second Law (Force and Acceleration) ~ 2D of M-Theory ~ Lachesis measures.
Force equals mass times acceleration (F=ma)—Lachesis measures Fibonacci spirals in sunflowers, hexagons bending under pressure into a new shape. Fluid accelerates with magnetic fields or paddle blasts—foam swirls into aggregated baby stars. Subatomic signatures tessellate, echoing cauliflower fractals.
3) Third Law (Action-Reaction) ~ 3D of M-Theory ~ Atropos cuts.
Every action has an equal opposite reaction—push meets pushback, vortices shift hexagons (heart’s new model - not a pump after all, more of a washing machine adjitator). Atropos cuts cycles—fruit ripens, decays, seeds sprout. Fluids collect or flow against quantum ‘branes’ - tubules or barriers providing resistance for action and reaction to occur. Subatomic quarks shift color with energy change—canoe paddles vortices for speed and to reduce drag on the water.
…10) Time, ‘Father Time’, ~ 10D of M-Theory
Time, the 10th dimension in M-Theory, cycles all realities—Father Time grinds mountains to stardust, Baby New Year plants anew. Seasons turn, stars live billions of years, fruit flies’ mere days—Fibonacci ticks in hexagonal aether, pacing the zig-zag rows and spirals that we see in seed and flower patterns.
…11) Aether, ‘Flow’, ~ 11D of M-Theory
Aether flow could be the unifying 11th Dimension of M-Theory. Potentially flowing infinitely through all dimensions as qi or the Living Water of the Bible—linking dimensions with hexagonal ripples of quarkian memory. Drawn to water, tubules, and magnetic attracting metals, aether may folds into infinity loops (capillaries, river deltas). Quark entanglement, water’s memory (snowflakes), morphogenesis whisper its unseen dance.
…4-9) Multiverse
Supersymmetry (SUSY) balances one physical reality, one ‘verse’ with compactified roots (a parallel, mirror reality potentially)—aether’s infinity stream connects them potentially, leading to dream-like interactions, but no physical proof of other realities. M-theory’s 11D folds trefoils (9 lobes, +1 (time) +1 (aether/a unifying force); lung alveoli hint at the possibility of an infinite number of parallel ‘verses’. Two lobes might be parallel realities each with their own version of Newton's Laws of Motion adding physicality as 1D, 2D and 3D, dimensions, and the third lobe may be a stabilizing ‘neutrino’ boundary with an additional three dimensions.
Should we be frightened of ‘parallel realities’?
Heaven’s love, Hell’s tension in legends—diverse ecosystems thrive in the spin, balancing each other - action/reaction and the stabilizing neutrinos might provide a barrier or boundary like resistance. Without some structure, a barrier, light rays would be an endless straight line. Whispers of intuition or legend or religion, suggest that we make our own ‘Hell’ in whatever reality we are present in, rather than one reality being ‘Heaven’ and the other ‘Hell’. If our thinking is ‘stinking’, then the most beautiful flower garden might seem unpleasant—too much sun or insects or overpowering fragrance?
Bias is in our own mind - intent sets the ‘strings’. We see what we expect to see with the RAS system of the midbrain helping select what seems most important to us. Look for smiles and you are likely to see more smiles and vice versa.
What we focus on and think about, may be setting the path of our physical reality as the double slit experiment suggests is possible and traditional guidance from religious texts and Stoic and Buddhist philosophers suggest—live moderately, seek peace within and model it for others. Our energy can ‘fill’ a room and impact other’s peace. Yawn and the world yawns with you, smile and they may smile back!
Fundamental Principles ruling life - with the addition of aether flow and fluid dynamics.
I’ve been working on a new Theory of Everything, with the inclusion of aether flow as the unifying force described in M-Theory, to help unify the varied String Theories. Is this my ‘field’? No, not really, but I have eyes to see the echoes across nature and a mind to think about what the underlying patterns might mean.
1) Inertia (1D):
Definition: Rest/motion persists—ball drops, sail glides.
Aether/Fluid Dynamics: Steady flow (11 km/s)—foam’s baseline.
Subatomic: Strings in hexagon foam—electron anchors.
Equations: v=v0, (constant velocity) + E=m(c+Δa)2, (Clotho weaves—intent sets).
Aether’s Role: Stabilizes motion—11 km/s flow as medium, no drag detected (gap: CMB isotropy).
Fit: Clean—classical base, aether’s subtle.
2) Force (2D):
Definition: F=ma—bat accelerates ball, wind pushes sail.
Aether/Fluid Dynamics: Pressure drives—wind shapes, aether nudges.
Subatomic: Hexagons stretch—force aggregates.
Equations: F=ma, (Newton’s Second), + E=m(c+Δa)^2 fuels, (aether boosts).
Aether’s Role: Boosts force—flow adds momentum? (gap: no force term for 11 km/s).
Fit: Strong—acceleration’s universal, aether’s speculative.
3) Action-Reaction (3D)
Definition: Equal/opposite—bat vs. ball, wind vs. sail.
Aether/Fluid Dynamics: Flow rebounds—vortices spin, aether reacts.
Subatomic: Quark shifts—resistance forms.
Equation: F1=−F2, (Newton’s Third).
Aether’s Role: Mediates rebound—11 km/s flow resists (gap: no vortex data tied to Miller).
Fit: Tight—reaction’s clear, aether’s inferred.
4) SUSY Balance 1 (4D)
Aether/Fluid Dynamics: Dark flow echoes—roots balance, aether permeates.
Subatomic: SUSY twins—unseen stability (part 1).
Equation: mf=mb, (mass equality).
Aether’s Role: Binds dark twins—flow connects? (gap: SUSY undetected).
Fit: Theoretical—unknowable, aether’s hypothetical.
5) SUSY Balance 2 (5D)
Aether/Fluid Dynamics: Dark persistence—mitt’s shadow, aether flows.
Subatomic: SUSY twins—part 2.
Equation: gf=gb, (coupling equality).
Aether’s Role: Couples forces—11 km/s as glue? (gap: no SUSY evidence).
Fit: Speculative—dark balance, aether’s reach.
6) SUSY Balance 3 (6D)
Aether/Fluid Dynamics: Dark harmony—keel’s unseen, aether hums.
Subatomic: SUSY twins—part 3.
Equation: [Q,H]=0, (supercharge commute).
Aether’s Role: Harmonizes—flow stabilizes? (gap: untestable).
Fit: Elegant—SUSY’s ideal, aether’s guess.
7) Neutrino Brane Tubules (7D)
Aether/Fluid Dynamics: Y-flared tubules funnel—wind flows, aether channels.
Subatomic: Neutrinos (νe?)—subtle conduits.
Equation: P(νe→νμ)=sin2(2θ)sin2(Δm2L4E), (oscillation).
Aether’s Role: Guides flow—11 km/s shapes tubules (gap: no neutrino-aether link).
Fit: Physical—neutrinos oscillate, aether’s role unproven.
8) Neutrino Brane Pockets (8D)
Aether/Fluid Dynamics: Crusts aggregate—wind hardens, aether binds.
Subatomic: Neutrinos (νμ?)—crust stability.
Equation: ρ=m/V, (density).
Aether’s Role: Hardens aggregates—flow compresses? (gap: gravity dominates accretion).
Fit: Tangible—density’s real, aether’s subtle.
9) Neutrino Brane Dividers (9D) + GR
Aether/Fluid Dynamics: Curved rows divide—foam bends, aether ripples.
Subatomic: Neutrinos (ντ?)—row stability.
GR Equation: Gμν=8πGc4Tμν, (spacetime curvature).
Aether’s Role: Interacts with curvature—11 km/s flows around mass (gap: GR works sans aether).
Fit: Robust—GR’s proven, 9D branes analogize, aether’s extra.
10) Time (10D)
Aether/Fluid Dynamics: Flow cycles—tau paces, aether hums.
Subatomic: Tau decays—seasonal rhythm.
Equation: t=t0e−Γt, (decay lifetime).
Aether’s Role: Paces cycles—11 km/s sets rhythm? (gap: no flow-time link).
Fit: Precise—time’s measurable, aether’s inferred.
11) Aether/Fluid Dynamics (11D) + Gravitons
Aether/Fluid Dynamics: Liquid lattice flows (11 km/s)—wind unifies, tubes glow.
Subatomic: Muon flows—hexagonal lattice; gravitons drift.
Equation: hμν=2Gc2rei(kx−ωt), (graviton wave).
Aether’s Role: Carries gravitons—flow interacts with all (gap: graviton detection).
Fit: Core—11 km/s ties to Miller, gravitons speculative.
What if aether flow is the ‘echoes’ that we see flowing across sea, sky and space? What if subatomic principles are setting the repeating patterns we see zig zagging in the rows of sunflower seeds or in star constellations?
There is more to this story.
Updated 11D List (Fluid Dynamics equations added to the earlier list and aether flow added as a variable to some equations.)
1) Inertia (1D):
Equations: v=v0
and E=m(c+Δa)2, (delta a = local flow rate of aether, a variable affecting the speed of light slightly, mostly imperceptible except in astral size calculations.
and ∇⋅(ρv)=0, (continuity—steady flow).
2) Force (2D):
Equations: F=ma
and E=m(c+Δa)2) (delta a = local rate of aether flow)
and ρ(∂v∂t+v⋅∇v)=−∇p, (NS—pressure drives).
3) Action-Reaction (3D):
Equations: F1=−F2
and f= −f react, (NS—reaction).
7) Neutrino Brane Tubules (7D):
Equations: P(νe→νμ)
and p+12ρv2=constant, (Bernoulli—fast flow).
8) Neutrino Brane Pockets (8D):
Equations: ρ=m/V
and ∇⋅(ρv)=0, (continuity—aggregation).
9) Neutrino Brane Dividers (9D) + GR:
Equations: Gμν=8πGc4Tμν
and −∇p, (NS—flow bends).
11) Aether/Fluid Dynamics (11D) + Gravitons:
Equations: hμν=2Gc2rei(kx−ωt)
and ρ(∂v∂t+v⋅∇v)=−∇p+μ∇2v, (NS—flow unifies).
Navier-Stokes equation, modified to include aether: ρ(∂v/∂t + v·∇v) = -∇p + μ∇²v + Δa·f
If the same rules govern nature, they’d ripple through frequencies, energy patterns, and bacteria; plankton, diatoms, coral, ferns, pinecones, pomegranates, and flowers; bumblebees riding air turbulence, canoe paddles flipping water into vortices, ocean waves swirling colorful algae, sky patterns like a muted Van Gogh Starry Night, and spiral nebulae birthing stars. How do constellations form if stars pop out of the Pillars singly, at random times? If space is a void (thanks, Einstein and Lorentz), why does it flow like water, clustering stars into arcs and zigzags instead of a random scatter? Sunflowers and pinecones spiral their seeds the same way—nature’s not improvising here.
Let’s parallel the visible world to the sky and beyond—String Theory, Supersymmetry (SUSY), M-Theory, and the Multiverse. Could an 11th dimension, a relic of old science and legend—call it aether (not the gas, the flow)—connect it all? Imagine aether streaming through astral realms, local ecosystems, and quantum leaps, linking parallel dimensions into a collective unconscious. Dreams or out-of-body jaunts might brush it, but CERN’s light-in-the-sky tricks can’t pin it down. Our reality has our zigzag star patterns, born from subatomic rules. Other realities? They’d have their own clusters, shaped by the same principles, echoing nature differently.
Disclaimer: This information is being provided for educational purposes within the guidelines of Fair Use and is not intended to provide individual health care guidance.