Vascular calcification is better known as atherosclerosis. Cholesterol plaques in blood vessels are generally a mixture of calcium with the fatty cholesterol. Calcification also occurs in arthritis as bone spurs and calcium can collect in organs and glands and impair their function. That is called soft tissue calcification.
The pineal gland is very tiny and located within the brain. It it responsible for the melatonin hormone that helps us sleep. A calcified pineal gland no longer helps with sleep but the condition may be reversible by limiting intake of calcium and increasing intake of magnesium.
Reversing calcification may start with reducing calcium intake. The following article mentions a link between higher intake of calcium and worsening of coronary artery calcification and numbers of deaths within a group of end stage renal disease patients. Magnesium is wasted by healthy kidneys and little is recycled/reclaimed the way calcium and sodium are conserved by healthy kidneys - add end stage renal disease and magnesium is leaking out faster then intestinal absorption can occur even if the magnesium was in the food or drink or supplement.
Calcium can not make strong bones if nothing is keeping it from leaking out in response to the stress chemicals' fight or flight messages. People suffer from osteoporosis and weak bones along with hardening of the arteries and organs - excess calcium and activated vitamin D might be part of the problem. Too much active vitamin D can add to calcium imbalance because it signals the bones to let go of stored calcium and magnesium.
“In practice, an Mg deficiency is difficult to identify because serum levels are often compensated by the release of Mg from the bone reservoir [51]. The literature has also reported nutritional deficits/disorders/adaptations in (Fibromyalgia) FM persons with changes in their dietary Mg intake [28,52]. In fact, people may have a chronic negative Mg balance without obvious measured hypomagnesemia [51,53], and may still benefit from Mg supplementation [54].” (Macian, et al., 2022) via Doorless Carp, Magnesium, Part 3 (Substack)
The minerals are also released during stress reactions in case there is a need to run from danger or heal a wound. White blood cells that congregate around wounds have the enzyme needed to activate vitamin D to the hormone form.
What do you know - it is important to mellow out and de-stress to help keep bone tissue hard and organ tissue soft.
"In a landmark study, Goodman et al. (24) found that coronary artery calcification occurred in young patients with ESRD (end stage renal disease) decades before this pathology was observed in the normal population. Furthermore, progression of vascular calcification in this group was positively correlated with serum P levels, Ca x P, and daily intake of Ca (24)." (Giachelli, 2004) Vascular Calcification Mechanisms,
[Phosphorus levels and calcium phosphorus ratio and daily intake of calcium]
Vascular calcification has been correlated to higher intakes of calcium and phosphorus in this research article. Cardiovascular deaths are common among end stage renal disease and/or diabetic patients. (Giachelli, 2004)
The amount of calcium in a coronary vessel plaque was found to be predictive of the size of the plaque. (Sangiorgi, et al., 1998) That suggests the calcium is the problem more than cholesterol.
“Coronary calcium quantification is an excellent method of assessing atherosclerotic plaque presence at individual artery sites. Moreover, the amount of calcium correlates with the overall magnitude of atherosclerotic plaque burden. This study suggests that the remodeling phenomenon is the likely explanation for the lack of a good predictive value between lumen narrowing and quantification of mural calcification.” (Sangiorgi, et al., 1998)
I suggest the people with calcification should be limiting calcium and phosphorus and increasing their magnesium intake in order to reduce risks of calcium overload.
In the average human the kidneys favor calcium absorption and retention and waste magnesium. Over the course of mankind the body adapted to a food and water supply that was abundant in magnesium and limited in calcium content. Calcium is important for strong bones but only in combination with other nutrients.
Vitamin K (brown rice, green leafy vegetables and good guy bacteria in our intestines are sources) is essential for blood clotting and for healthy bones.
Strontium is a trace mineral that may be essential to healthy bones
and of course magnesium is the trace mineral that helps keep calcium inside of the bone where it belongs.
Excessive levels of active vitamin D tell the bone to release the stored minerals. Active vitamin D (a very strong steroid based hormone in actuality) can switch on and off 900+ genes.
The study found (unsurprisingly) that the end stage renal disease patients who were treated with the typical phosphate binding medications that contained calcium had 28% progression of calcification compared to the experimental group who were given a phosphate binding agent that didn't contain calcium. [12]
Let's keep the calcium in the bone tissue where it belongs.
“Whether or not vascular calcification can be reversed is not yet known, but exciting new studies suggest that this may be possible in the future.” (Giachelli, 2004)
Fast forward to 2012 and we learn supplementing with potassium, calcium and magnesium reduced risk of vascular dementia but there was not an association with risk for Alzheimer’s dementia. (Ozawa et al., 2012) That makes sense if Alzheimer’s dementia is more specific to the hippocampus with its numerous NMDA receptors which are targeted by excess histamine or glutamate or aspartic acid (aspartame and Neotame sweeteners). NMDA receptors are blocked by magnesium so it is needed in Alzheimer’s too, but a low histamine diet or microbiome repair is needed too, badly.
"A self-reported dietary intake report from 2012 by Ozawa et al revealed the link between potassium, calcium, magnesium, and the risk of dementia. A long-term study, a statistically significant link between intake and reduced risk of dementia was found, especially with vascular dementia, [VaD], but not with Alzheimer’s Disease." [...]
"The mechanism through which the risk of VaD decreased with higher intakes of these minerals is unclear." (Ozawa et al., 2012)

The article Vascular Calcification Mechanisms (Giachelli, 2004) presents four potential ways the soft tissue calcification may develop.
"First, human and mouse genetic findings have determined that blood vessels normally express inhibitors of mineralization, such as pyrophosphate and matrix gla protein, respectively, and that lack of these molecules ("loss of inhibition") leads to spontaneous vascular calcification and increased mortality (10,29).
Second - genetic/phenotypic changes leading to production of bone proteins within the blood vessel may occur (the blood vessel cell switches on bone cell mechanisms).
Third, bone turnover leading to release of circulating nucleational complexes has been proposed to explain the link between vascular calcification and osteoporosis in postmenopausal women (41–43).
Fourth, cell death can provide phospholipid-rich membranous debris and apoptotic bodies that may serve to nucleate apatite, especially in diseases where necrosis and apoptosis are prevalent, such as atherosclerosis (34,44,45)." (Giachelli, 2004)
Magnesium deficiency could effect the enzyme production necessary for producing the "inhibitors" of bone formation produced in functioning blood vessels.
Magnesium is crucial to over 300 enzymes.
Magnesium is also essential for the growth of healthy white blood cells. A plentiful supply of white blood cells would engulf waste products of apoptosis and the dead cell material wouldn't be left messing up vessel walls.
Chronic magnesium deficiency will promote bone turnover in order to access the stored magnesium found within.
Long term kidney problems may be reducing the amount of magnesium that the body can retain and further throwing off the calcium/magnesium balance.
Inadequate protein intake or phospholipids also reduces the amount of magnesium the body can hold as back stock, in an not electrically active form. See this post: To have adequate magnesium we need adequate protein and phospholipids too, (Substack).
Chronically elevated active D would chronically cause demineralization of the bones and also might be switching on and off genes in areas of the body (blood vessels for example) that shouldn't be forming bone tissue.
I would be very curious what the end stage renal disease patients' 1, 25 D levels (hormone) are compared to their 25 D levels (vitamin).
My 1, 25 D levels have been at the high end of normal and 25 D levels below normal ("deficient") for five years of testing. I have been actively avoiding supplements and foods with vitamin D and much time in the sun during that time because I have found it reduces my symptoms of muscle knots (fibromyalgia), I also have taken magnesium supplements regularly.
Potential adverse effects or other cautions about magnesium supplements or use of magnesium salt baths:
A 200-500 mg supplement taken along with food generally will not cause the smooth muscles of the intestines to relax into a sudden bowel movement. Magnesium supplements are non-toxic but if absorbed too rapidly can cause too much muscle relaxation in the bowels or heart. Fluttery weak heart beats may result if you hang out in an Epsom salt bath for a long time due to the relaxation of too many of the muscle fibers at the same time. If sulfate sensitivity is a problem then staying too long in a magnesium sulfate/Epsom salt bath might cause a racing heart rate of sulfur excess instead. It would be better to use magnesium chloride salt flakes instead.
Magnesium taken with food or in the chelated glycinate form doesn't seem to have the over relaxing effect on the bowels. Magnesium helps keep the calcium in the bone and out of the soft tissue. Use the calcium channel blocker that Mother Nature provided - magnesium. Eat more nuts, beans, seeds, green leafy vegetables. and chocolate every day for strong bones and soft organs!
Other chelated forms of magnesium supplements include magnesium citrate, Mg orotate, and Mg threonate. They are bound to an amino acid or other large molecule. Magnesium oxide is an ionic salt that can cause a shift of fluid within the body and cause watery stools. It isn’t just the fluid from your stomach and intestines though, it is drawing additional fluid from your body and can last all day rather than be one bout of diarrhea following taking a supplement. A 250 mg supplement of magnesium oxide taken with food might be better tolerated or consider the topical baths. Nature may have intended or expected for us to be bathing and drinking magnesium rich water.
I go into a lot more detail on this topic in the post, Magnesium - protects against vascular calcification, (Substack)
Disclaimer: Opinions are my own and the information is provided for educational purposes within the guidelines of fair use. While I am a Registered Dietitian this information is not intended to provide individual health guidance. Please see a health professional for individual health care purposes.
Reference List
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(Macian, et al., 2022) Macian N, Dualé C, Voute M, Leray V, Courrent M, Bodé P, Giron F, Sonneville S, Bernard L, Joanny F, Menard K, Ducheix G, Pereira B, Pickering G. Short-Term Magnesium Therapy Alleviates Moderate Stress in Patients with Fibromyalgia: A Randomized Double-Blind Clinical Trial. Nutrients. 2022 May 17;14(10):2088. doi: 10.3390/nu14102088. PMID: 35631229; PMCID: PMC9145501.
Ozawa, M., Ninomiya, T., Ohara, T., Hirakawa, Y., Doi, Y., Hata, J., et al., Self-Reported Dietary Intake of Potassium, Calcium, and Magnesium and Risk of Dementia in the Japanese: The Hisayama Study, J Am Geriatr Soc 2012.
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"Magnesium inhibits nucleation by adsorbing faster than calcium, as an outer-sphere surface complex, at the active site." (Sahai, 2005)
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Other links from Vitamin D bibliography [link]:
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