Dr. Arrigo - DID remote viewer & CIA whistleblower.
Dr. Arrigo was able to reduce radiation caused during nuclear tests and even could make radioactive material disappear. The military folks weren't happy, but then...
The book summary is still too long, so this is more of Dr. Arrigo’s story which delves into reducing risk from radiation - but she didn’t use polyphenols, she used her mental powers of visualization.
Spoiler - the cranky military didn’t like it when she made an expensive pile of uranium disappear - but that left a photographic evidence trail. It also led to them planning to blow up the world while hiding in bunkers with a plan to have their remote viewers decontaminate the radiation risk afterwards. Dr. Arrigo was not a fan of the idea and spoke out against the idea. She would get tortured for misbehaving but would cooperate enough to make her too valuable to kill.
Addition - Dr. Arrigo’s story was introduced in this post:
Reducing radiation risk revisited….good energy may matter.
Dr. Sue Arrigo, DID victim/survivor and successful CIA remote viewer - she knows insider secrets and has shared info in hope of preventing nuclear war and was tortured/punished for sharing secrets.
An example of how a child undergoing DID inducing trauma is described by Dr. Arrigo about her trauma at the hands of CIA trainers:
“A tear fell onto the paper between the straight lines and I brushed it quickly away before the kind lady could see. When I looked up at her again, she had a quizzical look on her face, 'If you tell me what you are drawing I’ll give you a glass of orange juice' she said. I looked down again at the drawing and tried to think of what to say. Whatever I said, she would write it down and it would be thrown back to me by the mind-control doctor’s in endless repetitions in tapes in the pre-school nap times. Looking at the picture again, I said, “This is a yellow line. This is a red line next to it.”
That afternoon at the naptime, my earphones played in a continuous loop “This is a yellow line raped by a red line. The yellow line is angry. The yellow line must kill the red line. Kill the red line. Kill the red line it is bad.” And I had been so careful about what I had said. I had stopped playing with the dolls. I had stopped saying, “Mommy, I want my mommy.” 3”
A monastery was found to have less radiation sickness than other areas of Japan affected by the atomic bombs in WWII. A particular monk seemed to be able to reduce radiation - but it was shifted/elevated outside of the monastery. CIA measurements found he seemed able to reduce radiation levels by 82%.
“Arrigo details the origin of the military use of psychokinesis from one Japanese Zen monk’s spiritual talents in the abatement of atmospheric radiation that were eventually replicated in US experiments:
“It was not until 1938, in Nazi Germany, that the first experiments showed that the mind could change the radioactivity of a substance per se. That experiment was done to see if it was possible to change the glow of radium painted dials cause them to “black-out” during air raid drills. That experiment was considered a success by the standards of the day… [as] the radium was noticeably fainter afterwards…
It was thus not until after the dropping of the A-bombs on Japan that the question became a pressing one, as to whether the mind could cause radiation abatement. A curious note in the history on this topic comes from a Zen source. Namely, after the war, the US Army noted that around the area of a particular Zen monastery in Japan near Nagasaki there were very few deaths from the A-bomb’s radiation. That was attributed to a particular monk that cared for the sick and washed them. However, when the US army studied the radiation levels they found them less in the monastery and concluded that the wind patterns had prevented as high an exposure there. That interpretation could have been true except for one notable anomaly: in the vicinity of the mo nastery behind its walls the radiation levels were higher than expected. Still this was explained away as due to the washing of the monastery by the monks with the deposit of the dirt outside of the monastery.
It would not be until a few years later that the US army would test the Zen monk in question on his ability to directly abate radiation. When they did test him, they found that he was able to reduce radiation by about 82%. The reduction was long lasting, and later he was asked to go to Bikini to help treat some of the survivors of radiation experiments there. But because he effected the radiation levels around him in general, and often in unpredictable ways, the US army, which wanted to study the effects of the radiation levels on human health, ended up sending him back to Japan. That monk’s name was Tomo Ayuhowi, and many Zen people considered him a local saint. He was renowned in his area for his kindness and his healing abilities and so the Army really did not think that his ability to lower radiation levels would be reproducible. Thus, there was little attempt at that time to do further experiments along these lines with an eye to finding or developing others who could do the same. I know about this early history on the topic because the CIA asked me to research the area and write up my findings, which I did in the mid-1980s.11”” (page 59) - Bush Family Nazi Background and The Murder of Nikola Tesla, by, Alexander Putney, (archive.org).
We really don’t know everything that we don’t know, or everything that we have been lied to about.
Dissociative Identity Disorder, when the child survives the torture process, can expand abilities. The successful remote viewer also became successful at dematerializing missiles or bomb material with her mind. The Generals started getting cranky about their bombs just disappearing, so they asked her to slow it down… so she did. The power of our minds is far more incredible than most of us realize. The fluoridated water and lack of iodine was on purpose in order to reduce the population’s ability to access pineal gland talents. Adequate magnesium can help decalcify soft tissue that is calcified, as occurs with fluoridation. Iodine and selenium are also needed to help remove stored fluoride or bromide.
Mind blowing info… a mind’s ability to blow up bombs, from a far distance, with no debris left, no radioactive fallout at all (a later test), except the Generals demanded some proof. They couldn’t believe their missiles just disappeared, so Dr. Arrigo must have faked it somehow (?) so Dr. Arrigo let a little of the white phosphorus burn and fall in nice straight lines on just one of the tarps arranged to catch burning debris of a phosphorus bomb… they wouldn’t have been yellow or red lines though. Phosphorus burns with white light.
“One of the tests that I participated in was on whether psychokinesis could be used to disable incoming nuclear missiles. This was a test that I designed myself as I had complained that Star Wars was ludicrous as one could do better, without technical difficulties or cost, just by intending the result that one wanted. Because I had made these comments at a JCS meeting during Reagan’s second term, one of the Generals present asked for me to put on a demo that Reagan could easily attend –as opposed to one out at the Nevada Test Site like some of the earlier ones that I had been involved in.
As a result, I was standing in the Oval Office with Reagan at the time that this particular teat was run and the Pentagon was monitoring the results and conveying the results to Reagan by phone. Three planes were sent up and asked to fire missiles at a target –in this case the missiles were non-nuclear that fragmented into hundreds of pieces mimicking a multiple warhead nuclear weapon. The pieces were luminescent –like phosphorus tracers and easy to see in the night sky as well as to photograph. The military made a number of runs, conducted at a distant base in Oklahoma, if I remember correctly. Then they asked me to “deflect the rounds”. At first they believed that the missiles were not firing from the planes because they saw no tracers. But when the planes landed, indeed the missiles were missing.
As the evening progressed, they asked me to let the tracers start to show and then disappear so they could see where the psychokinesis was occurring in the sky. Remember that this is happening half a continent away from my physical location per their thinking. The next run recorded on film showed dots of light followed by darkness. They were of such brief duration that only a few of them were caught on the film, so they asked me to let the tracers show for longer. Now I am calling them tracers because they were luminescent but in fact they were large missiles of phosphorus on the order of a ton each. They lit up the sky very brightly before I was asked to demonstrate their psychokinetic destruction. Because the military wanted to track their psychokinetic decay, which was really instantaneous, I had to change my intention to a slower decay. So I let the missiles fizzle out like a balloon that is released without being tied. That gave a thin strand of light rather like a large firefly for each fragment. Although the pretests had lots of phosphorus hitting the ground in pieces, and setting fields on fire, my runs had no fires starting and later examination in the morning did not find any phosphorus on the ground below.
The military had trouble believing that it had the right area and insisted on repeating the test. The second test was done the next day during daylight at another base, in the desert. In this case the military spread out large blue plastic tarps and looked for burns and melted plastic to judge how well I had done in destroying the missiles with my mind. Again, when we started, they did not believe that I had destroyed the missiles even though the planes came back without them, since they saw nothing. So, I ended up having to let a trace of the phosphorus start its burn and drop to the ground before getting rid of the rest so that they would believe me and believe that the missiles were over the plastic tarp area which was about the length of a runway and about 20 feet wide. I am a bit of a prankster, so I arranged the first drops of the phosphorus to be in even lines on only the first tarp. One general later accused me of rigging the test though in fact I was more than half a continent away and everything I did occurred by the use of my mind not my hands as he accused me of.” - Bush Family Nazi Background and The Murder of Nikola Tesla, by, Alexander Putney, (archive.org).
Dr. Arrigo can stop phosphorus explosive from exploding and burning — with only her mind, and from states away, but what can she do about the radiation from a nuclear weapon?
“The real issue was whether one could evaporate a nuclear weapon without having radioactive dust hit the ground. So the next test was one of putting uranium in a conventional missile as a dirty bomb. This was done at the Nevada Test Site in case I failed and again I was not on site. I was standing in Casey’s office at CIA HQ at the time with Reagan on the phone. The size of the bomb was about 500 lbs and the amount of radiation would have been substantial. The fallout downwind could have been a real problem and some Generals had objected to the test on that basis as it was after the Limited Test Ban Treaty. While there was no nuclear explosion per se and so there was no violation of the letter of the treaty, the amount of potential release of radiation was nearly half of the first A-bomb released over Japan. Given that being the case, the test was delayed until an almost windless day. I was not quite clear about the logic of that since I doubted that the radiation would be swept up by brooms before the next windy day. However, I had no intention of failing and so I went forward with the test. I am used to having certainty of result in that personality. It is because of that certainty of result that I have often been used for these tests. The result of the test was that there was no increase in radiation detected afterwards compared to what had been at the site previously. Some scientists objected that the radiation levels were slightly lower than they had been before and said that the results might not have been from getting rid of the radiation in the bomb as much as getting rid of it on the ground afterwards. I found that a moot point. After all the point was to prevent fallout that could hurt people.” - Bush Family Nazi Background and The Murder of Nikola Tesla, by, Alexander Putney, (archive.org).
The Generals are not getting less cranky. Can she decrease only specific types of radiation? Gamma rays versus alpha waves? Yes, she can. …. She could even make the whole pile of (expensive) uranium disappear!!!
“That test was followed a few months later by more sophisticated tests on decreasing specific types of radiation – such as gamma rays versus alpha waves. It really made no difference – it was only a difference in the intention. Those tests were run underground in caverns already created by nuclear explosions. The tests showed that the mind could evaporate a ton of highly radioactive material instantaneously. In this case we had visuals directly from security camera in the cavern. In one frame the ton of uranium is there and in the next it was almost not and the second one it was gone. People accused me of getting kickbacks from the uranium ore company that I wasted a ton of the precious material but that was not the case. Here I have omitted details of the actual tests because of true national security reasons. Omission of the details in this specific case will not prevent countries from protecting themselves from nuclear war and fallout.” - Bush Family Nazi Background and The Murder of Nikola Tesla, by, Alexander Putney, (archive.org).
Now the Generals (whoever it was) are more than cranky, their last sets of tests for Dr. Arrigo involved exposing her body to massive, lethal doses of radiation. Were they a little mad? Cranky mad? Or clinically insane mad?
“The next set of tests that I want to mention happened a few years later in the Bush Sr. administration. These tests involved me at the site of the radiation, in this case at the Nevada Test Site primarily. I was asked to walk through radioactive caverns and ingest large lethal doses of radiation to test my abilities. Really it was a little bizarre since I could decontaminate a whole cavern of the radiation after an atomic explosion, so there was no need to force me to ingest lethal doses before I decontaminated it. The experiments verged on the sadistic and except that I had very unusual abilities relative to my body I would not have survived them.12” - Bush Family Nazi Background and The Murder of Nikola Tesla, by, Alexander Putney, (archive.org).
I have suspected that if did I have a telekinetic superpower - it is to make things disappear - things that I am looking for… just gone. Poof. “Is it Magic or is it lack of Memorex?” [Ella Fitzgerald, Memorex commercial 1981]
Dr. Arrigo survived the lethal doses of radiation though, and that should be a take-home lesson for us all to think about. We can reduce excess radiation with the power of our minds - what is possible, is possible!
Decalcifying the pineal gland may be a need though, it is something that the CIA does with their subjects - clear them out nutritionally.
See this post for the alleged CIA herbal mix used to decalcify the pineal gland of subjects used for inducing DID with mind control experiments. Note that the mix includes iodine and the chlorella blue green algae mentioned earlier. Burdock root is a medicinal vegetable used in Japan. Turmeric root is the source of yellow in curry powder and provides the vitamin D agonist curcumin which is also an Nrf2 promoter. Schisandra powder is a mix of medicinal berries used in Chinese medicine.
Decalcifying the pineal gland with iron rich Burdock root and gallic acid rich Amla fruit extract - a CIA formula allegedly: Potassium iodide, Burdock root, Chaga powder (a medicinal mushroom), Chlorella powder, Turmeric root, Amla fruit extract (India's gooseberry), Schisandra powder. (deNutrients.substack) *Pomegranate/peel is also a source of gallic acid.
End of the world bunkers and an evil plot to blow up the world with nuclear bombs.
The narrative of Dr. Arrigo gets grimmer once bad people think they can abate nuclear radiation with the mental power of their remoter viewers. Mini version - bad guys get their underground bunker - blow up the rest of the planet’s population, have the remote viewers clean up the nuclear radiation and then bad guys emerge and rule the planet. They asked her to look into the future and see if their bunker plan would protect them.
The remote viewer, Arrigo, foresaw in many variations of possibilities that having a bunch of alpha males stuck underground with each other would lead to them killing each other too. They would have no more moral ground left after having killed off most of the world population. They tried to get her to train other remote viewers to be able to mitigate radiation too. They got random success, some reducing radiation levels and others elevating it.
In that testing scenario she made no net difference in the radiation level and the cranky guys in charge got cranky with her again. After she told one of the trainees that the plan was for him to be reducing radiation levels after the elite had blown up the world and were hiding in their escape bunker - so keep that in mind while attempting to do so now, …the trainee fainted. Dr. Arrigo said that having an intention of helping others was needed for her to be able to use her power - suggesting that she would not have randomly raised the level of radiation as some of the trainees had. (The story of building the escape bunker gets into more detail - Rockefeller demanded personal changes, more space, and then the addition of an Olympic sized swimming pool the bunker ended up expanding so much the protective rock layer got narrow. The chances of it collapsing do seem good.
“Dr. Arrigo’s insider accounts show the global nuclear threat to have grown from the ignorance and greed of petty old men who fear their own eminent demise and perhaps the impending suffering of their next incarnation, brought upon themselves by orchestrating mass murder for the better part of their adult lives. These are the products of generational cycles of ritualized child torture and entrapment that now govern the US. Indeed, it is a simple problem of psychopathic liars believing their own lies.” - Bush Family Nazi Background and The Murder of Nikola Tesla, by, Alexander Putney, (archive.org).
Skeptics might say, “How can you prove that?”
I might respond, “Prove that it didn’t happen.”
We don’t know what we don’t know until we learn it. Those Generals had no idea how much they didn’t know — and then they still didn’t believe their own eyes and machines. I believe her story. It sounds just like what cranky covert US/Nazi scientists might do.
And I have read other survivor stories sharing how endless emotionally abusive voices are played, often mimicking a loved one of the targeted individual - like in the red and yellow line story. She stopped mentioning her mother or anything she liked because it would be turned into torture material at naptime. Emotional abusers crush your spirit by devaluing you and everything you care about.
The positive message is that faith can move mountains, can even disappear radioactive uranium and fizzle out explosive phosphorus in midair. The government experiments are probably redacted or destroyed, but it is intriguing.
Placebo/notebook effect is also the big take hone point. Dr. Arrigo and the monk didn't think themselves sicker, they thought themselves (and others) healthier. Dr. Arrigo is a medical doctor who specialized in nephrology. Osama bin Laden was one of her high level patients and she has photos. He was a CIA asset with friends among the covert crew, even after he officially was switched to being called “a terrorist”.
Don't let a doctor or a celebrity tell you that you are going to die from Scary-thing-of-the-day. It is your mind, and your healing ability, and they don't know, really, what is possible. New Mycoplasma infection graphic:

Statistics show us that standard cancer treatment is a bad bet though. Pomegranate peel extract has consistently shown effectiveness against cancer and preventing metastasis in particular. Fenbendazole and ivermectin have been shown effective by Dr. Makis.
‘Targeting the Mitochondrial-Stem Cell Connection in Cancer Treatment: A Hybrid Orthomolecular Protocol’, 2024, Ilyes Baghli, William Makis, Paul E. Marik, et al., Orthomolecular Medicine, (isom.ca/pdf).
The hybrid cancer treatment protocol by Baghli, et al., includes a combination of treatments including the nutrients Vitamin C, D, and zinc; and the medications: ivermectin, fenbendazole type medications called Benzimidazoles, and DON (6-diazo-5-oxo-L-norleucine); and the treatments are given in combination with fasting and a ketogenic diet which helps starve the cancer cells from the type of macronutrients they use for energy. (isom.ca/pdf)
Disclaimer: This information is provided for educational purposes within the guidelines of Fair Use. It is not intended to provide individual guidance. Please seek a health care provider for individualized health care guidance.
Reference List
Putney, Alexander, (with excerpts from other works), Bush Family Nazi Background and The Murder of Nikola Tesla, by, Alexander Putney, (archive.org). https://archive.org/details/bush-nazi-family/page/13/mode/2up