ER nurse describes vak injury in self & patients; and related: Deagel report & posts by Justin Hart.
and the nurse describes the coercion used on the staff to get vakk'ed. "Vaccine Carnage" in the ER. She said she felt poisoned in her own adverse reactions.
After her own negative side effects and observing the coercion used on staff and many women in child-bearing years who didn’t want to and cried; the nurse started asking all the patients entering the ER (on the quiet) if/when they had been vaccinated. Most had. Interestingly, pregnancy loss increased but not all had been vaccinated - was passive exposure risk affecting the unvaccinated pregnant women?
Vaccine carnage in the ER, a nurse* speaks out. [*name not available] (
“It is crazy talk that your government is doing this.” Other staff started avoiding her and the topic. And she started reading in depth on the clinical trials and saw that it was “an outright lie,” and got really angry. Young colleagues had been forced into this based on lies and no proof of safety. She ended up getting fired eventually over her concerns, and no longer wanted to be a part of it anyway.
Related video: If they control our minds, they control the world - with Jason Christoff, The AJ Roberts Show Published October 24, 2022 (
Addition, related regarding coercion in France of political opponents to Macron, who is alleged to not be vaccinated himself: Former French presidential candidate alleges that Emmanuel Macron did NOT get a covid vaccine, and lied when he said he did. Jennifer Brown, 1 Nov 2022, (
Related Substack post by Justin Hart:
Another related post: 648 cases of side effects for breastfed infants AND 3 reported deaths (
The spike itself is a toxin that causes endothelial damage and hyperinflammation. It is computer generated gene sequence which includes many, many patented sequences - it was Lab soup, not bat soup. The US Department of Defense seems to be involved and many US scientists are part of the patent and research trail. Whether virus exist are not is a moot point - a chimeric coronavirus based spike protein now exists and makes people sick whether injected or exposed passively to exosomes from someone who was injected. The initial infection was milder. The mRNA gene injections modified the nucleotides used in the chimeric gene sequence so it is worse on health.
I got sick from the viral version early 2020 and had some lingering effects, but passive exposure illness in early 2021 has left me far worse and more likely to have relapses if exposed to busy settings.
Addition: Overview document on Exosomes, it has some of the earlier animal research with mRNA “vaccine” and it successfully led to “passive vaccination” of non-injected animals, and some CoV era research.
The toxin seems to increase sensitization with repeated exposures similar to an allergen or autoimmune antibody condition. It takes six months typically for antibodies to fade away after a toxin challenge led to their creation (observed in Celiac disease). The injections are promoting antibodies that are equivalent to getting sick - except that the Lipid Nanoparticles travel all over the body and are more numerous, 10,000 times more possibly than an infection that starts in the nose and travels to the lungs.
And an excerpt from another post by Justin Hart, More Falsehoods from the CDC (
“Case in point - the "revelation" last week from Pfizer's executive testifying at the EU that they did not test their vaccine for stopping transmission. Team Reality knew this fact from day one (the trial's clinical endpoint of "severe disease" was always vague and never clinical). [Agree, this was known to people who read things when first available.]
However, we didn’t stop to parse it. We amplified the "bombshell" news - because everyone saw it as something new. If we stop and explain the technicalities on that exchange it would only kill the buzz that swept across the world.
Most people reading this newsletter have forgotten more about Covid than the general public will ever know. Many people are just starting their journey to Team Reality.”
The clinical trial description never promised or suggested that they were studying transmission risk - only whether severe illness and mortality rate were reduced was being tracked and that didn’t seem well tracked per participant stories of being excluded from the trial after an adverse event or having severe symptoms minimized as GI upset in the research results report.
Here on Team Reality, I need to make pomegranate tea and tapioca pudding today.
I burnt my double boiler pan (sad) and tried tapioca pudding (quick cook type) in my rice cooker and it worked! (glad)
Pomegranate season is here in the northern hemisphere (glad) and it would be a good time to dry some peel. I like organic but compared to other produce crops, pomegranate uses less pesticides and may be herbicide is used between rows to keep weeds down.
I did a Tarot reading yesterday after a single card suggested I needed to let something go. I asked What do I need to let go? I need to learn from my past and let it go. I need to be courageous and seek peace instead of holding grudges. I made mistakes, bad stuff happened to me afterwards. I learned from it and needed to learn. I kept and still make similar mistakes. Self-acceptance is recognizing that I am doing the best I can with the mixed bag of nature and nurture that I was handed as a child. I may need to enjoy life and people more, and or let go of partying/frivolity if I want to get my paper done. Focus and priorities matter. Time is limited. And the final card was a heart breaker - I need to let go of grief. Grief over the fact that my government kills its own people - see it, feel it, and act with courage instead of crying. May 4th is a day of memory for families of those shot at Kent State during Vietnam War protests. *The card was from CounterCulture Tarot, via The Fool’s Dog Tarot (free) iOS and Android app.
Why would a US military funded report predict massive decreases in the US and other modern nations? Deagel 2025 Forcast Resurrected ( “This information is being suppressed, please share.”
As introduction, I’m going to borrow from this commentary and analysis of this forecast data.
“The Deagel corporation is a minor branch of US military intelligence, one of the many secretive organizations which collects data for high-level decision-making purposes and prepares confidential briefing documents for agencies like the National Security Agency, the United Nations, and the World Bank.
It is known, for example, to have contributed to a Stratfor report on North Korea. With this kind of pedigree, Deagel should be seen as a legitimate player in the intelligence community and not merely a disinformation asset.
If so, then it must be assumed that its population predictions for 2025, as well as its industrial output predictions on a nation-by-nation basis, are based on strategic assumptions which are shared and well understood by other players in the intelligence community.”
Source :
Read more: Deagel 2025 Forcast Resurrected (

Why would a massive drop in population be expected in advance by the people in the intelligence community? Whatever the mystery reason, a deadly pandemic was one of the possibilities the predictions were based on, and financial collapse of the US leading to mass emigration to Latin America and Asi - whatever the mystery reason, we aren’t supposed to talk about or read the report that has disappeared from online sites. Suggesting we should read and think about it.
Modern times, the citizens have been molded into vigilantes and may be the one’s shooting ‘dissidents’ to the party line: Be injected for the greater good. Wear masks for the greater good even if they make you sick.
Preventive health is not supposed to make you worse - or anyone else either. Or kill unborn babies or your breast-fed baby.
The greater good seems to have gotten worse.
Addition: The predictive programming in fiction - setting up a scenario that the public become familiarized with can shift them towards accepting that scenario later - may date back to several famous science fiction authors described in this post: Fabian Society - Key Player in the Rothschild World Order, November 6, 2021, (
*This post received some edits in the text about the Deagel Report predictions.
Disclaimer: This information is provided for educational purposes within the guidelines of Fair Use. It is not intended to provide individual guidance. Please seek a health care provider for individualized health care guidance.
The passive exposure thing is finally starting to bubble up. Having experienced it, I want more details about it.