New coloring page:
I don’t know if anyone noticed that I modified this post:
I had shared a Direct Message, and I removed that part, however, the conversation continued. Odd times. Grok seems to have tried to pretend to be a human but still sounds a lot like Grok.
I gathered together sections from two way-too-long posts that were on the topic of ADHD being causally linked to alcohol use in a father-to-be during the 74 days it takes for a male to grow a sperm.
ADHD, FAS, and alcohol use in parents, pre-conception.
FAS effects, likely diagnosed as ADHD, can be caused by the alcohol use habits of a Father-to-be prior to the fetal conception.
Alcohol use by a father-to-be in the ~ 74 days prior to conception of a baby, may cause ADHD or other changes in the fetus that are related to FAS but not as severe as when the pregnant woman is drinking too much alcohol.
The No-more-than guidance for a pregnant woman is zero alcohol prenatally ideally, but one serving per week use is likely not going to cause FAS– unless also zinc deficient possible. One serving once at a special celebration will likely not harm a fetus. One serving is one shot of hard liquor, one 6 oz wine glass, one beer - not one Long Island Ice Tea (mixed drink with 4-5 shots of liquor) – and a petite woman would be more effected by a single serving than a taller woman – use common sense is the best strategy and try not to worry too much. Stress isn’t good for mom or baby either.
Alcohol use at least weekly by the fathers-to-be prior to conception, as surveyed by their pregnant wives, was associated with more behavior and health symptoms in the children later in life, screened at periodic times during preschool ages. In previous animal research more excessive alcohol exposure for the males did lead to ADHD like and other symptoms in their offspring. (38)
“Spermatogenesis is estimated to take approximately 74 days, which is considered to be a process susceptible to exogenous disturbance 4, 5. The preconceptional period is thus increasingly recognized as a highly sensitive window 6. Evidence from animal studies has also shown that preconceptional paternal alcohol consumption can induce genetic and epigenetic alterations in sperm that may increase the risks of adverse neurodevelopment in offspring, including attention deficit hyperactivity disorder-like behaviors, anxiety and depression-like behaviors, and cognitive impairment 7–11. In humans, previous studies about the effects of paternal alcohol consumption on adverse neurodevelopment of the offspring were mainly focused on fathers with alcohol dependence, which indicated the crucial role of genetic transmission in their associations 12, 13.” (38)
Coincidentally … or causally, I also have ADHD and smaller than average temporal lobes. I have had a SPECT brain scan at rest and after 15 minutes doing a concentration exercise. The scan showed a slowdown in electrical activity in the prefrontal cortex and the cerebellum/movement area of the brain after the concentration exercise (watch for a certain letter in a stream of symbols and type a button for the correct one). The scan also showed slightly smaller than average temporal lobes, you take what you get in life and run with it.
Coincidentally … or causally, zinc deficiency worsens FAS, as zinc is needed for the enzyme that breakdowns alcohol (37) and zinc deficiency is associated with schizophrenia. *This is an excerpt from a much longer post with a focus on zinc and also many nutrient deficiencies associated with schizophrenia, 'Rest in Peace Dr. Zelenko'.
Alcohol is where Retinoic Acid enters this post.
Ethanol, a type of alcohol, causes an increase in the enzyme that activates vitamin A or carotenoids to the active Retinoic Acid - and this is occurring in the cerebellum. (14)
“Several characteristics of fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) are similar to the teratogenic effects of retinoic acid (RA) exposure. It has been suggested that FAS may result from ethanol-induced alteration in endogenous RA synthesis, leading to abnormal embryonic concentrations of this morphogen. We examined whether ethanol may interfere with RA synthesis in the postnatal cerebellum, as a region of the developing CNS particularly vulnerable to both ethanol and RA teratogenesis. It was found that astrocytes are the predominant source of postnatal RA synthesis in the cerebellum. They express both retinaldehyde dehydrogenase 1 and 2. In vitro cytosolic preparations of astrocytes, as well as live cell preparations, have an increased capacity to synthesize RA in the presence of ethanol.” (14)
Excess Retinoic acid is being produced by the astrocytes in increased amounts in the presence of ethanol. (14) Astrocytes are supporter brain cells that aid the nerve cells that send signals. (28) The excess Retinoic acid would activate mast cells leading to histamine excess and inflammatory cytokines, and during fetal development also acts as a morphogen, directing the pattern of tissue growth within the fetus’s growing body - and possibly wrong if in excess.
Visible birth defects are possible with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) or excess Retinoic Acid during pregnancy. Low zinc at the same time as alcohol exposure prenatally can cause more severe effects from FAS. Zinc is needed in gene transcription. More severe internal skeletal differences were seen with more alcohol in ratio to zinc deficiency and more visible external birth defects were seen with more severe zinc deficiency and less excess alcohol, in an animal-based study. Resorptions - miscarriage or spontaneous abortion of a fetus in a pregnancy with multiple babies. The fetal body is absorbed as nutrients instead of being expelled, the rest of the litter is still developing normally. (29)
News to me - overactive production of retinoic acid may be a birth difference/defect that occurs during fetal development. It is associated with scoliosis in the infant and asymmetry in the left/right halves or organs of the body, (15) and coincidentally, or causally, both of which I have slightly. Both scoliosis and asymmetry, my left side seems weaker and less coordinated. I always bump into the left side of doorways when in klutzy, overstressed mode.
“These findings suggest that human vertebral birth defects such as scoliosis, an abnormal left–right bending of the vertebral column, may be caused by a defect in RA signaling during somitogenesis [an early stage of fetal development].” (15)
So the potentially causal factor would be excessive alcohol use by the father (possible) in the few days prior to or of the fetal conception - or alcohol use by the mother (unlikely). Well if I have some effects of FAS, it could have been worse, to put a positive spin on it.
ADHD may also be an effect of alcohol increasing retinoic acid levels during prenatal development as FAS can negatively affect the formation of the prefrontal cortex, cerebellum and brainstem, (34), and hippocampus, (35); and we know retinoic acid excess would be a risk to the hippocampus from previous posts. Hypoxia, also part of hyperinflammation, may be a causal factor in the damage from a retinoic acid increase, (more on this later), as it increases Hypoxia Inducible Factor - 1α. (36)
ADHD and FAS are frequently comorbid conditions. ADHD may have more severe impulse control problems and FAS may have more intellectual disability and physical differences in appearance. (37) It is fairly new information that a father’s alcohol use during the few days leading to conception can be a risk factor for FAS in addition to a mother’s use of alcohol throughout pregnancy.
“The most common identifiable cause of intellectual disability is FASD (relative risk 19 fold) [6]. FASD also appears to be the leading cause of ADHD as well. A diagnosis of FASD is associated with increased risk for ADHD (relative risk = 7.6; attributable risk 86.8 %). Conversely, a diagnosis of ADHD predicts increased risk for FASD (relative risk 13.28; attributable risk 92.5 %). Thus, ADHD and FASD represent an intersection of phenotype expression and complexity.” (37)
It is not known why there is a link . . . or why the negative effects of prenatal alcohol exposure seem to worsen as the child grows into later adulthood . . . and it is estimated that the majority cases are undiagnosed or misdiagnosed and largely only addressed during childhood, rather than screening adults too. (37) Sometimes being a human knockout mouse has advantages. I can experiment with a sweet potato chip challenge without having to consult an ethics committee.
FAS & ADHD - Similarities, Differences? Frequently co-diagnoses.
The following excerpt was written by Robert More, an adoptive father of three children with FAS and ADHD, who fortunately also has twenty years of experience as a Special Ed teacher. The article has concrete guidance for positive parenting tactics to help cope with the special needs of a child with learning and behavioral issues.
“We learned that FASD is a permanent brain injury where the connections within the brain are essentially missing. Different impairments arise depending on when and how much alcohol is consumed during the fetus’s brain development. Common challenges associated with FASD can include executive functioning issues, learning disabilities, neuromotor difficulties, and sensory concerns. People impacted by FASD often experience a wide range of physical conditions and mental health challenges, which is why researchers now describe it as a whole-body disorder. A 2016 report from Can FASD lists attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, reactive attachment disorder, oppositional defiant disorder, trauma, stress, addictions, self-harm, and suicide as particular areas of concern.” (1)
ADHD can lead to poor concentration and decision making, poor impulse control problems and reckless behavior or talking, and stress or fatigue make it worse. Trying harder makes the poor concentration worse, less brain electrical activity occurs instead of more. Physically klutzy may also be a problem. Cerebellum damage during childhood can have lasting effects on coordination and is seen in ADHD, autism and dyslexia, and likely other congenital disorders. (61)
FAS may have more obvious physical differences and also have decision making or other learning disabilities. Neuromotor difficulties might mean poor coordination for catching or throwing a ball or writing with neat penmanship or being able to chop vegetables without chopping fingertips too. The Standing on One Leg test would involve “balance, coordination, agility, gait, and proprioception,” (3), and is included in example exercises for improving neuromotor skill. (Neuromotor Exercise Training) (3)
Proprioception is the ability to sense where your body is in relation to the world around you and involves the vestibular system of the inner ear. The vestibular system is more specific to the position of your head in relation to the world. Vision is also involved in balance. We are more likely to stumble or bump into things in a familiar location when it is dark - even though we know the arrangement of the furnishings.
People can have proprioception difficulties without also having vestibular dysfunction, and autism is a possible condition. Propioception requires “healthy functioning of the dorsal columns of the spinal cord. [1]” (4) Some people might have had a birth malformation of the spinal cord affecting their ability to balance on one leg.
Other problems that are frequent concerns with FAS would also make parenting or self-care as an independent adult difficult: “reactive attachment disorder, oppositional defiant disorder, trauma, stress, addictions, self-harm, and suicide.” (1)
Reactive attachment disorder can occur when an infant or toddler isn’t receiving interactive nurturing care but can also occur in infants who don’t interact and bond with their caregiver.
Oppositional defiant disorder is used to describe individuals who can not take direction well, even if it is beneficial for them, an order will be defied - the opposite action may be done. Parenting may end needing to rephrase things so the oppositional defiant person can make their own choices. Suggest a choice - red shirt or green shirt today? There is a choice to be made - control of the situation for the child or adult (but a shirt will be put on hopefully).
Trauma and stress can be more of a problem for anyone who has metabolic gene differences that affect detoxification or production of antioxidants or other enzymes that are needed for energy production, growth or repair. Methylation differences would be an issue as methyl donors help protect our genes and are needed for the breakdown of formaldehyde or homocysteine.
Addictions are tricky because they may indicate the person has a metabolic need for something and they are self-medicating with a substitute. Cannabinoid deficiencies may lead to binge overeating, alcoholism, opiate addictions, and possibly nicotine abuse, in addition to use of marijuana. However, cocaine addictions do not seem to involve the endocannabinoid system. If a person does have a genetic need for an external source of cannabinoids - then it would be genetic discrimination to withhold the best source. Cardamom, pomegranate seeds, and some other membrane rich seeds or plants do provide a little cannabinoids or phospholipids to our diet, but not enough if a person can’t make them normally.
Self harm and suicidal urges may have to do with secondary hyperparathyroidism which can be caused by chronically low calcium or vitamin D. The problem of eye gouging urges and low calcium has been noted in the autism community. Eye gouging can also be a symptom of secondary hyperparathyroidism - and the treatment is to provide adequate calcium supplementation or foods for life, and/or vitamin D which may mean correcting low magnesium levels too. Calcium and potassium levels may be kept abnormally low by the body when magnesium is deficient.
Suicidal urges can also be related to histamine and/or Retinoic acid excess. Retinoic acid excess may be a factor in FAS and also ADHD, if that condition is related to FAS prenatally, but is a less severe presentation of the prenatal complication. Suicide rate among teens, adolescents and grade school children has been increasing. Young black males with family strife and ADHD are more common risk factors among the increase. (94) Organophosphate pesticide exposure can also increase risk of suicide, seen in rural areas compared to urban. (95)
Medications (psychiatric and others) or withdrawal from meds can cause odd physical symptoms (Extrapyramidal Symptoms, EPS, 2) and/or suicidal urges. The problem is known as akathisia among sufferers and the cause or effective treatment is not really known. Medications may be changed, reduced, and others added. (2)
“The flat facial expression, psychomotor slowing, and low energy level in akathisia may mimic the negative symptoms of schizophrenia. In addition, restlessness in akathisia may also appear similar to anxiety and psychotic agitation. [41]” (2)
Physically restless legs may jiggle endlessly, visibly, but that may be an outer representation of thought processes that are also endlessly repeating in anxious, shaming, devaluing, or other negative self-talk. When the histamine hyperexcitability gets severe the repetitive cycle of thought becomes so fast that memory formation is patchy (personal experience of histamine hyperexcitability - mood meltdowns is my name for it). A diagnosis of schizophrenia may be given instead of histamine excess and a modified diet.
Disclaimer: This information is being provided for educational purposes within the guidelines of Fair Use and is not intended to provide individual health care guidance.