A statue - two statues, one large and one smaller, similar figure, have been erected in a legal district that has nine older statues - of men, with arms, and names. This new figure is supposed to represent “woman” and somehow “abortion” and be a nod to Ruth Baden Ginsburg via a little lace collar on the armless atrocity. The sculpture is called “Witness”. What is it witnessing?
For the first time, a statue of a woman sits atop this Manhattan courthouse
At last, this work puts a female figure on a level plane with the traditional, patriarchal depictions of justice and power. "{Image: Photograph: By Yasunori Matsui / Shahzia Sikander's sculpture "Witness" in Madison Square Park}
Written by Rossilynne Skena Culgan Friday January 20, 2023 (timeout.com)

It may more realistically represent a Baphomet figure encircling the globe with a serpent like covert power - dating a long time back to the Order of the Golden Fleece.
The woman figure is gold and has ram-like horns, but with a braided hair texture that are supposed to represent the “sovereignty and autonomy” of women. Biology lesson - horns are generally on the male of a species, or on both female and male, but not just on females only and not on the males. Why put horns on a woman? Is she supposed to head butt her way through life to achieve her “sovereignty and autonomy” by brute force?
The woman figure has no arms and no feet on her legs. The figure looks a lot like a golden Oscar trophy except with no arms, and with very large horns. The arms and feet are represented instead by swirly wires that look like tentacles or curly giant hairs. They are said to represent the rootedness or interconnectedness of women. The swirly wire things do not look like roots and why would women have roots coming out of their shoulders and their ankles?
Is The Oscar Statuette Modelled After an Ancient Egyptian God? Oct 25, 2017, (cairoscene.com)
The larger version of the figure is wearing the open framework of a hoop skirt which is said to be a nod to the dome architecture of the nearby building. Why would a very modern representation of “woman” have a white colonial fashion? To bring back into fashion six-foot safety circle dresses? So we can re-enact antebellum Southern Living - Tara style?
It looks like a half globe that the figure is standing within - and her root feet aren’t even touching the ground - she is floating in the hoop skirt.
People with money hire artists to make art that may be propaganda for subtle messaging instead of just random ‘art’. What we see influences public opinion - enough people may grow to accept ‘modern art’ as just more background scenery. But what is it telling little girls that it is so wonderful and special that a “woman” is now in place with nine men from history - but the woman is really just a lace collar and a tentacled monster creature wearing a half globe as a see through skirt (is just an open framework of a hoop skirt).
The smaller version is near the other nine male statues that look human. Its tentacle feet are standing on a lotus blossom and this smaller version is called “NOW”. Maybe if enough symbols are grouped together it makes “art”? {Image: Photograph: By Yasunori Matsui / A female figure now sits atop the courthouse, as part of Shahzia Sikander's "NOW."}

The gold sexless Baphomet Barbie - monstrosity - should be torn down and a realistic statue of Ruth Baden Ginsburg should be created instead if we really want to honor women and their role in legal history. Golden Barbie Dolls with tentacle arms and feet and Ram horns - not my idea of “Woman” or abortion - unless an urge to abort the statue was the desired emotion. The artist may really feel strongly about the theme - but someone paid for it. Someone approved the design and may have even had suggestions.
Note to young readers - head butting our way through life is not the typical ‘feminine’ approach for working through issues. Just FYI. People don’t like it.
How does any of it relate to abortion? The Baphomet like horned figure is the only way I see - abortion as a “religious sacrifice” equals “murder” by any normal person’s definition.
I do believe that abortion needs to be a woman’s choice - for early term decisions. Women are so harassed about not eating this or that, or smoking, or drinking - all important things, some guidelines are more critical than others. Avoiding alcohol is critical and smoking. Avoiding alcohol is also critical for males.
Men and boys are not counseled much at all on pre-conception planning - how to have a healthy baby. It takes 74 days to make a sperm. It also takes 74 days to make a drunk sperm with damaged DNA. (Alcohol causes vitamin A to be over-activated to Retinoic Acid which causes DNA changes and has been linked to ADHD in children of males who drink on at least a weekly basis.) How many days do you think a lot of males are drinking alcohol out of each 74-day segment of their lives? All of them is the answer. Many men drink alcohol every single day of their lives, or most day.
Why should women be expected to grow a baby that was made with damaged DNA if she is expected to be super careful about her diet and alcohol use? (The alcohol effect is even worse when a pregnant person is drinking as the vitamin A is being converted to Retinoic Acid which is a teratogen in excess - not only causing DNA changes, but also physical malformations of the fetus (Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, FAS).
There is considered to be no “cure” for FAS - it is a congenital condition - birth defects. (cedar-sinai.org/FAS) However, very little research has been done on the ongoing effects on the adult with FAS. Retinoid Toxicity may be an ongoing issue adding further health problems as the person ages - the simple preventive solution is to greatly restrict vitamin A and carotenoid foods and supplements or medications so the damaging effects of excess active Retinoic Acid can be halted. (Previous series of posts.)
When a woman knows her own health was not good, her own substance abuse was not good, and she gets accidentally pregnant - she may be wise to seek an abortion - for the child’s sake. I cannot make her decision for her and don’t think the law should either - in early stages. Miscarriage is also far more common than people realize. Early pregnancy tests have made it more obvious - no one should be charged with ‘murder’ if they have a miscarriage - that is just legal craziness. Late-stage abortion when the fetus is viable, is different in my opinion unless the health of the baby or mother is critically threatened in a physical way. The baby could be placed for adoption if the mother’s mental health can’t cope with an infant.
Ruth Baden Ginsburg did vocalize why she thought women should have a legal right to choose abortion - it gives autonomy and equality to men.
See: Ruth Bader Ginsburg's Abortion Comments During 1993 Confirmation Go Viral, by Chloe Mayer, 6/27/22, (newsweek.com)
Why should men control a woman’s body? Historically women and children became property as agriculture became the norm. Land was owned and needed to be tended. Children were workers and women were workers who could produce more workers.
The Jewish religion views a fetus as being part of the woman until it is born and support saving a woman’s life if a pregnancy is threatening her physical health. The Talmud does prohibit tattoos, self-injury, and suicide, which is thought to suggest restrictions on the idea that humans can do whatever they want to their body. It is considered on loan from God - God’s body for us to take care of. Feticide is also prohibited but the source or how serious a religious infraction it is, is not clear.
“Jewish law does not share the belief common among abortion opponents that life begins at conception, nor does it legally consider the fetus to be a full person deserving of protections equal those accorded to human beings. In Jewish law, a fetus attains the status of a full person only at birth.” […]
“Some consider it [prohibition of feticide] biblical in origin based on a verse (Genesis 9.6) that prohibits shedding the “blood of man within man” — a phrase understood to refer to a fetus.”
Abortion in Jewish Thought, (myjewishlearning.com)
An expected baby is precious, and the mother needs to be given support and helped to have a low stress atmosphere for growing her precious burden. It is draining to be pregnant and constantly hungry but only able to eat a small amount because there is no space to breathe, let alone eat much.
The fetus is considered to not even be much of anything until 40 days have passed - implantation needs to be a success. Miscarriages remain common for the first trimester - the first 90-100 days. Wait until month four to send “We’re Expecting!” announcements. Nature ends pregnancies that aren’t viable and that is a good thing. Fertility clinics and high-tech interference to “make” a pregnancy happen may not be the best thing for babies. Supporting younger people in establishing families in their twenties when nature designed it to happen ideally - would be more ideal for babies.
And - educating men and boys that it takes 74 days to make a sperm and it takes 74 days to make a drunk sperm with damaged DNA. Please keep your drunk sperm wrapped up in a condom, thanks in advance. (*Speaking as a prenatal health educator and as an adult with ADHD with a dad who was a chronic weekend drinker, binge sometimes, - I have some bias.)
Returning to the Golden Monstrosity - the lace collar of Ruth Baden Ginsburg seems to be the visual hat-tip to abortion and autonomy for women - however, it seems a stretch. If we want a visual role model for girls, can we please have a statue that looks like Ruth Baden Ginsburg instead of a nightmare?
The problem is - who would pay for it? And are there artists who are still skilled in making life-like representations of humans?
When bad art is what is funded, then art schools teach with the bad art examples - as if it is art instead of CIA funded propaganda.
Potentially Related - a Symbolic Serpent will encircle the States of Europe and enclose it in unbreakable chains - through control of the press by funding spokespeople to influence the public, while remaining unseen in the background - whose goal? The Elders of Zion allegedly.

“The realization of free speech is born in the press. But governments did not know how to make proper use of this power, and it fell into our hands. Through the press we achieved influence, although we ourselves kept in the background. Thanks to the press we accumulated gold, though it cost us streams of blood: it cost us the sacrifice of many of our people, but every sacrifice on our side is worth thousands of Gentiles before God.
* * * * *
Today I can assure you that we are only within a few strides of our goal. There remains only a short distance and the cycle of the Symbolic Serpent - that badge of our people - will be complete. When this circle is locked, all the States of Europe will be enclosed in i, as it were, by unbreakable chains.”
Protocols of the Elders of Zion https://www.google.com/books/edition/The_Jewish_Peril/xdqJZVjhL1sC?hl=en&gbpv=1&printsec=frontcover
Regarding: “though it cost us streams of blood: it cost us the sacrifice of many of our people,” - historical documents suggest that many early ‘pogroms’ against Jewish communities were false flag events by Zionists who wanted to create the need for a ‘homeland’ for the poor persecuted Jewish people. Why would Zionists hurt their “own” people? They may be a covert group of Baphomet worshippers posing as ‘Jewish’ people - for many centuries, while covertly working towards the symbolic serpent encircling the globe.
See: Against Our Better Judgement; book summary, (substack.com).
Suppression of women and children is a step used in authoritarian takeovers. Breaking up traditional family structures and promoting weaker men and dominant women is a strategy described as a way to break people into accepting slavery in the 1700’s ‘Willie Lynch Letter’. Whether the letter/speech is historically accurate is not my concern - it is describing what has been happening to everyone in modern US. Shocking brutal murders of strong men in public venues were used to scare mothers into raising their boys to be meek.
If we don’t want to be slaves then we have to not act like slaves. We have to free ourselves from the mental bondage and then work together to free the nations from the corrupt bondage of money and hidden power structures. They are also hiding child and human trafficking, and gun and drug sales.
Addition - a TikTok about serpent symbolism and the Hebrew meaning of the word nasa (NASA) - to deceive. (https://t.me/deNutrientsChat/31440)
Disclaimer: Opinions are my own and the information is provided for educational purposes within the guidelines of Fair Use and is not intended to provide individual health guidance.
It’s disgusting. Our culture despises true beauty as well as truth and goodness. When I’ve gone to “art” museums or galleries in the past 20 years, it has been disappointing to say the least. We commission original art and buy original pieces from artists who paint beautiful pieces.
So they took down a statue (and actual depiction) of Teddy Roosevelt and replaced it with this ugly monstrosity. It’s a visible symptom of the sickness in our society.
Thank you for this, Jenifer - which is thought provoking and contains information I hadn't come across - on several subjects. I was glad to see you reinstated on twitter too - I've followed your nutrients advice for some time.
I was surprised to come across - by odd coincidence - some information about the public symbolism of the occult recently. I write anyway, about my journey towards self-sufficiency in the face of the Great Reset. My latest effort covers the subject of spiritual - and informational - warfare. I wondered if you would have interest in it.
It is an effort towards love and clarity in a world that makes such things increasingly hard.