Audio analysis suggests 4 guns, 3 firing at the stage, & only one, a tenth shot seems to be counter fire.
by Chris Martenson, PhD of Peak Prosperity - he made a free video.
Audio analysis was shared by a reader, via a reply, thank you very much.
“Just watched Chris Martenson's video using audio tech to discern different shooters. Best evidence I've seen so far for there being multiple shooters.” (
A vendor witness recognized during set up that it was unusual- Secret Service don't make mistakes in leaving a Clearview of sight.
And a different reply suggested that I should not rely on information from John Cullen, (as he seems to be a grifter seeking subscribers), which may not be a bad idea. His ballistic angles, map, don’t seem correct to me and while he is pushing the two shooters idea, he doesn’t seem interested in Yearick/Crooks as another lie being spread.
And in case you missed it - we are being shown the highschool photo of Crooks in part, because he appears to have been transitioning to trans-female. Addition- deemed untrue by Community Notes on no further proof has been found to suggest that photo is Crooks.

A comment about the Illuminati Card and/or the recently released ear/demon horror movie called that post ‘nonsense’ and I would just like to agree - that sort of predictive programming does seem like nonsense and is nonsensical. It doesn’t seem to make sense -- and yet, we have seen a ton of it and also that it seems to come true - as if long term planning had been revealed. And it has been said to be just that, a ‘soft reveal’. And the purpose has been suggested to be about avoiding bad karma. Tell us the plan and then any bad karma is left on us for not doing anything to stop the plan or to resist the bad outcome. The insider cult may believe that letting us know is protecting them from bad energy, as it is like getting our permission if we just continue to go along with whatever was soft revealed. It is like the ‘tacit’ agreement that is needed to support the staged entertainment of Kayfabe professional wrestling. US politics asks us to just go along with whatever narrative is being fed to us.
From the Chris Martenson, PhD analysis
Badly botched job, the organizer is probably floating in a river right now …. per Chris Martenson’s audio analysis.
…. Unless a near miss and heroic Trump was the real goal, rather than a true assassination attempt. I am not sure that Chris’s analysis disproves the idea that Trump’s wound might have been applied during the pile-up rather than from the alleged near miss.
See the previous post about the ‘amazing photography’: Where was the bloody palm in all the video footage? How did it show up only in a still photo? (Substack).
And while a lot of additional shots were taken, Trump really wasn’t in danger anymore because he was under the pile-up. It was the audience and a fireman who were still at risk. Those deaths and injuries were allowed to happen because the police were warned in advance by many people of the rooftop shooter. They allegedly knew for a half hour or even two hours. Whether this was staged to be a near-miss or if it was a failed assassination attempt is unclear but the audio analysis by Chris suggests that at least two or probably three guns were firing towards the podium and audience from the direction of the rooftop shooter.
Shots 1, 2, and 3 were from a greater distance than the roof position, and sounded deeper in tone and it was a little slower between shots. The first shot nicked Trump’s ear allegedly and hit a person in the bleachers on the far left of Trump.
Shots 4 through 9 were a tight sounding cluster with echos in between some but not all of them. It seems like 2 similar sounding guns but there was slightly greater distance and no echo for shots 6 and 9. Chris says all of these shots were aimed at the stage, rather than any being counter sniper return fire. He suggests that 4, 5 and 8 could have been the guy on the roof and 6 and 9 could have been from a back-up sniper on a slightly farther out roof or maybe from within the building. After a longer pause there was a tenth shot which Chris thinks was the return fire from the counter sniper.
In his video Chris Martenson, PhD, numbers the shots by the clusters. The gun from a longer distance, which had a deeper tone was labeled 1, 2, and 3. And from the injury and the bullet hitting a rail and turning into a puff of smoke (vaporized), he suggests that likely was a larger bullet, possibly a 308, which can be used with a Remington 700, a weapon that is more typical for snipers because it would be more accurate at longer distance than an AR15.
And he called the cluster of more rapid fire: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 in the screenshot below. He had two video sound files with known locations - one at the podium, and one closer to the rooftop shooter where the cellphone holding person was standing. He lined up the audio to see if the sounds also lined up as it should have if there was no difference in distance from where the shots were taken — but the sounds didn’t overlap exactly. He thinks this shows that the roof shooter had a hidden back-up shooter in a very nearby location, maybe 70 feet from the roof top location. And the first cluster of shots seemed to be a different gun and lower to the ground - inside the building itself.
This does put an AR sounding gun on the roof with Yearick/Crooks and the potentially bigger bullet/longer barrel Remington 700 (maybe the type of gun) inside of the building.
Chris mentions the allegation by Cheatle that it was local cops inside of that building - the local police force released a very clear statement that they were only assigned/allowed to do traffic duty for the event. They were not in that building - ‘verified information’, now verified to be false by the Butler local police.
Shot 9 is delayed a few seconds and would have been the only counter fire according to Chris Martenson’s analysis. He says experts need to do more expert analysis - my concern with that is the question of “Whose experts?” Not FBI experts please.
via a reply, thank you very much.
“Just watched Chris Martinson's video using audio tech to discern different shooters. Best evidence I've seen so far for there being multiple shooters.”
Another reply suggests that John Cullen and Crowdsource the Truth are too much like grifters seeking money from people who can’t afford it. I would have to agree that their ‘free’ video was just an introductory tease, and I didn’t subscribe to their Patreon’s to hear more.
In an emergency situation, providing free analysis is courteous. Thanks to Chris Martenson, PhD, for sticking his neck out to provide some easy to follow audio analysis.
In this summary he is talking about the rapid-fire cluster of 6 shots, numbered above - the third and sixth shots of that rapid overlapping sounds didn’t line up. The first cluster of slower spaced shots that had a deeper sounding tone had no echo - they were from somewhere other than the roof.
Below, he is not referring to the cluster of the first 3 deeper toned shots at all. He is only discussing the cluster of more shrill, high tone, rapid fire shots that he labeled 1 thru 6. He is going with the ‘verified information’ identity of the roof top shooter as being Crooks.
Not included in the text summary below is the question of echos.
The Hypothesis: At least 2 Shooters, Maybe 3
The first three shots were from inside the building. This assures the ‘crack-boom’ are consistent with the patsy on the roof.
This aligns with the more distant, muffled sound, the upward slope of the bullet that struck victim #1 in the back right of the stands, and the lack of echoes at video #1
In the second group of shots, #1, 2, 4 & 5, were fired by Crooks [or Yearick].
This lines up with both the echoes on video #2 and the ‘snaps’ recorded downrange in video #1
Shots #3 and #6 [in the second cluster] are puzzling, and will need expert analysis. But their delayed arrival down range suggests that they were taken 78-95 feet further back than Crook’s [or Yearick’s] position.
via Trump Assassination Attempt, Day 3 of the Cover-up, July 18th, 2024 Dedicated to Jon Peter Martenson, by Chris Martenson, PhD of Peak Prosperity. (
Other Screenshots in order:

The first three shots do sound distinctively lower in tone and occur at a slower pace. They also have no echo.

Nine shots are shown in this part of the analysis but a closer look at the second cluster labels that as having 6 shots, making ten shots in all.

If it was the first shot that nicked Trump, then feasibly it could have been staged to occur at the moment he says “…and now if you want to see something really sad….” and then the shot fires and chaos follows. The rest of the shots would have been after he was already under the pile of guards, possibly doing a faked injury to the ear while in the pile up. See the previous post: Where was the bloody palm in all the video footage? How did it show up only in a still photo?
If anyone knows who this woman with the TikTok video is, Chris Martensen would like to do an audio analysis of her original video footage. She edited it, clipped sections, to make her TikTok video. *I added the red arrow to show the puff of ‘smoke’ that was the bullet hitting the railing and vaporizing.

That man was wounded, has a bright flag patterned shirt that ripped. This injury was in the opposite bleachers from the other people injured and the death of Corey C. they were closer to the rooftop shooter. This injury was farther away from the rooftop location. The podium was in between.
The man was standing at the top of the bleachers, so he was higher in elevation than Trump was. This is significant because it suggests that the first shot, with the deeper tone, slower rate of firing was not from an elevated rooftop position.
For the first shot to nick Trump’s ear at a lower elevation and then injure a man standing at the top of the bleachers, it likely needed to be from the ground, from inside of the building which Cheatle claimed to be occupied by local police but the Butler police said that was not them. They were assigned to handle traffic duty only.
Given that scenario, I would wonder if the angles even work for that, might a bullet have gone safely over Trump to hit the stands farther away? Are we being lied to about Trump having a near miss at all?

Are we also being lied to about the rooftop countersniper firing back? He was told to not take out the rooftop sniper before shots were fired but then fired once shots started. I would have thought his return fire would have been the mismatched shots in the 1-6 cluster except Chris said all of those were heading towards Trump, rather than being a back-and-forth exchange of fire. Why did that cluster of shots end prior to the ninth shot? It had seemed that counter fire stopped his shooting and the ninth shot was something different - being no longer needed for the rooftop as that shooting had already stopped.
It is hard to ‘know’ anything though.
The echos tell a story. There was a taller roof farther back from the rooftop shooter and it led to echos on one video from a cellphone carrying person.

The first cluster of three shots had no echo. The second cluster of shots had echos on shot 1, 2, 3, and 5 but not on 4 and he isn’t sure what to think about shot #6. In chronological numbering, first cluster is 1, 2 and 3 and second cluster is 4 and 5 as numbered in the above screenshot, but as 1 and 2 of the second cluster in the image below. After a longer pause a tenth shot is heard which Chris considers as the countersniper shot taken from the rooftop near the podium (against orders per a 4chan post alleged to be the guy on the roof - he did share his name and posted later that he had been fired for disobeying orders. The rooftop shooter was reported to have been shot again by police who went up on the roof to check - executed rather than taken alive only makes sense if you don’t want any counternarrative confession.

There were at least two distinctly different weapons being fired
First three shots were further away than the weapon(s) that fired the next 5-7 shots.
Sonic cracks tell us that they were also fired at Trump’s & audience’s direction (and weren’t taking out Crooks, eg)
This means that the “lone shooter” story is 100% false.
I can’t be the only guy who’s done this analysis.”
Chris Martenson, PhD, (

Disclaimer: This information is being provided for educational purposes within the guidelines of Fair Use and is not intended to provide individual health care guidance, although trusting the US Secret Service with your life seems like a bad idea.
Off-topic, but I just wonder how long we will have the luxury of substack...
"Enshittification is a pattern where online services and products experience a decline in quality over time. It is observed as platforms transition through several stages: initially offering high-quality services to attract users, then shifting to favor business customers to increase profitability, and finally focusing on maximizing profits for shareholders at the expense of both users and business customers. This process results in a significant deterioration of the user experience. A variety of platforms have been described as examples of this, including Airbnb, Amazon, Facebook, Google Search, Twitter, Netflix, Bandcamp, YouTube, Reddit, Uber, and Unity.
The neologism "enshittification" was coined by writer Cory Doctorow in November 2022 to describe this phenomenon. The American Dialect Society recognized the term's relevance and impact by selecting it as its 2023 Word of the Year. Doctorow has also referred to this concept as platform decay, emphasizing the inevitable decline in service quality due to these profit-driven changes.
According to Cory Doctorow:
Here is how platforms die: first, they are good to their users; then they abuse their users to make things better for their business customers; finally, they abuse those business customers to claw back all the value for themselves. Then, they die. I call this enshittification, and it is a seemingly inevitable consequence arising from the combination of the ease of changing how a platform allocates value, combined with the nature of a "two sided market", where a platform sits between buyers and sellers, hold each hostage to the other, raking off an ever-larger share of the value that passes between them.
AND maybe to his own point, who knows? Why is Malone's url malone.,news, and not substack anywhere in it ... hmmmmm
On the bloody hand issue - I watched Martenson's first video on this last night. He had four interviews of witnesses that were in the bleachers. One of them said she knew Trump had been hit when she saw his bloody palm. This was before he got back up.