Atrazine, feminizing pesticide, Peter Dalglish and UN/WHO creeps may be grooming school children in bulk.
Various links in addition to atrazine info, and endocrine disrupting chemical that can cause feminization of 20% of DNA males in an animal population at low concentrations. (Langlois, et al., 2010)
Atrazine was brought up in an interview by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., as potentially a cause for some increase in sexual dysphoria. Trans women who are DNA male may have had atrazine in their early development. See: Common Herbicide Could Be Causing Sexual Dysphoria: Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., by Christy Prais, June 16, 2023, (
What we all do need to accept is that environmental toxins are likely involved in the greatly increased rate of sexual differences of varied types. We are also seeing physical deformities and sexual behavior differences in the wild animal populations.
We do need to accept children for who they turn out to be, rather than trying to ‘make’ them fit into a traditional binary mold as our modern world is no longer traditional. Differences are much more common and will continue to increase until we stop making the endocrine disrupting chemicals and probably will continue for a long while anyway because of what is already present in the environment. Some chemicals break down quickly, others can last centuries.
Atrazine: “Atrazine is a herbicide and inhibits the photosynthesis in the target plants. It is water-soluble and can be transported in dissolved form [2]. It has been detected consistently in water bodies [3]. It is quite susceptible to leaching and/or runoff. Atrazine has also been reported in precipitation, so it can lead to contamination of pristine water resources. Approximately 1 to 6% of the applied herbicides is released to the aquatic environment. Aged and persistent herbicides can become recalcitrant due to increased sorption and decreased bioavailability over time [4].
This does enter the environment under normal use through run off, from manufacture, formulation, transport, and disposal. Persistence of atrazine in the soil is critical and has been shown to vary from 8 days to up to 60 days [5].
Due to its endocrine disruptor effects, possible carcinogenic effect, and epidemiological connection to low sperm levels in men, it is recommended to be banned in the US. Exposure to atrazine can be harmful and in extreme cases, can cause health problems [6].
Atrazine has been classified as moderately toxic by USEPA [7]. The United Nations Committee of Experts on Transportation of Dangerous Goods classifies atrazine in Hazard Class 6.1: poisonous substances; and Packing Group III: substance presenting a relatively low risk of poisoning in transport. Lifetime exposure of atrazine above the MCL (maximum contaminant level) of 3 ppb can cause certain types of cancer. Its exposure can affect human tissues such as nerve, muscle, heart and liver.
Atrazine is a potential info-disruptor in vertebrates [8]. It is highly mobile in both terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. It is resistant to degradation, with a reported half-life of 95-350 days [9] and is found 10 to 20 times more often in water quality monitoring studies than the second most detected pesticide. Atrazine degrades slowly (1-2 years) once in the water column [10]. Atrazine has been shown to interfere with olfactory-related physiological processes in many species [11].” (Pathak, R.K., Dikshit, A.K., 2011)
Political alphabet soup - why are we talking about pronouns and acronyms instead of endocrine disruptors that are causing sexual changes physically and mentally?
*While we humans are talking about gender ‘choices’, we are not talking about the physical differences being seen. Micropenis size is becoming more common and a shorter distance in the perianal region.
Atrazine caused a 20% increase in the number of animals with feminized behavior in the following study. Historically gender dysphoria did occur, but at a much rarer, 1% or less rate, among people born as DNA males.
“In our experiments, ATZ exposures led to a female-biased sex ratio, as the nominal 1.8 μg/L ATZ treatment produced 20% more female phenotype animals…” (Langlois, et al., 2010)
Can a Boring Old ‘G’ Still Hang with the LBTQIAs? Twenty years ago, I was a rare gay teen at Pride. Now, I’m not even sure I count as queer., By Ben Kawaller, June 24, 2023, The Free Press, (
*The quotes are not in contextual order; I have rearranged the selections.
“If the gay activism I grew up with was about securing equal rights, LGBTQ+ activism looks more like a cultural project aimed at reforming our ideas about gender and sexuality. It also doesn’t seem to be able to help itself from looking absurd: according to Google, we’re now a community that can be described as LGBTQQIP2SAA. Hell, that makes me want to cancel gay marriage.” […]
“For instance, GLSEN—once the Gay, Lesbian & Straight Education Network, now just a thing called GLSEN—proclaims that “Everyone gets to decide their gender identity for themselves and this designation can also change over time.” Can anyone imagine such a thing being said about sexual orientation? It must also come as a surprise to people with gender dysphoria that their internal sense of gender is a choice.” […]
“Walking around Pride, I wondered if these new letters are a reflection of immutable characteristics—remember born this way?—or rather, a new way of categorizing oneself based on aesthetics—a kind of performance.
Whereas I don’t think of homosexuality as a performance. Sure, it’s a showstopper when I practice it, but it has nothing to do with my hair color or my clothes.”
By Ben Kawaller, June 24, 2023, The Free Press, (
Sexuality is about health and works in the dark, often best. Instinctually, it is natural to seek privacy for private moments when attention is not on scanning the environment for danger. Expecting people to abandon the natural ‘shame’ inclination to keep intimate affection private is going against our innate biology. Many species will isolate themselves during defecation or mating. It is also common among many species to defecate off trail, in specific locations, and/or to bury the feces - more sanitary and it may be safer from other predators to not leave as clear a trail.
The issue is politics or a hidden agenda by an international group with a lot of money and power - the World Health Organization, United Nations, other groups - seem to be working towards normalizing pedophilia and increasing rates of young people accepting transgender as better than homosexuality or traditional heterosexuality.
‘Trans’ and ‘cis’ are descriptors, adjectives from Latin, used in chemistry and elsewhere to describe things that are either on the same side as one another - cis, or on opposite sides of one another - trans. I will always first and foremost think of the chemical usage of the descriptors as that is how I learned the meanings. The trans movement considers DNA sex and chosen gender as being on opposite sides for a trans women or trans man - a mismatch - opposite sides of a binary. ‘Cis’ and ‘cisgender’, as explained in the linked article below, are being used to refer to the bulk of people who are still considering themselves simply as men and women with DNA sex and gender behavior patterns that match, that are on the same side of the binary of female ←> male.
The article makes it seem very sad and backward that Twitter has declared ‘cis’ and ‘cisgender’ to be considered slurs … and that repeated harassment of someone using the terms could lead to a Twitter timeout or suspension. Don’t get your panties in a twist - the KEY POINT there is “repeated harassment” - a simple use of the phrase once in context would be highly unlikely to be considered a ‘harassing slur’ and used for a Twitter suspension in the way that CoV terms like ‘shedding’ could lead to a suspension for one use.
The specific Tweets involved were discussing repeated harassment and someone who was being mocked with ‘cissy’ or other variations of ‘cis’ after saying he didn’t like the label for himself. When other people have decided to categorize you as a made-up new word that you don’t prefer - is that their right? Is it your right to label them whatever new word you want to call them?
In free speech it is their right to say what they want, but it isn’t really their right to force you to agree with them and to also use the new word to refer to yourself. People have lied about me and labeled me pretty nasty words but I don’t have to agree with them or consider myself by their designated labels. It is psychologically difficult to handle such bigotry though. We have strong urges to want to fit in and be liked by the group. I have had to accept that people are different and why would I want to associate with anyone who can be so bigoted anyway?
What I learned about misogyny is that women are really a huge part of shaming other women and supporting patriarchy. Some women are unmentionable and deserve whatever harm comes to them because they are sexual and other nice women who make it clear they are sexual only for one man are protected and get to maybe be heard. When some women are considered to be disposable things that can be harmed or killed at will, then a sensible woman would see that in the dark, someone might not realize that she is one of the ‘nice’ women who are supposed to be protected rather than trafficked/raped/killed. In the dark - will they know, or will they care that she is a ‘pillar of her community’ with a ‘good reputation’ and therefore supposed to be protected? Or will they just see an object with holes that can be used and reused? Be careful how you treat other people because, note that you are a person too.
*It is part of gendered behavior patterns for males to honor each other’s women as untouchable, while unclaimed women are fair game - asleep in a park homeless? fill up that hole, why not? - drunk at a party? fill up that hole, why not? because that is rape and rape is wrong - however, it is also very instinctual. Males with their very numerous sperm have an instinct to spread it as far as possible, have as many babies with as many women as possible - that is gender pattern behavior. Females spend a lot of energy on one egg each month that she is not pregnant, and then ten months plus lactation for each pregnancy (that is viable) and her gender behavior instincts will lean towards being very cautious about who she is intimate with.
‘Bigotry’ - any type of discrimination or prejudice against someone based on their personal attributes such as sex, gender, age, race, country of national origin, level of ability/disability, or religion.
(*Protected categories within the US equal opportunity programming system, although gender was not originally included. I think it is now).
The article below makes it sound like ‘cisgender’ has always been in use to describe people who have their DNA sex and mental gender behavior patterns in alignment - matching as either female or male. It hasn’t, only been in use for a couple decades or so for gender/sex categories. “Cis” has been a very long-term concept used in chemistry though. ‘Cis’ and ‘trans’ are descriptors, adjectives, and it makes sense to use them as a prefix for the concept of a match/mismatch between sex and gender at birth or later - it works.
Happy Pride: 'Cisgender' Is Apparently A Slur On Twitter Now, And It's Cementing The App As Unsafe, Story by Carolyn Osorio, June 23, 2023, (
The people with money and power seem to be promoting pedophilia acceptance and grooming school children to be receptive and compliant - seeming consensual if they are being encouraged to enjoy lusty feelings in school and with people of mixed ages and sex type. That may sound unreal, but it is happening in some places based on curriculum guidance prepared by the World Health Organization. The United Nations is also involved. A Twitter Thread goes into a lot of detail about the changes occurring in school education about sex.
Literally encouraging children to have sex with each other is part of the goal, allegedly to reduce shame around sex. (Wyatt on Twitter) Are STD education and condoms also going to be available? Making abortion more available and turning sex into a thing about lust are goals of dictator takeover - reduce the power of parents to raise and educate their own children as a team.
A video (click through to the Tweet) showed a woman talking to a young girl about her clitoris - a fun place to touch as it feels good to touch it. Not being ashamed of sexuality is a good thing, but encouraging sexual activity early may just lead to a lot of sex addicts who have difficulty emotionally connecting with anyone as an adult, and addiction tends to lead to escalating needs for more extreme stimulation. This also takes up class time that could be spent on reading, writing and arithmetic. The Competency article (this post) mentioned that military preparedness was dropping and that officers said that part of the reason is likely so much time is now spent on Diversity training that the military skills weren’t being drilled as much. Response to those complaints was to increase focus on the diversity programs, not reduce the time. Aside/ when it seems like your military is being sabotaged from within, it might be a good idea to try to stop that.
Wyatt, @austerrewyatt1, Jun 18
“55) The main entities pushing this pedophilia agenda worldwide are the World Health Organization and the United Nations. We must however remember that these are not governmental, but private organizations, owned by financial elites.”
51) The pedophile practices of high ranking officials from the WHO and UN is usually carefully covered up, but once in a while one of them gets caught. This happened to Peter Dalglish, a senior official who held high positions within the United Nations, UNICEF and the 52) World Health Organization for over 30 years, and was founder of Street Kids International. He was awarded the Order of Canada for his outstanding humanitarian work. In 2015 he was the UN's 'country representative' in Kabul.” (Wyatt on Twitter)
53) In 2018 Dalglish was caught redhanded, while abusing two underaged boys in Nepal, and was sentenced to nine years in prison. Dalglish lured children away from their parents with offers to educate them, take them abroad and provide them with jobs.
54) Detectives say he abused children over a period of 15 years, while he was a senior official at the UN and WHO. (Wyatt on Twitter)
It is not okay to stick your male appendage in children. Boys may be at greater risk from the Luciferian/Baphomet followers as there seems to be a belief that violating a boy’s anus helps the man to reach Baphomet or something. It hurts the child and may leave them with gender confusion and bisexual interests as normal sexual development didn’t occur. So it certainly seems evil and Satanic. Yet boy/man relationships are frequently defended by male adults who had been abused as a child. For a male person anal sex can feel good on the prostate as it is similar to what a woman might feel from having her G spot rubbed. The G spot is thought to be the Skene’s gland and is equivalent roughly to the prostate, yet some females seem to not have one. Not much is known about it. Point: That Mother nature put pleasure buttons about 1 inch inside of an opening on both females and males, suggests that using those openings in that way might be expected - normal - natural - to some extent.
… But it is not really a good idea for long term use in males as it is a delicate structure with a double door system that does break eventually with the unintended use (become dysfunctional in some way at holding in excrement and releasing gas separately from BMs). And it is really not a good idea for long term use in females as the anatomy is more delicate internally and it can be common for fistulas/openings to form between the rectum and vagina causing anal leakage from the vagina. Anal leakage from the rectum can be common in males or females who allow anal sex regularly. Tweets by people who seemed part of the community suggest that it can occur as quickly as five to ten years after starting anal sex. For children and teens to be encouraged to try it, to try everything, “it feels nice” - is also encouraging lust behavior which is likely to lead to addictive behavior. Or they may get freaked out and end up sexually inhibited and less likely to have a great relationship as an adult.
Do we want our schools to encourage literal sexual interaction between students in group classroom settings? I don’t. (Wyatt on Twitter)
In the 70s or 80s we heard talk of parties for woman to get more familiar with their parts in a group setting with mirrors - look and see. Self acceptance is a good thing, but we need to remember that this is supposed to happen in the dark - in nature - so what it looks like should not matter. They look silly, wrinkly, odd, or bulgy and red and odd. Anal bleaching and labia plastic surgery is just insane - in my opinion. How well it functions should matter.
Disclaimer: This information is being shared for educational purposes within the guidelines of Fair Use and is not intended to provide individual health guidance.
Reference List
(Langlois, et al., 2010) Langlois VS, Carew AC, Pauli BD, Wade MG, Cooke GM, Trudeau VL. Low levels of the herbicide atrazine alter sex ratios and reduce metamorphic success in Rana pipiens tadpoles raised in outdoor mesocosms. Environ Health Perspect. 2010 Apr;118(4):552-7. doi: 10.1289/ehp.0901418. PMID: 20368127; PMCID: PMC2854734.
(Pathak, R.K., Dikshit, A.K., 2011) Pathak, R.K., Dikshit, A.K., Atrazine and Human Health, Int J of Ecosystem. 2011; 1(1): 14-23 DOI: 10. 5923/j.ije.20110101.03,
On a side note, my local WM is overflowing with injected watermelons. I cut one open, and was like, “what is up w this watermelon?” The next one I bought(slow learner) was also...weird. I did a search, and found that a variety of dangerous chemicals can abound in injected watermelons(some mess up your kidneys or liver, one can even cause blindness). There are several easy ways to check if your watermelon is injected or not. If you’re a summer watermelon fan, please test before you taste!
Very interesting article. There's definitely something happening, whether through toxins, indoctrination or grooming.