Bigger picture - this was one blip on a longer timeline of US False Flag type events. But did Trump know?
My guess is that he didn't know in advance. And that maybe it was a double con - some insiders really expected a death, or it was supposed to be a death, but they did miss even with 8 shots...???
This post has several sections, just scroll through if desired. It opens with ancient history about US cover-ups of mass shooting or False Flag events. It then moves to more detail about Yearick and the recent shooting, and then dips back into ancient history regarding the US two party system and how difficult it is for a third-party candidate to win Presidency. (It has never happened unless you count the transition between the Federalist and Whig parties, or Whig and Republican parties).
More news is being discovered by independent investigators regarding the assassination attempt on Donald Trump, July 13th, 2024, and it connects the undercover operation with other US FBI events - the Las Vegas shooting at Mandalay Bay hotel and the Oklahoma bombing alleged to be by Timothy McVeigh. (roughly - this is really not my area of expertise - rifles and photography are more familiar to me as my father was an expert in both areas).
The Saudi Prince and Donald Trump are/were on positive terms.

Saudi people were trained in helicopter flight at a nearby location which sells helicopters. So it was their own helicopters being used to try to assassinate Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, Muhammed Bin Salman, who was staying on the penthouse floor - having been gifted a family vacation there by someone who must have been in on the assassination attempt. The assassins missed but sprayed a lot of the crowd - 100s dead and injured. Stephen Paddock was killed first, some of the guns he had brought were used in the assassination attempt several floors farther up. Three female accomplices registered to that room were never revealed and must have set up Paddock as the patsy in that FBI cover up narrative. the not-dead Crown Prince made a bunch of arrests, fines, and possibly killings in response - a clean sweep of ‘corruption’ in Saudi Arabia and a year later on the anniversary of the shooting a non-Saudi reporter Jamal Khashoggi was tortured and killed in a very public type of warning to anyone else who might have been involved.
How does that all link to the Yearick’s family business and a storage crate? I am not sure.
Very brief summary of the ‘conspiracy theory’ is available here: Las Vegas Massacre False Flag To Cover Assassination Attempt On Saudi Prince, by Sean Adl-Tabatabai, Dec. 26, 2017, (
Donald Trump was President at the time and stated that he got Congress to leave the Crown Prince alone regarding the killing of Khashoggi. DJT went on to allow weapons sales to Saudi Arabia against approval by other US officials. Trump boasted he protected MBS after Khashoggi hit: Report; Trump bragged to author Bob Woodward that he protected Saudi crown prince after 2018 assassination of Khashoggi. (
April 24, 2024 - Trump looms large over Biden’s long-shot talks on Israel-Saudi normalization | CNN Politics
April 24, 2024 - When South Carolina Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham was in Saudi Arabia late last month meeting with Crown Prince Mohammad Bin Salman, the country’s young, defacto ruler, the two decided to call up a mutual acquaintance— Donald Trump.
“Graham was there to discuss the high-stakes deal the Biden Administration has been working on for more than a year that would normalize diplomatic relations between Saudi Arabia and Israel, two historical rivals who have a mutual interest in isolating Iran. […]
The agreement taking shape is an extension of the work that occurred under Trump to normalize relations between the Arab world and Israel, culminating in the 2020 Abraham Accords, which saw Bahrain and UAE recognize Israel’s sovereignty.
Any US treaty would need to pass the Senate, and there is a real concern among some involved in the current talks that Trump may try to scuttle any follow-up agreement by Biden, like when he urged congressional Republicans not to support a bipartisan immigration deal earlier this year.”
Trump looms large over Biden’s long-shot talks on Israel-Saudi normalization | CNN Politics
Trump was supporting Bin Salman in Saudi Arabia, even though they were bombing Yemen, in order to reduce Iran’s likelihood of nuclear weapons (???) Opinion/
Iran Plot Against Trump Detected, ( But it no evidence found linking it to the Crooks shooting. “It's not clear how far along the Iranian plot was when it was detected, but Trump has long been a point of ire for the Iranians, most notably for directing the 2020 airstrike that killed top Iranian commander Gen. Qasem Soleimani.” (
Iran says the assassination claims recently made by the US are untrue and founded in “malicious political motives or objectives.”
“A foreign ministry spokesman on Wednesday stated that Iran rejects the “malicious” allegations that it has plotted an attack on the Republican presidential hopeful. However, Nasser Kanaani asserted that Iran aims to prosecute Trump for ordering the assassination of a senior military official in 2020. […]
Kanaani said that Iran “strongly rejects any involvement in the recent armed attack against Trump or claims about Iran’s intention for such an action, considering such allegations to have malicious political motives and objectives”.” (
If both Saudi Arabia and Israel want Trump/Vance, and Iran says they didn’t do it, then who is it within the US government that wants Trump dead, or who wants Trump to appear heroic?
Does the CCP support Iran? Brave Summary says, there are economic ties, but no direct military support as has been suggested to exist for Hamas. (Brave Summary)
Is there an oil pipeline needing to go through Iran territory? No, but there is a natural gas pipeline plan which US sanctions have been holding up. (Brave Summary)
CCP seems to have no obvious role in the natural gas pipeline. (Brave Summary)
Israel likely supports Saudi Arabia who is opposed to the pipeline as it might strengthen Iran within the region. Russia and Iran are likely allies on goals. (Brave Summary) They seem to support Trump, but Russia/Putin is said to want Trump too. Is it just a question of which insider to vote for? Or is it a chance to vote against increased CCP control?
Unrelated to anything - my mother with Alzheimer’s said yesterday “I am Chinese,” and I responded to the non sequitur, “No, you are Caucasian”. My mother is slightly psychic at times, so, hmmmm…
Japan and China are the top owners of US debt other than the Federal Reserve, who owns more of it. (
Regarding Timothy McVeigh and the Oklahoma bombing - he was a government agent trying to make it look like he was part of a larger militant group who had done the bombing.
“McVeigh went on to say, “I was never trying to escape capture. My arrest was all a part of the mission. The bombing had to land squarely at the feet of someone involved in the anti-government movement. I left a paper trail that even a blind man could follow. […]
McVeigh told Hammer and Paul that he believed that his execution would be faked. He even went so far as to say his handlers had a drug that closely simulated death, and that he would be revived. Hammer has no idea if “the Major” threw McVeigh under the bus when the time came. If so, McVeigh wouldn’t be the first patsy to face such a fate, nor the last.”
Hidden in Plain Sight: The Truth About Timothy McVeigh and the Oklahoma City Bombing, June 24, 2024 ( *The article closes with a suggestion that McVeigh was given a new identity after having his death faked and now may be a ‘crisis actor’ playing other roles.
Are we ever likely to be told the truth about US government False Flag events? No. Was the Trump assassination attempt a US government staged event? Yes, it seems very likely. Was Trump in on it and the intent was a near miss? That is less clear.
My gut instinct is that he is not a good enough actor, and I don’t think he would have agreed to putting his crowd of supporters at risk. He is an entertainer who always plays his own built-up persona - the fist pump and “Fight, fight, fight” were natural to that image. And in an adrenalin fueled moment, his reacting like that does seem natural to me. It also seems natural to me that he would want to assure his supporters that he was okay before being whisked away by the guards (that is also sensible in this day-and-age of ‘sadly died at the hospital, even though hadn’t looked that bad on site’ - see the story of Anne Heche’s demise for an example). Other people think it really suspicious that the crowd of guards let him stand up - but if Trump is a taller man, could shorter female guards have stopped him? And would they have, if he is the one in charge? His right to risk himself? I don’t know.
Some of the photography seems to have been photoshopped while others were likely just good photographers following the action as it happened (interview later in this lengthy post that walks around several blocks picking daisies). Some of Trump’s staff must have been in on the bad set-up as even a vendor had noticed it was wrong and had left a clear line-of-sight. Real bullets were used, real people were harmed or killed. The US government seems involved and should be stopped. Cellphone data may help bring some of those involved to justice or at least to public attention - Tony Seruga is working from that angle.

Nutshell version - the white van is what linked Maxwell Yearick as it is registered to his father in Arizona. Maxwell Yearick was not a homeless nobody - his family owns a explosives business in Arizona and/or works in the high-level bomb industry. // *Addition - I don’t know how strong any of this information is. The Armory Yearick is denying a family connection. // Apparently some idiots or people who wanted to leave an evidence trail used a storage crate ~ like a trucking/shipping unit, that had the same serial ID number as the storage crate that had been used in the McVeigh bombing. Um, really? What a moron? What is going on?
John Cullen and George Webb are working on this, and Tony Seruga also. Also a Congressman, Rep. Eli Crane.
Click through for video of Rep. Eli Crane - “as a former Navy SEAL sniper, it was clear to me that many security measures were dropped making Pres. Trump extremely vulnerable.”:
Click for video, same video as above though.
John Cullen states a very long last shot by a countersniper means someone was shot at on the water tower. His zoomed in water tower video footage does look like gunfire occurred from that location- and within the timeline, it sounded like the middle cluster of shots. Was the Crooks kid there? Or was that a 3-letter agency person? Tony Seruga’s cellphone data may answer that question if it is released.
Maybe I should get back to nutrition. I can’t believe it is July 28th already. I need to pay my monthly bills.
What I am positive of - it was Maxwell Yearick’s body on the roof - beyond that the waters are muddied. There is no real evidence that Thomas Crooks is dead or arrested. Kennon Hooper, a known associate of Maxwell’s, was taken into custody that day. Kennon had also been arrested with Maxwell at protests in the past.
“So, if the dead guy on the roof of American Glass Research looks exactly like Max Yearick and the guy getting arrested by officer Dirty Sanchez of the Secret Service looks exactly like Kennon Hooper, what does that mean?” - CrowdsourceTheTruth, @JG_CSTT
The decoy photo of the anonymous account called jewgazing is being used in videos about the event and is being called ‘Crooks’. The odd little bumps on the outer edge of the ear on Crooks may have been photoshopped onto the picture of the dead body that was released to confuse identification. A body camera video has been obtained that had a couple frames unblurred and the ear is a little blurry to show that level of detail, but doesn’t show bumps. The ear jewelry hole likely had been surgically sewn shut and a line on the ear appears where that would be expected to appear. A mole/brown spot on the neck of Maxwell Yearick exactly matches one on the dead body and Crooks doesn’t have any.
Cellphone tracking is providing evidence regarding the shooting and a more recent protest in Washington DC, see video of it (4 days ago) here

Click through for video, and a lot of comments: in replies we learn the rich people’s children mostly took planes to the protest or were in Milwaukee protesting first.
Body camera video footage, the blur bubble missed a screen or two. The bumps on the back of the ear that are like Crooks may have been photoshopped on the image tgat was released.
Hard to tell though with the zoomed in lack of pixels.
With Yearick’s family history in the explosives and military contractor industry, it is kind of clear why Maxwell’s involvement is being hidden - even without any Antifa history or arrests for violence at Trump protests.
But why? Why would the Secret Service or people above them set up an assassination attempt that didn’t work? Or — why would they set up an assassination attempt that was supposed to look like it would have worked but failed?
Two wings of the same bird - we seem to have insider cult goals on both sides but more of a CCP/Chinese funding of the Harris campaign (based on the illegal ActBlue campaign fraud - yet more evidence has been revealed, but no official investigation seems to be happening) and more of an Israeli funding of the J.D. Vance campaign (calling a spade a spade).
Tangent - J.D. Vance is a name he picked for himself - it isn’t his original last name or middle name. (?quirky?) *Bowman was his birth dad’s last name. Hamel was his adoptee stepfather’s last name and his middle name was also changed from Donald to David at age six at the time of the adoption. Vance is the last name of his maternal grandfather and was chosen by JD Vance in 2013. JD Vance prefers to drop the periods. this history gets brought up as an example of hypocrisy, in comparison to trans people wanting to be able to pick their own name/identity. (Brave Summary)
~~initial draft started here~~
Evidence in support of staging - a known event was going to happen or did happen.
The Crowd-Strike outage was likely a cover to delete digital records. They do not make such basic coding errors. - Ehden Biber.
The shorting of the stocks for Trump’s Truth Social and Rumble suggest someone was betting on a completed assassination. And they lost.
The set up was altered for the event in a way that a vendor knew it was wrong and unusual - “the Secret Service don’t make mistakes” according to the person regarding leaving a line of sight.
Which patsy did the shooting though? Or is the patsy narrative simply about the political choice? Young Crooks is chosen if the attempt failed, while the older Antifa Yearick would have been named if the attempt had been successful? Yearick radicalized Crooks and got him to borrow his dad’s gun — that still fits the Ban Guns narrative. George Webb has more on this topic, which I haven’t seen yet.
Why is Doug Mills amazing photography of the bullet tracing, so suspicious and he seemed to have foreknowledge even in his phrasing choices about taking the photo? Related: The Magic Bullet, Peter Yim, July 20, 2024, (Substack) An article on Digital Camera World suggests the photo is possible, however it doesn’t take into account bullet speed. It does suggest the angle is wrong to be the bullet that hit Donald Trump. (
Things that suggest Trump was in on it - the lost shoe symbolism; talking about so much blood, but there not being any on his hand in any videos, until later, when an apparently photoshopped image by Doug Mills was published. Now video footage also seems to be being edited to include a smear of blood on his palm.
Doug Mills has had FBI experience per a Reddit comment. (*No evidence of that online.) He has been a photographer at the White House through many Presidential administrations. That sounds like he is more a Deep State photographer than just a New York Times photographer. He was also at the 9/11 chanting children event with Bush - putting him onsite at what appears to have been a magickal event — even if we don’t believe in magick.
What if we have two factions opposing each other, and both are hiding things, and magick may be involved based on the 9/11 precedence and presence of both events in the Illuminati Card Game.
What if it is a lot more complicated? Having a van from Arizona and explosives led to Las Vegas assassination attempt of the Saudi Prince. *This is the video that was linked and discussed above. Why does the FBI’s ‘lone gunman’ always tend to have ‘explosives’ wired in their room or car which don’t go off? Just to add to the public’s fear?
The Doug Mills part of the story seems to involved photoshop or pre-knowledge at least. He also seems to have added a blood smear to Donald Trump’s palm in some images.
The bullet tracing photo simply isn’t mathematically possible. A bullet is too fast to have left a tracing that long even if Doug Mills randomly decided to use 1/8000th. And what does that mean? The photographer is a fraud?
Another analysis using Chat GPT suggests the bullet pathway should have a slightly downward tilt after having traveled 130 yards already, but in the photo the angle appears to be slanted upward. (
Donald Trump speaking about the event (Youtube) - he sounds a little scripted - “so much blood” - but it is known that he is somewhat of a hand-washing fanatic and germaphobe (Brave AI summary):
Interview with Evan Vucci, the photojournalist who took the statue like photo.
From the interview linked next, it is clear Evan Vucci is an athlete and getting good photos in part is athleticism. The professional camera is not light-weight and you are moving it through space and aligning the image as you go sometimes.
He is friends with Doug Mills, who helped him in his early career.

Click through for a video interview with the photographer who took the statue like photo of Donald Trump raising his fist among the crouched Secret Service/substitutes. ( Via (
Evan Vucci said he got a photo in front of the stage and then ran to the stairs where they would have to exit. He would have gotten a photo exiting the stage in any case, this was just more history making - and his job is to capture history in photo form. He did see the flag in the background and wanted that in the photo. He took rapid pics 6-8 per second so the iconic photo is part of a series of less iconic photos. See above for an example of what the series may have shown, the image might be by someone else though.
Crowdstrike outage info - from an Anonymous post - suggests that the Crowdstrike outage was in order to try to track a different hack of Azure, the Microsoft cloud hosting service, allegedly by a foreign agent, who now may be in control of an AI model of Joe Biden - my impression, like a CGI version of Biden - usable for deep fake videos. Such a theft would mean the real Biden/image/masked puppet could be compromised by Deep Fake videos saying or doing whatever the alleged foreign agent wanted.
The body camera video is a different link, I need to refind it.
New video of the interior of the building where three counter snipers left their station. It had a clear view of the roof shooter.
Click through for the room view of the roof top sniper location. (

“Maxwell Yearick (ANTIFA) & Thomas Crooks trained at Clairton Sportsmens Club where DHS & ICE also train. Yearick had the tattoo on his arm as did the body on the roof, NOT Crooks!!! Wake up America!!! Crooks is a false narrative.” (
I Ching 53 moving towards 20 - suggests taking a look at the bigger picture.
Like a young sapling slowly reaching toward the sky, hexagram number 53 portends an incremental process toward new achievements. This is a time to put all your energy and attention directly on the step you are currently on.
Moving towards I Ching 20 - look at the bigger picture, the tower view:
Hexagram number 20 in I Ching is called Kuan, which means observation1. The hexagram is formed by the trigrams Wind over Earth1. The meaning of this hexagram is meditation and contemplation2. It suggests that one should remain alert to all that affects them and those around them to understand their role in the world1. The visual significance of this hexagram is that of a tower with a broad view which enables one to meditate on the wider landscape rather than immediate events2.
I Ching Interpretation & Meaning Hexagram 20 - Kuan (
Meaning of I Ching Hexagram #20: -
Is Kennedy a possibility?
Trump’s admin was pure swamp and Vance and suggested names so far, seem like swamp creatures. Draining the swamp didn’t happen in 2016-2020.
For a third party or Independent candidate to win in the US, massive numbers of people would need to switch from voting for either main party to voting for the third candidate. No previous third-party candidate has gotten anywhere close to that — since a long, time ago.
When did a third party candidate win the presidency in the US?
Based on the provided search results, no third-party candidate has ever won the presidency in the United States. The tables and snippets highlight various third-party and independent candidates’ performances in presidential elections, but none of them have achieved a majority of the electoral votes or popular votes to win the presidency.
In the United States, the two-party system has been dominant, with the Democratic and Republican parties consistently winning the presidency. The closest a third-party candidate has come to winning was Theodore Roosevelt’s 1912 bid as the Progressive Party candidate, who received 27.39% of the popular vote and 88 electoral votes, but ultimately lost to Democrat Woodrow Wilson.
Therefore, the answer to the query “When did a third-party candidate win the presidency in the US” is “never.” (Brave Summary)
~~ seems not quite right.
Based on the provided search results, the original political parties in the United States emerged during the 1790s and can be categorized into two major groups:
Federalist Party: Founded by Alexander Hamilton and others, this party supported a strong central government, a national bank, and close ties with Great Britain. They were dominant until 1800.
Democratic-Republican Party: Formed by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison, this party advocated for states’ rights, limited government, and agrarian interests. They gained popularity and eventually became the dominant party after 1800.
These two parties were the primary contenders during the First Party System (1790s-1820s). The Federalist Party declined in the early 19th century, and the Democratic-Republican Party evolved into the modern Democratic Party.
It’s essential to note that these early parties were not the same as modern-day parties, and their ideologies and platforms have undergone significant changes over time. Additionally, other parties, such as the Anti-Federalist Party and the Whig Party, also existed during this period, but they were less prominent and eventually merged with or evolved into the two major parties mentioned above. (Brave Summary)
When did the federalist party become the republican party in the us
The Federalist Party did not directly become the Republican Party in the US.
Instead, the Federalist Party declined and eventually disappeared as a distinct political entity, while the Democratic-Republican Party, founded by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison, evolved into the modern Democratic Party.
Here’s a brief summary:
The Federalist Party was founded by Alexander Hamilton and others in the 1790s, advocating for a strong central government and a broad interpretation of federal powers.
The Democratic-Republican Party, initially referred to as “Anti-Federalists,” emerged as a opposition to the Federalist Party, led by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison, who preferred a decentralized agrarian republic with limited federal power.
By the early 19th century, the Federalist Party had largely disintegrated, and its remnants were absorbed into other political factions.
The Democratic-Republican Party, on the other hand, continued to evolve and eventually became the dominant party in the US, adopting the name “Democratic Party” in the mid-19th century.
The modern Republican Party, which emerged in the mid-19th century, drew inspiration from Federalist economic ideas and anti-slavery sentiments, but it was a distinct party with its own platform and leadership.
In summary, there was no direct transformation of the Federalist Party into the Republican Party. Instead, the Federalist Party declined, and the Democratic-Republican Party evolved into the modern Democratic Party, while a new party, the Republican Party, emerged with its own distinct identity. (Brave Summary)
Who was the first Republican President in the US?
Abraham Lincoln — President of the United States from 1861 to 1865 (American, 1809–1865)
According to the search results provided, Abraham Lincoln was the 16th President of the United States and the first Republican President, serving from March 4, 1861, until his assassination on April 15, 1865. He was elected in 1860, defeating Democratic candidate Stephen A. Douglas and running mate Hannibal Hamlin.
Here’s a relevant snippet from the search results:
“As the Whig Party collapsed, the Republicans became one of two major political parties in the United States (the Democratic Party was the other major political party). In 1860 Abraham Lincoln, the first Republican president, was elected.”
Additionally, the table provided in the search results lists Abraham Lincoln as the first Republican President, with a term start date of March 4, 1861, and a term end date of April 15, 1865. (Brave Summary)
. . .
Therefore - Abraham Lincoln is really the only President to have won as a ‘Third Party’ candidate in US politics, because the Republican Party at that point was not one of two dominant parties - it was a brand-new political party with a platform focused on ending slavery and having a strong Federal government. The platform was based on the Federalist Party but had split off from that group.
The Federalist Party lost power in the early 1800s and became the Whig Party.
Late 1790s: Federalist Party begins to decline
1800: John Adams loses re-election bid
1804: Alexander Hamilton dies; Federalist Party's last great hope collapses
1814-1815: Hartford Convention; party’s influence wanes
Mid-1820s: Federalist Party effectively dissolves
According to Brave AI, no Whig Party candidates ever won presidency, though there was an attempt in 1836, but leaders of the group did have influence in forming the later Republican Party. (Brave Summary) »>Brave AI got that one wrong, including in its results the fact that Zachary Taylor did become President as a Whig Party candidate in 1848, …but he died in office after 16 months and Fillmore, his VP became President.
The Whig Party candidate had also won in 1840 with the slogan “Tippecanoe and Tyler too” (Brave Summary) - a slogan reminding voters of the candidate’s successful military experience. “William Henry Harrison won the presidential election in 1840 in the United States.” (Brave Summary)
…. anyway, Brave AI made a mistake or it is a wording issue. However the point is fairly clear - it is difficult to win in the US as a third-party candidate for President. Regarding the initial answer “no Third-party candidate has won” - that is splitting hairs - a wording issue. Was the Whig Party not thought of as a third party before it was one of the two main parties. Was it being considered to be the Federalist Party, just with a new name - making it still one of the two main parties? and then the Republican Party took the number two place from the Whig Party, so it also was never considered a Third Party?
—> overthinking minutia, it doesn’t really matter.
The issue is the way the Electoral College is set up - all or none of a state’s Electoral College votes go to the candidate that got the majority of the state’s votes, except in Maine and Nebraska which give a proportion based on the popular vote. (Brave Summary)
In today’s politics, we now have a large and vocal base of support for Trump/Vance and a well monied army of online support for Harris/____. Kennedy has quite a bit of support too, but could it be enough to get a majority of votes in enough states to win? »> And if he won, would it matter?
Who pulled the plug on CrowdStrike? Who arranged for all the Secret Service staffing changes at the Trump rally? Who is really in charge of the US government? Who covered up the failed assassination attempt of a Saudi Prince who is also a supporter of Donald Trump? What does Iran have to do with this? I don’t really know enough but it seems like Iran was being brought up as a ‘threat’ to distract from the obvious threat caused by US insiders changing Secret Service staffing and allowing a US assisted ‘assassination attempt’ to take place.
Was it a failed attempt? or was it a really clever staged failed attempt? Someone lost money on stocks, suggesting that someone thought that it would succeed. Real bullets, a real death in the crowd, and Maxwell Yearick does appear to be dead. Crooks appears to be missing. Timothy McVeigh may be working under another name. Crooks might be too. Crooks and Yearick were members of the same gun club at which military and police also were members. It is a small world after all.
Meanwhile, Dr. Jill Biden is having a good time at the Paris Olympics according to Flavor Flav. (
Disclaimer: This information is being provided for educational purposes within the guidelines of Fair Use.
OMGosh I hate to tell you....Trump, Biden, anyone you can name that you don't know and that doesn't know you, the ones we see on the big whirled stage, they are all playing a performance. They are all actors. Many of them aren't even who thay say. Many are made up names, many are replaced by other "look alikes". Really, really, you must stop to consider what I am saying. The entire thing from start to finish is a con. And we are now finding the sleight of hand, the way they play us. It's always a deep shock at first which may be reacted to with anger, for having been conned of your whole life. But you really need to understand that the entire debacle every week/month of what-have-you, is all acted and scripted. It is to lure us in way way or another to what they want us to accept. It can only work when the vast majority believe them.
JD - "Why would the Secret Service or people above them set up an assassination attempt that didn’t work? Or — why would they set up an assassination attempt that was supposed to look like it would have worked but failed? Two wings of the same bird - we seem to have insider cult goals on both sides..." A partial explanation can be found here Agent Scully...