#BaricforJail Fauci too and NIH and buddies too
University of North Carolina Virus or Wuhan Virus - a team sport seems likely.
Reply regarding this: >New Study Blames COVID on NIH, University of North Carolina — Finds Fauci and Baric’s Fingerprints on Pandemic Bug
>Critics have long questioned why the National Institutes of Health would fund experiments by University of North Carolina of Chapel Hill professor Ralph Baric to develop a technique for hiding evidence of human tampering in laboratory-created super viruses. (childrenhealthdefense.org) via 4chan.
Anonymous (ID: uvYsJ/GG) 10/23/22(Sun)13:27:25 No.▶>>401151350
C-19 is a bio-weapon. It was assembled via a technique called seamless ligation, that hides evidence of genetic manipulation in a viral genome. Only as it turns out, it leaves a different evidence trail the pioneer of the technique hadn't thought of, which points the finger directly at him. Only he, or people he instructed, could have made those alterations to C-19's genome during the process of weaponizing it.
UNC Chapel Hill and WIV were two of the three labs capable of using this technique in the entire world at the time of C-19's deployment.
Pretty big deal.via a 4chan /pol/ - ABSOFUCKINGLUTELY HAPPENING: BARIC'S FINGERPRINTS FOUND IN C-19 GENOME - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
An article in The Economist about the preprint emphasizes that it is preprint and Kritian Anderson’s Tweet about the gene sequence being “random noise”. He is a high level member on the Fauci email team Bat-Soup-Origin.

Disclaimer: Opinions are my own and the information is provided for educational purposes within the guidelines of fair use. While I am a Registered Dietitian this information is not intended to provide individual health guidance. Please see a health professional for individual health care purposes.
The depth of their depravity seems to know no bounds, tragically.
If good people would simply stand up & say, “No”!