Dietary principles- "Eat Dirt"?
...let it be good mineral rich dirt with fresh healthy microbes.
I have a post started about what I was focused on while walking with a laptop, but in transition to that post, I want to talk a bit about “Dietary principles”.
Also my foot is quite a lot better, the fall was Tuesday afternoon, so I am not sure if that is rapid clearing of a bruise or not. It seems rapid to me, like the essential oils did help. Pain was less when I reapplied oils and worsened as time lapsed. Rest and elevation and cool ice packs or cold concrete also helped.
Being “macho” about injuries, and not self treating and resting, is silly because not reducing inflammation is simply increasing risk of damage to surrounding tissue. Also autoimmune antibodies are more of a risk of forming, when there is a lot of tissue damage and increased white blood cell activity present. Being sufficient in vitamin D at all times helps reduce that risk and us also protective againstnew allergies forming.
Thank you everyone, for the well wishes. It is nice to feel cared about.
The last post has my sad toes story: Lenovo ThinkPad endorsement & gratuitous request for Get well soon wishes. Essential Oil Book Club - bruising case study. (Substack)
The second toe is not a happy toe. I have been doing gentle stretching exercises to promote flexibility and blood flow. For the bunion issue, going barefoot and spreading your toes wide, like a duck or frog foot, is the exercise recommendation.
The whole area of the ball of my foot was reddened and swollen on the second or third day but the darker purple was only on the first and second toes. The ball of the foot seems fine but maybe the second toe is fractured. I have had broken toes before, there isn't much treatment besides tape and painkillers.
Visual aid, Frog toes….
I think frogs are cute. So are ducks. Especially baby ducks. Duck toes….
Baby humans are also cute and deserve to not be in put in firm shoes that limit range of motion. Modern shoes are too narrow and are the cause of bunion change in the foot and toe bones. Splayed toes are healthier for our feet and for our balance and agility.
My bunion problem did start with a too narrow pair of shoes and a ten mile hike that was five miles up and five miles down. 😳 My feet were unhappy with me that night.
Dietary principles
“Diet” and “diet plans” can be a forbidding list of Allowed Foods and Foods to Avoid and maybe a strict list of portion sizes and a daily meal guide to follow. That all can get complicated and seem like math instead of dinner.
Dietary principles might be more general rules of thumb to follow on average, or strictly depending on how fragile a person's health is or how strong willed they are. The problem with rigidly, strong willingly following “diet rules” is that those diet rules might be wrong for your individual health. They might have worked for a while, or while you were younger, or prior to a bad infection, but maybe they aren't working for you now.
Stubbornly sticking with a routine can backfire because change is part of life. Our body's function and needs change with age, and can change with excess stress of any sort. Autoimmune antibodies might occur and dietary protein can be causal. Removing the problem protein is the needed treatment.
For basic health however, general guidance about what makes up a healthy diet can be helpful. When mom says “Eat your vegetables” that is based on the principle that vegetables help our health on average and that we all can benefit from eating veggies daily.
As health issues accumulate, special diets may provide more guidance as to which veggies might be better digested or utilized by the body or which ones might contain more harmful substances than other veggies.
Dr. Josh Axe suggests in his book* “Eat Diet” that having too sterile of a diet and lifestyle isn't healthy for us. We should eat locally grown fresh produce that might have some live microbes remaining on the surface. We also should have some hobbies where we interact with nature such as gardening, playing with pets, or taking care of horses. *Linked in the last post. “Eat Dirt”. (Barnes & Noble)
Dr. Axe's book opens with his reason for entering the medical professional- his mother's cancer. When he was young she got treatment and it went into remission. Later when it came back, he had gotten medical training and helped her make major life and diet changes and it went away without the cancer industry treatments.
One of the lifestyle changes he encouraged was more “dirt” which turned into his mother returning to a life of horses and stables. Our gut microbiome will reflect the diversity of microbes found in the people or pets in out lives. …And sadly, our pets can be sicker from our lifestyle and modern diet we provide them too. Vaccines for pets and farm animals can also be harmful and “autism” like differences have been noted in veterinarian circles.
I grew up with a farm girl as a mother and she taught us gardening, and we would go to U-pick farms in the summer for a bushel of green beans to freeze or fruit for making jam.
I grew up with the saying “You’ll eat a peck of dirt in your lifetime.” That was somehow supposed to reassure us that food is safe even if there is a smidgen of dirt still on it. It is fine a safe to pick berries or cherry tomatoes of the plant and pop them in your mouth. Or to just brush off a bit of dirt first. No big deal.
Later in dietitian training I learned that in more primitive cultures it could be standard prenatally for women to share with each other which was the best riverbank for getting mineral rich mud to eat. Food cravings can lead us to nutrients that we need, to mineral rich mud in this example.
Food cravings can also be leading us to addictive dopamine or endogenous opiate elevating substances.
Gluten, casein from dairy, and a protein in soy may lead to opiate formation and cravings for the foods but also impairs health and can cause weird behavior changes. It is a common problem in autism due to a lack of an important enzyme (DPP-IV) for digesting those proteins, combined with leaky gut allowing them into the body in a whole form.
Dietary principles that would help people with normal amounts of the DPP-IV enzyme would be different than those for a child or adult who lacked sufficient amounts of the enzyme. Greatly restricting those foods would be helpful and improving the leaky gut membranes.
However if the person also had autoimmune antibodies that reacted to the food proteins, than 100% avoidance is needed to stop the production of more autoimmune antibody. It takes 6 months of strict avoidance to get gluten antibodies to go away in Celiac autoimmune disease.
The CoV boosters every 4-6 months would be keeping a person in constant production of antibodies which might autoimmune antibodies. STRICT, 100% avoidance of the antigen - the offending protein, is needed to allow the antibodies to breakdown and to not be replenished with fresh batches.
Why this info, about special diets and food restrictions, is pertinent to a broader audience now, is that “vaccine injury” has become a topic affecting a larger group of people. Gene dysfunctions can occur from loss of epigenetic control or from mutations within the cell nucleus. Autoimmune antibodies are a significant risk in the CoV injured, or the hydrogel and mystery crud injured. Whatever label you prefer, my concern is the injury can lead to a need for MASSIVE diet change and maybe also more time spent with horses.
Disclaimer: This information is being provided for educational purposes within the guidelines of Fair Use and is not intended to provide individual health guidance.
Glad to hear your injured foot is healing nicely! These days we all need to hear stories of healing, on whatever scale, to reaffirm the power of healing life force in all of us - body, mind, spirit, planet.
JD - Another excellent missive, Happy Mothers Day.